The most important issue with eating is.....

You are what you absorb. A lot of people take anti-acids to help heartburn but it can just make issues worse by impairing digestion.

Try eating more prebiotics and probiotics for better digestion.

Prebiotics are fuel for good bacteria, whereas probiotics are the actual good bacteria.

Prebiotics are non-digestible nutrients that your good bacteria can use for energy. They stimulate the growth of good bacteria such as the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli discussed. The two most common types are inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides). Prebiotics generally pass through the digestive system intact and really perform their magic in the colon."

Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, raw organic honey, garlic, onion, leeks, and chicory are all good sources of prebiotics.

Fermented and cultured foods are my main weapon in this battle. Fermented foods have increased probiotic content, help with digestion, and are loaded with digestive enzymes."

Three great fermented foods:

Kimchi – An Asian fermented cabbage type product that's a staple in my diet. I get mine from Whole Foods in the form of Sunjay's Spicy Kimchi.

Sauerkraut – It's actually used in Europe to treat ulcers and digestive problems. Just leave the bratwurst at the ballpark.

Yogurt/Kefir/Cottage Cheese/Cultured dairy – It's digestion-enhancing properties are well documented."

Two great kimchi recipes:

Kimchi added to your diet is a way to naturally help acid reflux and other digestive problems.