Calorie Minimum


Just joined the site yesterday, and just started following the Paleo diet two weeks ago. I have been very faithful to the diet absolutely no processed foods, grains, or dairy. I find that I am having a hard time eating the suggested amount of calories by the site. It seems like I am usually at least 500 calories short.

Should I try to eat more even though I am trying to loose a significant amount of weight. Is there a healthy range I should try to stay between?

I love eating fruit but it seems like I am coming in too high with the sugar count with just two servings a day. Any suggestions for easy grab and go snacks that I can have without sugar? I am pretty hungry on this diet, I just don't know if that is to be expected from the lack of carbs.



  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    If you are hungry on a diet, you shouldn't do it, just my opinion. But, in your case if you are 500 calories short, why not eat more? Eat something with a high fat/protein count, that'll fill you up. When I did Atkins (not really Paleo but similar so I know what you're going through) I ate a lot of nuts, hard boiled eggs and avocado. Don't eat too little. Simple rule is to calculate how many cals u need to maintain, then subtract 500 and that's what u should eat to lose weight. Good luck!