Social Drinking Option?

I went out with some friends yesterday, to see some bands at a large studio/gathering place. It was BYOB and I wanted to have a couple of beers or something.

So, I hit a nicer party store and looked at all the labels on their large collection of hard ciders. Turns out, Woodchuck cider makes a "Crisp" variety that only has 120 calories and like 6 g of sugar. So, I was able to have 3 of them last night, without totally breaking the calorie and sugar bank! \o/ They tasted excellent too. I don't drink often, but now, if I want to, I have an alternative to the heavy calorie designer beers I like.

Please post other ideas for low sugar, fairly low calorie alcoholic beverage options. I don't like "Lite" beers, so not those, please. :D