weight loss plateau

What have people done and felt like when they get to a point and their weight loss just seems to plateau? You don’t lose, no matter how hard you try, you don’t gain, cause you don’t want to slip back into old bad habits.



  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    I've been on one for two weeks now. All I've done is go insane haha.
    Seriously. I've just been pushing through waiting to see web it'll go away
    :( hope it's soon
  • alitap
    alitap Posts: 38 Member
    i have reached my plateau as well, been on it for like 2 weeks now...and im losing my sanity. well, hopefully it goes off soon.
  • snaapz
    snaapz Posts: 41 Member
    I just broke a 4 week plateau. It SUCKS. Scale didn't budge. MFP says for me to eat at least 1600 cals a day but I was eating 1100 - 1200....

    After reading so many articles I gave in ... I ate more calories (1600 & 1800 on days I work out), I kept working out, gained a pound within 2 days... I kept at it then a week later broke my plateau and the scale is going down... and past the 209 I was stuck at for 4 weeks...

    Push through it, eat all the food/energy you require and stay active! Our bodies are adjusting... Plus you may be gaining muscle depending on your work out?
  • greedygirl118
    Two weeks isn't really a plateau. Weight loss is rarely linear - it's normal for it to go in fits and starts and average out at about 1 or 2 pounds a month.

    If it helps, I stayed the same recently for nearly a month, then suddenly lost 6 pounds over the course of a week or so. I'm now at goal.

    I know it's frustrating, but just keep on keeping on.