Those with lower me hit my goal

kopmom Posts: 491 Member
I am looking to get to 19% BF in 12 weeks and figured I would ask for some advice. I currently have been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for the last month and training for a half marathon so I run 3x a week when I am not lifting BUT my race is next week so after then my primary focus will be lifting. I have a couple questions

Is Stonglifts a good program to use to hit my goals or should I follow another program?
Is lifting 3x a week good and maybe adding 3x a week of HIIT OR would I be better just lifting 5-6 days a week only?
Is their a specific diet that would be good to follow (beyond just eating clean)?
Is 12 week realistic for my goal?

Here are my current stats. Any feedback or advice would be appreciated ! Thank you

38 years old
130 lbs

estimate 26.4% BF
22.7 BMI

1332 BMR
Moderate exercise (ex: exercising 3-5 days/week)
2057 TDEE
Heavy exercise (ex: exercising 6-7 days/week)
2289 TDEE


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    My stats are nearly the same as yours (5'4", 129, 37 yo, 22%). My goal is 18%. I'm eager to see what others have to say.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    BUMP, anyone?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Getting to a certain body fat really can come down to genetics. Eat at a deficit and train hard. I'd keep in some cardio, HIIT (really going hard, maybe even look into Tabata, and I don't mean Tabata "style" work outs, I mean actual, makes you want to puke, Tabata) for a session or two a week. If you like to run, continue, but maybe mix up the terrain (if you run outside) and add in some intervals. I think whatever lifting program you like is fine. If you like Stronglifts, keep at it. (Caveat: While I have been calipered at 13.7% body fat when I was 5'4", 117 pounds, I always felt that was way off. There wasn't a measurement taken from my abdomen, which is where I was carrying the bulk of my fat. Right now I'm sitting at 127, and I know I'm over 20%, I'd bet I was around 27%.)
  • pcambo86
    pcambo86 Posts: 2
    Have you tried intermitting fasting! giving yourself a window of eating, no more than an 8hr period and also staying in a calorie deficit. I Tried it for a month my doing p90x2 and last 8 lbs and 3% body fat and also gained 2% muscle. i ate between 7:30 am to 1:30 pm and then never consumed any calories until 7:30am the next day just water. hope this helps

  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Getting to a certain body fat really can come down to genetics. Eat at a deficit and train hard. I'd keep in some cardio, HIIT (really going hard, maybe even look into Tabata, and I don't mean Tabata "style" work outs, I mean actual, makes you want to puke, Tabata) for a session or two a week.

    I was thinking of the Tabata, thanks