What Were Your Biggest Excuses?



  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Hmm, interesting as I've just posted a status about how frustrated I feel for putting in a ton of effort only to put weight ON. :(

    I don't bother making excuses as I have none, I just don't seem to be fully committed. Wait...I AM committed to losing weight and feeling fitter - its just that my "commitment" (aka habit) to blanking out misery and fear with food is stronger. :(

    Hey, don't get discouraged! That weight could simply be muscle or even water retention. Do you weigh yourself at the same time every week? I always weigh myself first thing Monday morning before breakfast, completely naked and after I've used the bathroom. It's the most accurate way to weigh in. Try that and see if you notice more consistent results.

    I was always the same way. Food has been a cushion for me for a long time. I had to learn to control my stress with things other than food. I took up yoga and it helps immensely!
  • amandajones1978
    I dont think I could call them excuses but here goes..

    -Lower back pain (scoliosis)
    -Hip and knee pain

    I was born feet first and it dislocated my hip, from there it has caused me so many issues with my legs and back.

    I started out with using the elliptical and now I have moved on to actually running but I am still fighting through hip and knee pain. With my back, there are several plank exercises my trainer has tried to get me to do but the back pain is so bad I have to stop. So for now all I can manage is the standard elbow-toes plank.

    Some days it is soo hard to get to the gym and get through my workout but I am seeing results. Eventually when I reach goal weight, these issues may not be so bad. That is what is driving me.