Were you EVER that thin?



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm 5'2". I was 107lb when I graduated high school. I was 115 in my early 20's, and that was a good size for me. I was 207lb when I started trying to lose weight (and I've had 2 kids). I'm 151 now, and still have a way to go.

    Do I expect to get back down to 107? No - that was friggin high school. Do I think I can get below 130? Hell yes.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I am 5'4". I see these stories of people my size weighing 117 or whatever and it will never be me. I would be unhealthy at that weight. I weighed about 215 at the end of my last pregnancy. I weigh about 140 right now. I wear a size 4/6. My goal weight is 135. I am not sure how realistic that is. I am not really liking how boney my hands and feet are getting and how much my hip bones are sticking out. I plan on continuing with strengthening and toning and seeing what happens. When I went to the doctor recently and stepped on the scale, the nurse set the scale to 100 to weigh me (obviously thinking I was somewhere less than 120), I laughed and said she needed to take it up a couple notches. She looked at me oddly and shook her head when she did get my weight right.

    All of that to say this, focus on getting healthy. Fat loss is a part of that. Muscle strengthening is a part of that. Endurance and energy are parts of that. The scale and comparing yourself to others shouldn't be your top goals. The can be bench marks, but use them carefully. My profile pic is from yesterday. I have 7 children and weigh less than what I did in 9th grade. Hard work can make a lot happen, but set reasonable goals.

    I've never been pregnant before but your other stats are just like me. I'm 5'4 and currently 143. I am also a size 4/6. My hip bones pop out, my ribs, too, I like my collar bone at the moment but too much more weight loss I think I will have that nasty boney upper rib look near my boobs and I sure as hell done want that. I keep noticing my hands which look good at the moment but again, too much more lost and I will have nasty veiny Angelina Jolie hands. My goal is 138 just so I can stop being inbetween sizes. I figure I will settle at a size 4. At 150lbs people thought I was 130lbs. Its just the way I am built. I like having some dimension to my body. I dont want to look bony.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Everyone gets skinny eventually. If you were locked up and denied food, you'd get down under 100, easy.

    You might die first, but you'd get there.
  • getfitcharles
    I'm 5'5" and as a 14-year-old I weighed around 170lbs, and lost a lot of it over several years to the point where I was considered 'underweight'. I'm now back in the 'healthy' range at 130-ish, and even now people say I'm 'too light' sometimes.. I'm not. I have a small build all over.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Yes, I weighed less than that and had a 19" waist when I was about 19 or 20 years old, I was tiny, That is why I find it so hard now, even though people tell me I am ok, I look at myself and think I was over 30lbs lighter lol
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I was very thin once, not sure of the exact number but I was a size 0-3 in high school. Now I really just want to be a size 8-10, after having 2 kid sI dont think I could ever be super skinny again, but who knows!! Right now jus tconcentrating on getting under 200lbs... then Ill worry about the rest!
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    I was quite thin in my late teens and early twenties.

    At 5 foot 8.75 inches, I weighed between 135-140 until I hit my mid-twenties. Then life caught up and I ballooned to 175. Then I got pregnant with my first and I went up to 300.

    After my first pregnancy I successfully lost 100 pounds, but that still got me just to 200 pounds.

    Now I am 34, and I weigh 229 pounds. I would like to get back to the mid-160s.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Every body shape is different and holds weight differently. I am currently 143lbs and a size 4 or 6. I think 125 lbs would make me look sickly and I would lose my curves. My goal is 138 only so I could fit comfortable in a size 4. I dont want to be stuck in between sizes. Honestly, if one size fit right now I wouldnt even try to lose any more weight.

    Totally agree in that every body carries weight differently. I am 5'2 and at 134 lbs I'm in a size 7 or 9 right now. 2 years ago, pre-baby, I was 123 lbs and in a size 3 or 5. I could never be a size 0, my hips would never allow it.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I was never thin. Was always built like a fire hydrant. I think some of the responses were harsh. You know your own body. My advice to you is set one realistic goal at a time. If you reach that goal you can always recalibrate to go further if you choose to. It's what works for you no one else.
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I understand your mindset. I'm 143 ish right now and started using MFP at 176. Just after pregnancy I was 190. I'm 5'6" by the way.

    My goal was 150 and that was skinny in my mind. Now I'm aiming for 140 and muscular, maybe down to 130something eventually. I NEVER in my life thought I could be 130-140. Never. It seemed impossible. Now it doesn't. I know it's completely reasonable.

    Just keep challenging yourself. When you reach that first goal, make a new one. And keep going.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 35,5'6 and have 2 children. My lowest weight as an adult was 147 when I was 24. I did a lot of cardio then and no strength training and ate 1200 calories a day or less. I was a US size 6/8 then.

