Natural/OTC forms of antidepressants

LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
Hey everyone,

This is completely un-weightloss related, and it's actually for my boyfriend not for myself. But my boyfriend finally found the courage and insight to admit to himself and to me something I've suspected for quite a while; he has a mild case of depression. Currently he's not in a place where he feels ready to talk to a professional, plus his insurance is really not great, so I've been looking up natural/over the counter vitamins or supplements, etc. that have proven to help with mild depression. I thought maybe a few of you out there might have some insight or experience with this and could offer some advice.

A little background on him. He's 27 years old, grew up in a broken family; very close with his dad, but mom abandoned them, along with his little brother with my boyfriend was 5 and then came back 15 years later looking to redevelop a relationship with the her sons. He has never been able to forgive her or see past that, although he makes the effort to spend time with her every few weeks (more out of courtesy than actual desire to do so -- he's way too nice sometimes and doesn't know when or how to stand up for himself). After a few years of working as a plumber's assistant in his late teens, he began working at a big company hardware store and is now, after close to 7 years, a plumbing specialist. He makes a decent living for himself but could do better. He also feels like he can't do any better because he never finished his college degree. He is absolutely miserable, comes home every day feeling defeated and like people, as a whole, are no good. Even when we're out having a great time, he's always exhausted and I can tell life is weighing on him. He just doesn't get the joy out of life that he should. He has a pretty comfortable life, and has so much to be thankful for and to enjoy, but he's always just too tired to really enjoy it.

Anyway, I think that's good enough. Hopefully some of you have some good incite for me. Thanks so much in advance and sorry for the long winded life story.


  • musicalboats
    You can Google search natural depressant remedies. I use something called 5-HTP that I got at Costco. I feel like it is working. I also am taking a multi-vitamin, magnesium, vitamin D, and calcium when I remember... So much of it is also a mindset, and this helps take the edge off so I can have a better mindset.

    This is one website I found that lists some of the natural remedies and tells more information about them:

    Keep in mind that a lot of this is sometimes debatable, and can be hard to prove how effective it really is. But, in my mind, it can also be less harmful. If he has a doctor it would probably be best to get a go ahead to start using it.

    Best wishes to you both.
  • tarayatesgosse
    I was also going to say 5-HTP. You can also get a small jar at walmart or whole foods. There are others but a lot of them have bad side effects so read up on them.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    Exercise, sufficient sleep and a healthy varied diet low in sugar, and low in alcohol and caffeine will do wonders.

    Especially the exercise, sufficient sleep, and limited alcohol parts.

    Emphasis on the exercise.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    My mother has always been fond of telling me to ensure I eat enough vitamin B when she thinks I seem depressed:

    Good luck.
  • rgrrgr
    rgrrgr Posts: 3
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    5htp or niacin, please do some actual research though. Myers cocktails once/week for at least a month would be a good start too.
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you all so much for your input!!! I will definitely be looking into those you all mentioned. I had never even heard of the 5htp so I will definitely have to do some research. He does tend to have some adverse reactions to things once in a while. The worst is iodine, and it means he can't take multivitamins, which would really help I'm sure... Anyway, cmriverside - every single one of those things you listed are things I am trying to get him to do... He's one of those naturally skinny guys who eats whatever he wants, because he figures if it's not making him fat, it's not effecting his health. WRONG!!! And we're starting to work on that sleep and exercise part.

    Thank you all again. It really means a lot, and you've all been super helpful!
  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    Definitely look into vitamin D3. Mega-doses (like 10,000 iu/day) have been shown to positively impact depression. IANAD, of course, so research before starting it.

    Also, exercise. Unfortunately, the great irony of depression is that it makes it very difficult to engage in that number one "cure".
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    You might also look into melatonin. A lot of people use it to help them sleep, but it's also a natural remedy for mild depression. Not sleeping well for several nights in a row is usually one of the first signs of a depressive episode for me. A good night's sleep can make all the difference for me.
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member

    Witeowl, I've been looking into D3. I think it has some other good benefits as well.

    icimani, he's actually the opposite. He sleeps way too much. When he doesn't have anywhere to be, he usually sleeps between 10 and 13 hours. If he gets any less than 9 he's undersatisfied and extra tired, and if he gets less than 7 sometimes it seems like he has a hard time functioning fully. I know we're all supposed to aim for 8ish hours a night, but I feel like most people (younger people at least), if they get at least 5 or 6 they can manage through the day without too many issues.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Based on the sleep issues im going to guess his diet is pretty rough?

