Body Media users! How many calories?

If you use the body media device, how many calories does it say you burn, and have you lost weight with the help of this device? I recently bought mine, and it says I burn around 2,200-2,500 calories just doing normal, everyday activities! I haven't even done my usual exercise yet! Can't wait to see what it says then! Anyways, I feel like it will be a struggle to eat all those calories, (and keep it healthy) so I'm wondering if anyone has had success using BM, and also what was your cal. deficit? Thanks in advance! :happy:


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ive had one since the end of january, and i burn anywhere from 2100-3500 calories a day, depending on how lazy im being >.>
    on average im around 2600/day. im not trying to lose right now since im pregnant, but ive only gained about 28 lbs which is only 3 more than i had planned on :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    That is awesome! Congratulations on the baby!!! :happy:
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Most people burn around 2,000 calories per day just by existing. So, that is a normal number. What will matter is the excercise calories. Work hard! :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I never thought I burned that much! I usually burn around 600-1,000 cal's just doing zumba for an hour! Plus my weights n treadmill. I've lost a lot of weight already, but I never counted calories doing it. I just started MFP a while back to help with the last 20lb's. I never thought I was really that active, so I had my activity set to lightly active, and cal's wound up being around 1,300-1,500, depending on how I adjusted activity. It's just crazy to me to think I really burn that much! I can eat 2,000 cal's on lazy days, and still have a 500 cal deficit, and add 600-1,000 to that on days I do zumba! How in the world am I going to eat 2,000 cal's worth of healthy food? I can only eat so much! I don't want to eat a lot of fattening food either. I guess peanut butter and nutella are going to become my best friends! Lol. Any suggestions on a 2,000 cal healthy diet???
  • edit: heh just realized i posted on my alt account... im rockerbabyy
    full fat dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc), full fat condiments (mayo, salad dressing), peanut butter will definitely be your friend lol
    my days are usually eggs and bacon or sausage with toast for breakfast, left overs for lunch, and dinner is always meat+starch+veggie... bigger portions help.. for snacks i do nuts and dried fruit or chips and salsa...veggies and hummus if i need a light snack. peanut butter mixed with greek yogurt for an apple dip. i add avocado into anything i can lol i use protein shakes after my lifting sessions..sometimes i just mix it with water if i dont have the calories..other times ill make them into milk shakes with various additions.
    i suppose it depends on how "healthy" you want your diet - i still regularly eat pizza, burgers, and ice cream, cake/cookies/muffins etc. i just make sure they arent an every day thing. nothing wrong with those things in moderation.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    edit: heh just realized i posted on my alt account... im rockerbabyy
    full fat dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc), full fat condiments (mayo, salad dressing), peanut butter will definitely be your friend lol
    my days are usually eggs and bacon or sausage with toast for breakfast, left overs for lunch, and dinner is always meat+starch+veggie... bigger portions help.. for snacks i do nuts and dried fruit or chips and salsa...veggies and hummus if i need a light snack. peanut butter mixed with greek yogurt for an apple dip. i add avocado into anything i can lol i use protein shakes after my lifting sessions..sometimes i just mix it with water if i dont have the calories..other times ill make them into milk shakes with various additions.
    i suppose it depends on how "healthy" you want your diet - i still regularly eat pizza, burgers, and ice cream, cake/cookies/muffins etc. i just make sure they arent an every day thing. nothing wrong with those things in moderation.

    Thank you so much for replying! This thread is kind of dead! Lol.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 920 Member
    I have been using BodyMedia for about a year now and lost weight. I am the exact opposite though from you...I was overestimating. Burn 2K a day! BAH! That is for normal people LOL. I actually found out I only burn 1800 on a good day w/o exercise...evidently my desk job was a bit more sedentary than I thought.

    I have had friends who have used it who burn a wicked number of calories...I am the person out there who can survive the apocalypse b/c I only burn 850 calories during a 10 mile run LOL

    OveralI have loved my BodyMedia and started losing weight (slowly) with it and it definitely keeps me accountable. I have it sync'd with MFP which has my calorie goals set on any extra exercise I do gets logged as exercise...I get to eat!
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Yes, it helped me lose weight I gained after surgery a few years ago.

    I tried to lose the weighton my own by eating 1800 calories a day, but after 3 days, I was ravenous and would binge. I got the BMF to help me. The first thing I noticed was that, like you, I was burning WAY MORE calories than I thought--some days, over 3000. With my 1800 calorie intake, I was creating a deficit that was too large for my body's liking, and that's why I would binge.

    Once I could see how much I was burning, I was able to tailor my eating to my exercise and had a much easier time losing the weight.

    I had foot surgery a year and a half ago (two weeks flat on my back with my foot elevated 24 hours a day) and used the BMF so I wouldn't gain weight with the forced inactivity--it worked!
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    I average about 2400 or so days I don't exercise, and around 3100 days I do.
  • NRSPAM, which BodyMedia device are you using? It recently came to my attention that I am probably also burning a lot more calories than I assumed I was, and that actually increasing my calories might help the weight come off more easily. But I'd love to know exactly how many calories I am burning on a day without exercise.
  • lisambrown568
    lisambrown568 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started using the Body Media and I really like it, but it says I am to have 3795 calories a day. That sounds like too much! Just wondering how Body Media comes up with how that big of a number. I think I am understanding it correctly. So far today I have consumed 364 calories and it says I have 3431 remaining.