Hi everyone, I'm new here and introducing myself

I am 33 years old, live in Glasgow, Scotland and I am on here to lose the remainder of my baby weight and hopefully another stone after that.

Here is a bit about me...

I was at my heaviest weight when I got pregnant and already wasn't happy in myself because of my weight. I wasn't exactly 'fat' however I was slightly overweight and the pounds had slowly crept on over the years and I wanted to lose about a stone to get back down to what I used to be. I always think to myself that I'd hate to bump into anyone who knew me from before and lost touch with and for them to think "she has put on the weight"! Just knowing I had gained roughly a stone made me feel crap, especially as I had a drawer full of clothes which I'd probably consider still wearing if I fitted them! I became a yo yo dieter and tried several diets over the years. Although on a few occasions I managed to lose some weight, they never worked as even when I did lose some, I'd always come off the diet and binge and put it all back on again :frown: . My family are big eaters and I love my food too much. My biggest weaknesses are takeaways and cadburys chocolate.

Then I got pregnant in November 2011 with my gorgeous little boy who is now 7 months. Just after his birth, I weighed myself and I had gained just under 3 stone (my baby was 10 lbs 2oz and I had slightly over-indulged when pregnant!). Some of it fell off naturally however I have seemed to have hit a standstill recently and this final stone is proving a bit harder to lose. I feel really out of shape with this extra weight and it is affecting my self confidence really badly and I am wearing the same clothes all the time as I have adopted a few 'favourite comfort outfits', and sadly most of them are baggy and frumpy, and in the house I live in my joggies and pyjamas.

I want to change out of this cycle and start getting some confidence back, and be able to wear some nicer non-frumpy clothes. My first goal is to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight and then after I reach that goal, I am going to aim for another stone.

Good luck everyone, feel free to add me as a friend on here and we can motivate and support each other :smile:


  • Mart_T
    Mart_T Posts: 5
    Hey there, feel free to add me if you'd like. .