Very Upset...with Myself... :(

Michelle09 Posts: 50 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just got home from vacation...gained a large amount of weight and am very upset. I have gained all my weight back that I lost last summer. I am right back where I was...once again. I wanted to start trying for a baby this month, but if I get pregnant, the weight gain on top of my current weight would be just be too much. I am very angry at myself for being back here. I swore I wouldn't gain the weight back this time, but I did just like the past 10 years. Now, I have to put off trying to get pregnant. I can't believe I did this again. I worked so hard to lose the weight...funny, much harder to keep it off. HELP! Any words of wisdom?


  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    You can continue to lose weight and try to get pregnant at the same time. It may take time to get pregnant and the longer you wait the longer it can take. It took 6 months for both of my pregnancies. In that time you can lose quite a bit of weight.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    yes that very upsetting. but just remember you CAN work hard and lose the weight again.

    what you CAN'T do is have that holiday again. Good memories will last a lifetime, and we all need more good memories!

    hope you had an amazing holiday and cling to the good times and smiles it bought with it!

    . Sorry I cant give more advice.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Don't diet. Make lifestyle changes. That's probably why you're having a hard time maintaining. You gotta lose weight in a sustainable way. I would've never been able to diet strictly for the last 7.5 months. There's no way I could deprive myself of foods I enjoy for that long. Instead I've changed my lifestyle. I'll never stop doing what I'm doing right now. I'm perfectly happy eating what I eat and exercising the way I do now. So, I know it's something I won't have trouble doing forever.

    Once I lost weight by dieting very strictly. It was oh so tedious and once I hit that first long plateau I gave up & gained all the weight I had lost (40 lbs) and then some (20 more pounds!). This time I've successfully made it through 3 plateaus and I'm still going. It's just all about making sustainable changes.

    On another note, it's really not necessary to gain much weight during pregnancy. A woman of a healthy weight should only gain about 25 pounds! Overweight women should probably only gain 15-20lbs. And you'll immediately lose about 10-15 pounds when you deliver. :wink: Most women gain quite a bit more because they use pregnancy as an excuse to overindulge.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    :noway: I just came back from a week long cruise in Mexico..where i gained 14lbs!!! I'm giving myself a weekish before I 'check-in' to get a true weight gain. Don't stress too much - get back on track & you'll be back to losing in no time. At least thats what I'm telling myself. :tongue: Good luck!!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I lost about 25 lbs about 10 months ago & gained about 20 back. There was a lot of stress in my life with 2 promotions, several deaths in the family and my mom having 4 surgeries & living with us. I could go on with the excuses.

    It was really the first time that I tried to lose weight & it was quite easy. I did it by mostly changing my diet & walking. I'm back on the bandwagon again. I'm a bit of a perfectionist... which means it's all or nothing with me. I'm trying to change that... at least how it applies to living healthy. If I have a bad food day, I'm going to log it. If I don't exercise for a few days, I'm not going to give up... I'm going to start back up. Of course, now I'm sick... so I could make more excuses.

    For me, I just need the support system and the tools. Don't be upset with yourself... just start again like I am. As for trying to get pregnant... I can't comment on that!! Good luck. We'll get there.
  • Michelle09
    Michelle09 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks everyone...I need to come to these boards for support more often. I am just having a pitty party for myself today. I hope tomorrow is a better day and I can meet this head on.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I wasnt really overweight when i got prego... I only gained 15 lbs and lost it right after delivery.

    (i gained weight after going through "the divorce" in combination with bad eating and alcohol drinking habits during the depression stage!!) My pre prego and after prego was normal. I am now a little under that and want to lose 10 more lbs to be 135!!
  • robynbirdy
    robynbirdy Posts: 16 Member
    Yes...unfortunately it may take you up to a year to get pregnant. It took me over a year!! I would not wait for the weight to come off. You can't really "diet" once you get pregnant but you do not have to use it as an excuse to over eat. I was average weight when I got pregnant and my doctor told me I only needed about 100 or so extra calories per day! I gained 28 pounds. You can even continue exercising once you become pregnant, as long as you get your doctor's o.k.
    Good Luck with the weight loss and pregnancy!
  • leannadkins77
    leannadkins77 Posts: 14 Member
    i know exactly how you feel. a couple years ago i lost almost 50 pounds while my husband was gone. I was eating 1200 calories and exercising like 3 times a day. When he got home i went right back to my old life style and eventually gained it all back. He is deployed again and i thought about not even dieting again, but then i decided i could have not lost that weight back then and gained weight when he got home and i would be even bigger than i am now. So now i am dieting again and trying to be more realistic. I am trying to eat 1200 calories a day but if i go over i just try to make sure it is still low enough to keep my body in a deficit. Like other people have said i am trying to keep it where it won't be so hard to continue eating like this for the rest of my life. and on the baby side of things i know where you are coming from there too. we have been trying to get pregnant for almost 7 years, so i get upset when i gain weight too because i am more likely to get pregnant the less weight i carry AND less likely to miscarry. The doctors have told me that it is easier to get pregnant WHILE you are losing weight because your body stores hormones in the fat and when it is broken down it releases in your body and works sort of like hormone therapy i guess. anyway, hopefully this time i will continue to lose weight when he gets home and get pregnant too. anyway - the point is go ahead and start trying and if you get pregnant just do like the others said and don't overindulge. actually my mother said she lost weight while she was pregnant with me and the doctor told her it was perfectly healthy as long as you are eating enough to get the proper nutrients to the baby and the baby is gaining weight. i don't know...anyway...go ahead and start trying though. it won't happen until God intends it to anyway :) good luck!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Don't diet. Make lifestyle changes. That's probably why you're having a hard time maintaining. You gotta lose weight in a sustainable way. I would've never been able to diet strictly for the last 7.5 months. There's no way I could deprive myself of foods I enjoy for that long. Instead I've changed my lifestyle. I'll never stop doing what I'm doing right now. I'm perfectly happy eating what I eat and exercising the way I do now. So, I know it's something I won't have trouble doing forever.

    Once I lost weight by dieting very strictly. It was oh so tedious and once I hit that first long plateau I gave up & gained all the weight I had lost (40 lbs) and then some (20 more pounds!). This time I've successfully made it through 3 plateaus and I'm still going. It's just all about making sustainable changes.

    On another note, it's really not necessary to gain much weight during pregnancy. A woman of a healthy weight should only gain about 25 pounds! Overweight women should probably only gain 15-20lbs. And you'll immediately lose about 10-15 pounds when you deliver. :wink: Most women gain quite a bit more because they use pregnancy as an excuse to overindulge.

    My sentiments exactly! I totally agree - you have to make changes that you can live with forever, not just until you reach a goal weight.
  • Michelle09
    Michelle09 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks to all of you! You have helped me a lot. I have done this before and I can do it again...and yes, I need to make it a lifestyle change, not just losing weight for an occasion, for example. I will go ahead and start over with my new lifestyle plan and work on getting many of you mentioned, it may take a while. I will need your support and that is such a big part of thanks in advance for the words of wisdom!
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