    I kept my clothes from back then and am now wearing most of them and I weigh 159. I do lots of cardio still but also weights and strength training and I eat 1500 calories a day. My figure is better now I think except my belly is not so good after the kids - my youngest is nearly 2. So I aim to get to 150 and I think I will look good there. Once there I may decide to go for 145. But I know I couldn't be 115 because even when I was 147 my face was starting to look gaunt.

    Go for a weight where you are fit, toned and healthy and look good, don't compare yourself to others.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm also 5'4" and I was an athlete. I weighed 125ish in high school. I cn't imagine how gaunt i would have looked at 115, and probably would have looked "muscley" as well.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm 5'4 and currently weigh 214 pounds (I had a baby 11 months ago and am still trying to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 185). Currently my goal is to get back down to 185 and then to reevaluate my next goal at that time.

    I was just reading a story about a women who was always the "fat sister" and then after having her SIXTH child she lost 100 pounds and weighs in at around 115. Her story was SO inspirational, yet I still feel that I could NEVER be that weight. I think to myself, she's a one in a million ... I could never achieve that level of success.

    Growing up I was always athletic but never 'thin'. I look back now on pictures of myself in high school and college and think "Why did I always feel so fat? I looked good!" But even with that I was never 115 pounds. In college I weighed about 150 and always wanted to get down to 125. I just never thought that was even possible.

    So here is my question ... for those of you who, at one point in time, weighed more than 200 pounds and NOW weigh under 140 pounds ... were you that thin at any point in your life? Or were you always overweight growing up but as an adult have achieved dramatic weight loss and been able to keep it off?

    I guess I'm just wondering "how possible is it?" I figure as I was NEVER the skinny girl that I could never BE the skinny girl... I would be over the moon to weigh 150 pounds again and I think it's possible. But anything below that seems unrealistic.

    Growing up as a child I was always the chubby little girl. And all through grade school and high school I was heavy...not huge but pudgy enough to feel not as pretty as the other 'skinny' girls. At 19 I found exercise.....it changed my life. I didn't know anything about nutrition, calories in v. calories out ect ect...all I knew was that exercise changed my body! I haven't stopped working out since! I struggled a bit during those child bearing years with weight but since then I have been able to maintain a healthy weight. As far as desiring to be skinny??!?!.....no frigging way. I prefer to NOT focus on a specific number, I'd much rather be fit and healthy!!!!! So in answer to your question - you may never weigh 115lbs....but who the heck cares...if you look in the mirror, like what you see, feel good about yourself, feel healthy, that's all that matters. Goals are wonderful and motivational to have - you're doing it the smart way. 185 is a great starting point. Once you reach that you can re-access the situation. I've seen a lot of women on here 5'4", 150 pounds and totally rocking a fit body!!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    You definitely can do it, if you want to. Whether or not you SHOULD is another question. For instance, I could get down to 130lbs, but I'd look like a skeleton. I know because I did it once- and it wasn't healthy for me. I don't know what your ideal weight is and I'm not convinced that you do either, since you seem to think you looked just fine at 150, but are still pining for 125 for some reason. There is more to life than the number on the scale- set yourself reasonable goals, and then when you reach them, decide if you really want to set another one. Do it because it makes you feel good and makes you healthy, not because it's a magic number.


    I right now have about 130-135lbs of Lean body mass. So there is no way in hell I would ever be 125-140lbs and be healthy! You need to figure out what is right for you and your body and your current level of body fat, and your own health.

    I know me and know that at 140-150 I was not eating healthy, I was hardly eating, and it is not something I can maintain so I am not aiming for it.

    Everyone is different. You need to figure out what is right for you.
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    I have never been obese, but was in denial about how overweight I was. I'm 5' 9" and had been been between 180 and 195 for perhaps the past ten years and over 170 for a lot longer than that. I'm reasonably athletic, belonged to a gym and worked out regularly, everything was cool, right? My doctor told me that I was overweight and needed to lose at least 10 pounds. Say what? Please. I looked at the BMI calculator and it said I was overweight. But BMI is flawed--must be my big bones, broad shoulders, um macho muscles?--I couldn't possibly EVER get down to under 170. Right?

    Then I talked to a high school friend who is about my height. When I told him how unreasonable my doctor was, he told me that he weighed 150. Whaaaa? I got serious, joined MFP, and today weighed in at under 165 for the first time in maybe 25 years. And there's still some room for improvement. And I was convinced that I could never be this thin again.

    My point is that denial is powerful and your perceptions of what is possible can severly limit what you can accomplish. It's tough enough to get fit without these limits. Go for it!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    At 16 I weighed 116.

    At 17 I weighed 144.

    At 19 I weighed 160. I stopped weighing myself.

    Next time I looked at 25, I was 196 or above.

    I've gone through all the categories to morbidly obese, and now I'm going back down.

    My first target was to obese. My next is to overweight. Where I go after that, I'll find that out when I get there no point worrying about it until then.