DAY ONE! Need inspiration, encouragement and support

Hello today is my first day of many many to go and I could sure use some inspiration, encouragement and support. Thank you so much! Have a beautiful day!


  • You will do GREAT!!! I used this app last summer when I was trying to get healthier. It truly works and I'm going to start using it again. I've fallen away and gained some of what I'd lost back and I'm just not making the best of choices. This does help me to be accountable so I'll get back on track and we can help each other!!!!! Love you sweet lady!
  • mtbaker64
    mtbaker64 Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome!!! You will do great! You already made the first great choice... you joined MFP. Take it one day at a time. I love how
    easy MPF is and it is something we all can work in our busy schedules.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    You came to the right place for all three! Some seriously awesome people here. I joined in February but really kicked it in gear the past couple weeks. The tracker is reeaally helpful to watch what you eat and if you have any questions about anything someone here is bound to know the answer. I've already read half a dozen success stories from MFP users. I hope you reach your goal!
  • Today is my first day as well! Cheers to us on starting this journey!
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    Welcome to my fitness pal! :)
    I have lost 43 pounds on this app and it's a wonderful tool to lose weight. You can add me if you would like to!
  • allensachers
    allensachers Posts: 20 Member
    The first step is the most difficult and you have already done that, so congratulations, know your not alone and there are people out here who will support you on your journey. Good Luck
  • Welcome to MFP! The support here is amazing & you're going to do great! Just take things a day at a time and view this as a lifestyle change instead of as a diet :smile: Nice to meet you!
  • Kevintron2
    Kevintron2 Posts: 101 Member
    Hello, I just started MFP last Tuesday and I'm pumped!! lol :)
  • HI today is my first day (back) too! I've struggled with my weight my entire life and now I have the extra lbs of two pregnancies on top of that. We can do this!!!!:smile::smile:
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    Im 3 months in or so with MFP and changing my life style my only day one regret not starting day one sooner! do your best and take on the small victories everyday and you will get where you want to be
  • Hi and welcome :)
  • Carpediem1928
    Carpediem1928 Posts: 2 Member
    Day one for me too. Psyched! MFP seems like the missing piece I needed to make me accountable to what I am eating. I also like how it links into an app that allows me to track my workouts and shape my menu even more accurately.