    Good diet, exercise, D3, and SUNLIGHT can work wonders. Also check out a supplement called phosphatidylserine - it helps with stress, among other things.
  • AvantGardener
    AvantGardener Posts: 9 Member
    Of course, among 'herbal remedies' that do seem to show an actual clinical effect (it's prescribed for mild depression in Germany), St. John's Wort is easily the most popular natural/OTC way of treating depression. I've never used it personally, but I know that many have good experiences with it--just make sure you read about possible drug interactions.'s_wort#Depression_treatment_use

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I have a REM issue, so I totally know how the sleep thing can be. Basically, I just plain don't get sufficient REM without loading up on creepy drugs that make me feel even worse the next day. Right now I'm taking a muscle relaxer to sleep and it helps a lot, but I'm definitely not going to recommend anything because I have other chronic physical issues that lead my doctor to prescribe that as my sleep aid. Anyway, is he able to have a sleep study done to see what's up?

    As for the depression, EXERCISE and sunshine! I also take D3 because I have had a severe deficiency in the past. The doctor can do quick blood work to see if there is a deficiency and if he needs to take some huge doses for like a week to get levels up before just going on an OTC version. I mean, just taking it without the blood work is fine, but if the levels are low enough that might not help without the big doses first.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I can not believe no one has mentioned St. John's Wort! (check as this interacts with certain medications - especially birth control pills)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Exercise! Just getting out for a walk and taking in some natural Vitamin D on a regular basis can help. Also eating right (cut out all the processed garbage. Return to a natural, whole foods diet like paleo/primal). Also make sure he gets his thyroid checked, cuz that can be a huge factor in the whole hormonal imbalance thing!
    Personal experience speaking here :)
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    i have heard things about Vitamin B12 (Niacin) helping with this, also exercise helps release feel good thingies in your body. i'm obviously very scientific on this topic, but i think he should call his physician for advice before trying anything.
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    he usually sleeps between 10 and 13 hours. If he gets any less than 9 he's under satisfied and extra tired, and if he gets less than 7 sometimes it seems like he has a hard time functioning fully.

    This is me! I need 9 to 10 hours of sleep to feel fully rested. Even when not having seasonal depression issues, some of us just need a bit more sleep.

    I can have severe depression in the winter. I found that a daily dose of vitamin E helps tremendously. Your body needs sunlight to make Vitamin E. Since I live in the cold north, and have an indoor job I need the supplement. Fish oil also has some healthy oils that help with depression, along with being active. ST john's wort also can be useful.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    If he gets any less than 9 he's undersatisfied and extra tired, and if he gets less than 7 sometimes it seems like he has a hard time functioning fully.

    Just saw this part, and that's totally me. Sometimes I don't even feel rested after 10-11 hours. Anything less than 7-8 and I can barely function which sucks because I'm a night owl :P
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    I heard that SAM-E is formulated to help depression and stress. You can get it at Costco. If he doesn't get better, he should go to a psychiatrist so he can get on medicine. Good luck!
  • cchamil1985
    cchamil1985 Posts: 74 Member
    Niacin is your best bet. start out with 2000mg per day, if no improvement bump it up to 3000, so on, don't go over 6000 per day though. 2000 should be adequate for mild depression, 3000 is where we usually start for standard cases.

    Niacin is received by the G protein-coupled receptor in the bodies cells. These are the same receptors that dopamine and serotonin couple to, it is believed that depression is caused by an inadequacy of the brain to respond properly to dopamine & serotonin and niacin facilitates the proper response, treatment has been very effective with over the counter supplements.

    Be aware that niacin therapy can cause a dermatological reaction (mild rash or itching) which usually goes away over time.

    St. John's wort is another good choice but it does have stronger side effects because it is has complex chemicals in it instead of just a single active agent.