Running advice please.



  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    You can do it! Once you have finished a 5k, a 10k is not much more :-) I started off adding 5 minutes to my runs and then adding 10 minutes to my runs to get me up to an hour. Just try adding some time to one of your runs a week - it doesn't need to be all of them. Good luck!
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    DO IT! I'm committing to the 10k, for sure! :)
  • oakleaves
    oakleaves Posts: 8 Member
    My husband is running the Marine Core Marathon in October in D.C. My husband is trying to inspire me to run the coresponding 10k. I can currently run 5k without stopping on a good day. Registration opens April 17th. Should I make the commitment and do it? I am worried I won't be able to keep the 15:00 min pace as that is my current 5k pace. How embarassing would it be to fall behind and not be allowed to finish. Part of my really wants to do it, the other part of me says it would be too much.

    I am wondering the same thing! I have always wanted to fun the Marine Corps 10k. It's such an amazing race and I just want to be able to say that I did it.

    I am sloooow, though, and I just worry that I won't make the time cut. I worried the same thing about the Cherry Blossom 5k I finished last year but that was no problem. I mean, I was near the back but I finished in plenty of time.

    I've still got a week or so to decide. Post what you decide to do.