2 Years and still going - a new perspective

Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
OK, so I'm six weeks short of two years, but this was too good to pass up. I was asked by a former professor of mine to come speak to her undergraduate health class about my weight loss. She has another woman come every semester and talk about her experience with gastric bypass, and thought it would be great for me to come and provide a different perspective on the 'old fashioned' weight loss way! As I was figuring out what to say, I asked to borrow her book to see if I could draw any parallels between my story and their textbook. I found this in the book. I still have 25 pounds to lose, and am still trying to take off the last of the 10 pounds I gained over the holidays in November/December, so it's easy to get discouraged. This really helped me put my journey back into perspective, and I wanted to share it with anyone else who's having that two year itch! :)

Good luck and continued success to you all!



  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    Wow! That's enough to keep me motivated to do this and honestly make it a lifestyle change, not just a diet.
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    That's what I did. I lost over a hundred pounds two years ago and in the last year I've nearly gained it all back. I just stopped exercising and after awhile I stopped eating right. But I'm back now. I'm going to do it again and this time I'm keeping it off.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    it's right I have done it before. lost a lot of weight fast then gained it back. One time I kept it off a long time but after having a baby and quitting smoking I gained it back. The next time I lost it ,I lost fast and gained it back fast. Not this time. I need to change my life and remember i can not go back to the old way of doing things.
  • McShell12
    McShell12 Posts: 161 Member
    I am in the same boat, but this time I'm doing things differently. First, I am here at MPF. :smile: Secondly I am reading and following "The Beck Diet Solution." It is a great book that teaches you to change the way you think and act, and to actually think like a thin person to keep the weight off.
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    I think it's hard to consider gaining back what you've lost as a failure of any kind when it's clear that that's the norm! 75% of people gain their weight back!! Habits are a hard thing to break! I think the failure comes in gaining it back and then remaining complacent at your old weight. Some don't mind being a bit.....uh...hefty? And that's great! But there's a reason you lost weight in the first place, right? So, I hope that none of you consider your first attempt a failure, or let it hinder you in any way, because it is AMAZING that you're back at it!! So, keep up the good work! :D
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am at almost 8 months after reaching my goal and I have lost a few more pounds. The important thing is to keep thinking about it. I am still here everyday and everyday I still step on that scale. I don't want to go back so I have to keep going forward with the plan everyday. I keep a running calorie count in my head and if I eat more than I should I make sure I find a way to compensate in the next few days. You don't have to be a statistic and I don't plan to be one.
  • freebird777
    That's what I did. I lost over a hundred pounds two years ago and in the last year I've nearly gained it all back. I just stopped exercising and after awhile I stopped eating right. But I'm back now. I'm going to do it again and this time I'm keeping it off.

    I'm in the same situation. We can do this again and for good....with you every step of the way girl!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I am at almost 8 months after reaching my goal and I have lost a few more pounds. The important thing is to keep thinking about it. I am still here everyday and everyday I still step on that scale. I don't want to go back so I have to keep going forward with the plan everyday. I keep a running calorie count in my head and if I eat more than I should I make sure I find a way to compensate in the next few days. You don't have to be a statistic and I don't plan to be one.

    I love this. Thank you so much for saying this.

    I lost 70 pounds 13 years ago and have slowly gained it back. Complacency and laziness were my biggest culprits. And my unbridled love of food. This times I want to do it right AND not deny myself the foods I love. I need to learn that this is a life style change and a lifetime change.
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