
Such is my many re-dos does one person get? I know for a fact that I have in fact more than nine lives, I have tried to take my life way more times than that and it didn't work Thank God! Right now I am speaking of a re-do on my has been terrible and I haven't been logging it. I am taking back control of my life in this area....I mean if I can stop impulsive overdosing I can stop impulsive eating right? You can't lock up the food like you do the pills...I want to say this is it, this is the last re-do but I don't feel it in my is comforting me through the year anniversary of my divorce, through the break up and nonsense of rebound guy, through feeling sorry for myself, through my broken leg.....but I want that to be over. I want the power back...


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You'll get it back! And you will find comfort in other things than food. I've been through nearly everything you had listed (just change divorce to really bad boyfriend breakup before I met my husband) and then we'd be even. You just have to change your mindset and keep telling yourself that you are worth it. Write down positive affirmations and read them to yourself everyday. Remember that you are in control of food, food does not control you! And also remember that getting in shape and exercising will comfort you MORE than food as you start feeling better and seeing results, because eating too much will make you feel bad anyway. You can do it!