Hello :-)

Hello All :-)

My name is Nadine. I'm here for help and inspiration on my healthy lifestyle and weight loss journey. I'm 36, married and have 4 children ages 16, 12, 11 and 6 years old.

I'm 5'1 and weight 140. I'd like to get down to at least 115 as that is the weight I looked and felt my best.

Please feel free to add my as a friend. I look forward to sharing this journey with others on the same path.




  • SerenitySage_x3
    SerenitySage_x3 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Nadine, welcome to the community! Firstly, I love your name! Secondly, I just started recently as well and have just about the same goal (I'm 5'3" and 141lbs) wanting to reach 115lbs! You can do it! Best of luck to ya! (:
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Hello Nadine! :)
  • izzylew
    izzylew Posts: 30
    HI!! I'm new too!! the more friends the better =]