Starting Insanity Today


I'm starting insanity today if anyone wants to start with me.

Here are my fit test results, not sure if they're good or bad.

Switch kicks - 38
Power jacks - 41
Power knees - 80
Power jumps - 22
Globe jumps - 7
Suicide jumps - 15
Push-up jacks - 12
Low plank obliques - 70

Starting weight - 9st 7lb (133 lb).


  • mizkirsty
    mizkirsty Posts: 21
    I'm very tempted by this ... Currently bidding on a box set - how was it?! X
  • kazitykaz
    kazitykaz Posts: 87 Member
    Too early to say. What I liked is that you can take it at your own pace. If you can push yourself then do it, but if you really need a break you can take one. Each exercise in the fit test was about a minute long with one to two minute rest in between. I used a heart rate monitor and burnt 202 calories in 26 minutes. If you think about all the rests though it was only about 8 minutes of intense exercise. Will let you know how today's workout goes which will be the first proper one :-).