Try this Super Juice

John31TL Posts: 140 Member
Heres a recipe which im starting to have daily, you need a juicer and a blender, basically juice everything apart from the powder and avacado, then once juiced, pour into a blender with the powders and avocado and blend with the ice, i then pour through a seive, so its a totally smooth drink. Its yummy, check my pics to see the juice.

Roughly 216 calories, packed full of vitimains and minerals, a real Super Juice

Organic wheat grass shot
Spirulina powder (1 teaspoon)
3 oranges
2 Golden delicious apples
Un-waxed lime (1/2)
Avocado (1/2)
Raw spinach (1 handful)
Kale (Handful)
Cucumber (1/3)
Celery (1/2 stick)
Broccoli stem (5 cm)
Ice cubes (Handful)