~Whey protein~

Can I use it like a protein shake and just mix it with almond milk before my workout or what?
Also what recipes can I use it for?


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    probably a better question is what you can't use it for.
    people make anything with protein powder.
    pancakes, shakes, put it in sauces,....
    I can't be specific right now I haven't used it, but i'm sure some one who can will.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    holy heck.....ummmmm.......you an use it for anything just about. As long as it mixes well. (many don't)

    put it in cookie batter, cake batter, mix in with flour on any recipie, stir into peanut butter and add to anything.....etc....
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I think you're a bit confused. A protein shake IS whey protein (in most cases, anyway). Use it wherever you want. Most people just mix it with water or milk but you can integrate it into tons of recipes if that's your thing.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    MIx it with whatever you want.

    I mix mine with vodka.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Love mine with a greek yogurt and popped in the freezer for a bit..

    DID NOT like a whole scoop in my oatmeal.. OMG. it was bad, very bad.
  • 115Ib
    115Ib Posts: 4
    Wow there's a LOT you can use it for though.I thought it was like some kind of protein flour,lol.
    I'll have to raid the forums for recipes..
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    MIx it with whatever you want.

    I mix mine with vodka.

    Tequila for me.

    Trying to be healthy while partying can be so tough!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    MIx it with whatever you want.

    I mix mine with vodka.

    Tequila for me.

    Trying to be healthy while partying can be so tough!

    If your worried about the calories.. just smoke the booze.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Ever since I discovered whey, my life became so much easier and better! I have a protein shake every single morning for breakfast. And I go crazy with it, no limitations, ill mix it with skim milk, add in a banana and all kinds of fresh or frozen berries. Big, fat shake better than McDonalds'.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I see a ton of people on MFP mixing their whey protein with almond milk and just out of curiosity, I wonder why that is? I myself mix my protein powder with almond milk because I can't have casein (milk protein). Of course this means I don't use whey because it's milk protein. So if whey is a milk product, why don't people just go ahead and mix it with milk? Is it because almond milk has more calcium than cow's milk or because unsweetened almond milk has no sugar and very few calories? It's not because people are avoiding milk, right? Someone plz respond so the mystery can be solved! :drinker:
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I see a ton of people on MFP mixing their whey protein with almond milk and just out of curiosity, I wonder why that is? I myself mix my protein powder with almond milk because I can't have casein (milk protein). Of course this means I don't use whey because it's milk protein. So if whey is a milk product, why don't people just go ahead and mix it with milk? Is it because almond milk has more calcium than cow's milk or because unsweetened almond milk has no sugar and very few calories? It's not because people are avoiding milk, right? Someone plz respond so the mystery can be solved! :drinker:

    less calories and fat, better for you too :)
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    That's what I do. Pick your liquid, pick your protein, and if you want pick a fruit and/or veggie to add. My shake today was almond milk, a scoop of chocolate whey, 1/2 a scoop of vanilla whey, Tbsp of almond butter (like peanut butter), cinnamon and a little water. Tastes like dessert. And it's also really good with bananas, but we were out.

    340 calories and 38g protein!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you can also make your own almond 'milk' with whole almonds, skins removed, soaked over night and ground up in the blender.
    tons of easy recipes on the net about making your own almond, rice, hemp and other types of milk, which saves you money.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I see a ton of people on MFP mixing their whey protein with almond milk and just out of curiosity, I wonder why that is? I myself mix my protein powder with almond milk because I can't have casein (milk protein). Of course this means I don't use whey because it's milk protein. So if whey is a milk product, why don't people just go ahead and mix it with milk? Is it because almond milk has more calcium than cow's milk or because unsweetened almond milk has no sugar and very few calories? It's not because people are avoiding milk, right? Someone plz respond so the mystery can be solved! :drinker:

    My boyfriend and I have just recently made the choice to cut out a lot of dairy. We lived on milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. It's all good, in moderation. But basically I wanted to cut out the fat, and the natural hormones and things that are in milk. Someone recently made me realize milk is something you give babies to grow. We are drinking a baby cows food, and I never thought of it like that. There are natural things in any milk to help with growth. I've also talked with a LOT of people that cut out dairy and a lot of animal products and lost a significant amount of weight. I'll never go crazy extreme with it, but I figure every little effort counts for something. Plus almond milk just tastes good. I prefer Trader Joes unsweetened vanilla personally, but there's a lot of flavors and brands out there.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I see a ton of people on MFP mixing their whey protein with almond milk and just out of curiosity, I wonder why that is? I myself mix my protein powder with almond milk because I can't have casein (milk protein). Of course this means I don't use whey because it's milk protein. So if whey is a milk product, why don't people just go ahead and mix it with milk? Is it because almond milk has more calcium than cow's milk or because unsweetened almond milk has no sugar and very few calories? It's not because people are avoiding milk, right? Someone plz respond so the mystery can be solved! :drinker:

    1. Less Calories
    2. The unsweetened vanilla almond milk actually enhances the flavor of the mix (I use GNC vanilla flavor)
    3. I've heard that if you pre-mix the powder with milk, it can curdle overnight - I pre-mix with almond milk the night before and have not had any issues
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I see a ton of people on MFP mixing their whey protein with almond milk and just out of curiosity, I wonder why that is? I myself mix my protein powder with almond milk because I can't have casein (milk protein). Of course this means I don't use whey because it's milk protein. So if whey is a milk product, why don't people just go ahead and mix it with milk? Is it because almond milk has more calcium than cow's milk or because unsweetened almond milk has no sugar and very few calories? It's not because people are avoiding milk, right? Someone plz respond so the mystery can be solved! :drinker:

    unsweetened almond milk has 0 carbs, so its an advantage to the low carbers, too. :-)
  • Guillotined
    Guillotined Posts: 115
    My boyfriend and I have just recently made the choice to cut out a lot of dairy. We lived on milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. It's all good, in moderation. But basically I wanted to cut out the fat, and the natural hormones and things that are in milk. Someone recently made me realize milk is something you give babies to grow. We are drinking a baby cows food, and I never thought of it like that. There are natural things in any milk to help with growth. I've also talked with a LOT of people that cut out dairy and a lot of animal products and lost a significant amount of weight. I'll never go crazy extreme with it, but I figure every little effort counts for something. Plus almond milk just tastes good. I prefer Trader Joes unsweetened vanilla personally, but there's a lot of flavors and brands out there.

    My thoughts as well. I also realized after many years that dairy was breaking me out. I still miss cheese =[ Though Almond milk is so much tastier than normal milk, I think
  • favreervaf
    favreervaf Posts: 54 Member
    'Like' a protein shake?? It is a protein shake! Most of the time you can use it preworkout if you want as it has a good amino acid profile - but usually it is best directly after a hard workout for muscle repair and growth.
