working at mcdonalds



  • GnomeLover1984
    Bring your own food, or leave on your lunch break. Maybe pack a lunch and eat in your car if you have one. I know when I worked at BK it was pretty tempting with those fries.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I suggest to learn proper grammer.

    "Grammer" :laugh:
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    I suggest to learn proper grammer.

    People who focus on grammar are the ones who aren't the brightest bulb in the tree.

    People who don't read or write proper English are ignorant. It's a sign of laziness.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I work at Wendy's and was worried about the same thing when I got hired back in November. With the staff discount sometimes its just way smarter to buy lunch than bring one with me.
    I plan in the morning before work what I am going to have, and enter into mfp so I know many calories it's going to cost me. I usually stick to the grilled salads and try and only use about a half packet of dressing. If I don't feel like salad, a nugget meal with fries and either diet coke or water is reasonable. Kids meals can also be reasonable. If it's a short shift and I want a treat, ice cream isnt too bad, and tends to have less sodium than the actual food.
    I eat food from work most days, and have been doing fine :) Just figure out what works for your goals!

    This is good advice, knowledge is power.
  • Triciasal19
    Triciasal19 Posts: 13 Member
    McDonalds doesn't make you fat, going over your calories does.

    What he said. I worked at Taco Bell for over 2 years and never gained extra weight while working. It is easy to stay under your calorie limit while working fast food plus you are always cleaning or cooking so you move A LOT!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    You are stronger than the allure of such junk, fast food. Know it.
  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    You are on the right track. Just eat the healthy stuff and watch the nutritional value of the stuff you eat there! With any luck, the place will be packed and you will not have time to really eat. If anything, the first week or two in the job, we tend to lose 10 lbs from the added exercise, the stress of trying to get trained, and not eating much. Stay strong!
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    i was reading everyone suggestions thank you everyone yes salads are good
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    make your own salad out of the green bits and tomatoes there and drink water

    you'll do well, i think. i worked at popeyes chicken and that was the lightest i've ever been. i ate the stuff there too, but i mixed and matched things that weren't menu items for my own meals

    i wonder if that is allowed at all places.

    (popeyes red beans and rice omg so tasty)
  • rstoolmaker
    rstoolmaker Posts: 5 Member
    i work at taco bell as well, i have for about 7 and half years. i was in high school when i started and i was tiny and had a fast metabolism, but now i've gained so much weight and i know that it's partially because of where i work. i've tried to stick to only fresco items but that's hard, it gets so stressful and i LOVE taco bell our store is really clean and organized so the food doesn't gross me out at all and some days it gets so stressful that i want to drown my frustrations in nacho cheese. do you have any tips for not over-indulging? cause i could use some :)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Don't fret, I am sure yo won't be eating it that much. Everyone I have ever known who has worked at a fast tood joint quickly loses any desire to eat the food. You'll be fine
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I did Atkins while I was the manager of a McD's and lost a sh!tload of weight, lol.
    I ate the meat/sausage patties, cheese, mayo........ all the yummy stuff, but if I'd let a bun or a few fries slip through I wouldn't have had the same results.
    Like others have already said - just go for the salads, but believe me it's going to take a massive amount of will-power to resist the rest. It's so yum when freshly cooked unfortunately.
    Good luck!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Oh, and I NEVER got sick of the food, neither did/has anyone else I've known who worked there. Bummer huh.
  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    I've worked at Burger King since I was 15 (I'm 20 now). I still LOVE the food. I am a vegetarian so I don't eat the meat, though, which really helps with the calories. Also avoid the mayo at all costs! It is almost completely made of fat - worse than regular mayo!
    For my typical lunch break I will usually get things like a salad, a whopper jr with no meat/mayo, french fries (the value size), apple slices, during breakfast I like to order an english muffin with jelly. The nice thing about working there is that I can be as picky as I want and the workers are my friends so I know they will make my food perfectly!
    Just make sure you are doing your best to eat the healthy options, and work out a little extra if you have to burn off those french fries!
    My boyfriend started working at BK a year ago and he actually lost weight because he was used to sitting around all day, and at BK we always have to be moving our bodies and on our feet for 8hrs at a time!
  • Maridonna
    Maridonna Posts: 10 Member
    Hey dear sorry to break the news... I would NOT recommend working at McDonalds...regardless of getting sick of seeing fries and fried onion rings, etc.... I think it is an oxymoron! Believing in health and fitness and selling milkshakes and foods saturated with fat to the society... It goes against my morals....

    I would feel awful too if I worked in a cigarette store..Just don't do it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey dear sorry to break the news... I would NOT recommend working at McDonalds...regardless of getting sick of seeing fries and fried onion rings, etc.... I think it is an oxymoron! Believing in health and fitness and selling milkshakes and foods saturated with fat to the society... It goes against my morals....

    I would feel awful too if I worked in a cigarette store..Just don't do it.

    As stated above, McDonald's doesn't make you sick or fat, eating more food than you are intended to does. I worked for them for a short while after my mother passed away. I was seeking a new career path in order to stay home with my 3 children. Mom watched them and I couldn't bare for anyone else to raise my kids.

    I have never worked so hard in my life! I learned more about how the back and front of a restaraunt works than anywhere else I have worked since. The place was imaculate, ordering was way before it's time, and they hired both young and old. As well as handi-abled people who otherwise would never have a chance. (one went on to own his own place)

    Work ethic is taught "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean" is regularly used. Everyone has a chance to move up the chain of command.

    All of us do not have the same choices in life. Sometimes starting at McDonalds is our best or only choice. It is NOT a bad choice. I know quite a few people who started at 14 or 15 there that how are district managers, or moved on to go to college on scolarships.

    As for me, it taught me I didn't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life! It was the hardest job I have ever worked!!!

    As for the OP. I find if I bring my lunch, no matter where I work, it is better for my diet. I have control over what I eat. Or you can bring the toppings for a side salad. When I was young, and after having my 1st son, I lost the most weight working for Pizza Hut. could NOT look at a pizza after the first month :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OH and congratulations on your new job and the fact you are thinking AHEAD as to how you will keep your healthy eating going! WOOT!!!:drinker:
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    mcdonalds will not make you make you fat with the help of your arm..........don't eat it.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I worked at McDonald's for 3 years back in my teens. I didn't have any problems. As others have already said, pack your own lunch and take a walk during your breaks. You don't have to eat there just because you work there, but there are some pretty reasonable options if you do need to grab something to eat from time to time.