Girls with big butts/ thighs



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm also a pear! I started weightlifting heavy weights and I have noticed my butt and thighs have gotten much tighter

    Right now I squat 70lbs and DL 90. I also do split squats with 45lbs I think it really helps the butt!

    I agree with this! You can't spot reduce, but you can work on the muscles in your thighs and booty and get it all nice and firm. And you can shed weight all over and trim down on your lower body as well. But, really don't worry about it. Just keep trying and find people that will work with you as you are. It's too much of a struggle and waist of time to chase after one size smaller than you are. Life is full of fluctuations. Embrace your body as it is. But, you can work on your fitness.
  • Guillotined
    Guillotined Posts: 115
    Have you always been pear shaped? If so, then you may be just genetically shaped that way. But theres also a large chance that its just your bodies favorite fat storage. From what Ive known, most women first store fat in their upper legs and hips. So this means it will also be towards the last to go away. Same for most men and belly fat. So you could just keep dropping fat until your body starts dropping the butt fat. (Again assuming its not genetics)

    My advice, though- find a different agency. Youre honestly gorgeous. If your foot is already in the door, I can't see you having a problem finding shoots. Good luck in whatever you decide. :happy:
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I think you should just ignore the modeling agency..

    Real answer though is fat comes off in layers. Best way to burn fat (in my opinion) is resistance training. Squats, lunges, wall balls, all with added free weights. Use HIIT cardio of course. 80 percent of your results will be from nutrition anyways and since you are a vegetarian I'm sure your diet is in check. Watch how much fruit you take in.

    THIS!!! Great Advice..I am not a girl but this type of training has helped me and I have trained other girls get the same results..pic of results below:


    Feel free to add I can give you more tips.

    This makes me want a gym membership so I can lift

    This makes me want to reach through the screen and squeeze. lol Sorry, I like nice butts and I cannot lie.
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Please find another job opportunity. If you are a 4, and want to become a ), you will be ill and unhealthy. ALSO< this company could be reported to the dept. of Labor for discrimination. Not legal what they said to you!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    This is what is wrong with the world. Size 2 needs to get to size 0 for modeling work. Human skeletons acting as clothes hangers. *golf clap, fashion world:angry: *
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    i've never had a gym membership

    it's not needed to lift; you can start with body weight exercises
    plyo and weights from used stores like good will and craigs list

    there are always people getting rid of gym equipment for cheap
    or getting rid of their treadmill, ellipital, whatever
    often because they are just moving and it's in good condition still

    you can't change your body shape
    again yes lifting heavy. actually heavy and challenging for YOU.
    you can also work on building the upper body muscles to balance out the body
    so along with bulgarian split squats you should do push ups and other upper body work
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    the whole modeling rant of those girls look like my 90 lb son who is as talk as me, with slightly more chest
    yea, that's a whole other conversation
    i hope that OP finds happiness and peace with her shape
    and work that doesn't shame her for it.

    this is not intended to shame anyone considering modeling, it's just wrong for the women who aren't healthy and
    ahh forget it.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Just to let you know, there are some modeling agencies out there who cast girls with more realistically attainable and sustainable body types. I recommend you search for those instead.
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    Paging SirMixaLot, you are needed in the General Diet and Weight Loss Forum.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Please find another job opportunity. If you are a 4, and want to become a ), you will be ill and unhealthy. ALSO< this company could be reported to the dept. of Labor for discrimination. Not legal what they said to you!

    I know about the discrimination thing, but talent are usually contracted, not employees. Also hiring models are based on physical appearance alone. Of course there will be discrimination - not everyone can be a model for a reputable agency. Just as EMS people should be discriminated against if they can't lift x-amount of lbs. If you can't do the job, then there is a need for discrimination (maybe not the right word though).

    The OP is beautiful, and def should look at another place to model.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    The majority of women are pear shaped. Unfortunately the fashion industry looks for hour glass shapes or a straight shape. If genetically you are pear shaped it may not be possible to get to the industry standard. Perhaps you can find a specialty house to work for. An interesting web site on the media and women is Please don't harm yourself in the quest to meet their standards.
  • martingilbert104
    Squats! The best lower body workout you will get. Combine it with a good HIIT programme. Keep the Curves bin the agency, stay healthy. :)
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Really you say you have big butt/thighs and you are a size 2 trying to get to a size 0.... really?.....REALLY?

    When I was 5 foot 6 inches 100 pounds I was a size 4. Any thinner and I probably would have dropped dead.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    i've never had a gym membership

    it's not needed to lift; you can start with body weight exercises
    plyo and weights from used stores like good will and craigs list

    there are always people getting rid of gym equipment for cheap
    or getting rid of their treadmill, ellipital, whatever
    often because they are just moving and it's in good condition still

    you can't change your body shape
    again yes lifting heavy. actually heavy and challenging for YOU.
    you can also work on building the upper body muscles to balance out the body
    so along with bulgarian split squats you should do push ups and other upper body work

    I've already started with body weight exercises and have always done them. I have a 1 bedroom apartment and adding a treadmill or any exercise machine will take up too much space. I run outside. I wasn't trying to change my body shape. The picture still makes we want a gym membership so that I can lift weights.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I am surprised they told you to lose more in your thighs/butt if you are a size 2. Even by modelling standards that's small enough, i think.
    Could you look into bikini/ underwear type modelling agencies? I think they would not be as adamant about you losing more weight.
    And strength training works. Lift heavy.

    Great advice up there!

    In my experience agencies don't tell you to drop a clothing size. They base things on measurements. I would also suggest looking into different types of modeling. Its very important to do your research and choose the type of modeling you can get the most work in. Go to other open calls and see what they say. Some agencies budge on size if they really like you. If you don't mind me asking. What agency is this?