Unpleasable I guess



  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    Second sentence:
    Don't "settle for" what you've got. Embrace it. Be proud of it. I know plenty of those tiny, cute little girls (I'm in China, it's an epidemic here) and I don't know one of them who wouldn't like to be taller. I tell them almost the same thing. You're fine the way you are. Don't worry about the things you can't change... concentrate on the things you can change. And be content.

    AND! To top this off...there are now surgeries in China for these girls to get taller. They break their legs and put in pins to stretch out their bones. I kid you not!!!!
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I looked at your pictures. You look great. You look feminine and you are in great shape.

    I can understand how height can bother a woman because being short has its draw backs, too. I feel like I look strange in most dresses because my legs arent long enough, I cant wear boots over my pants because they cut my body in half and I look stupid, etc..... Besides that, being 5'4 means I need a spatula to push things down from the cabinets, I have to stand on my toes to kiss my boyfriend, and I need to have all pants hemmed because they are always too long.

    All anyone can do is accept the shape/height they have and make themselves look they best they can with what they have and as far as I am concerned you look great. it could be worse at your height, some women your size look like manly, unfeminine creatures and you are far from that.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Sorry if this sounds a little blunt, but your height will not change. So you either accept it or you spend the rest of your life upsetting yourself about something that is out of your control.

    No, at 6"4 you will never be 'cute'. But you can be a striking, beautiful, confident woman who turns heads for the right reasons. You can't change who you are, so work with what you have. Personally, I reckon at 6"4 and 185lb, you will be stunning. That's not saying that you aren't now, either.
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    Love and appreciate what you are. We are all different for reasons beyond our control, those are things you will show your children, be a strong positive role model for them.

    Enjoy motherhood!!!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    If the average height of women was 6 foot 2 you would not despise your height! I totally get how you feel, I am just under 6 feet and have felt the same... ALOT. As well as the desire to be small

    Oh the things I would and wouldn't do because of my height...

    We're tall, it ain't gonna change and I guess with age I have come to accept it, you need to as well. And you are gorgeous, so fight the negative self talk and choose with everything in you not to believe that looking like everyone else is what's attractive.

    Work it woman!

  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    well us 5'3 girls wish we were a little taller :/ I think your beautiful
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    i dread to think what you curl compared to me :noway:

    ETA: at 4 months i have to ask are you still breast feeding? that's got to count for a bit of that weight if you are, also i consider myself skinny so add a few womanly bits and i'm saying 200 ish is about right anyway isn't it?

    Ha! I used to curl a lot. Complications in my 2nd pregnacy prevented me from exercising, then she was born by 6 weeks early by c-section. She wasn't able to breastfeed because of her size and how early she was. They say breastfeeding helps get the weight off, wish I could have done it. It didn't help things any that I wasn't able to workout for 8 weeks after the c-section and I ate like crap everyday while she was in NICU just because it was quick and convenient. I had gotten back into awesome shape after my son and I'm literally back to square one...wasn't able to maintain any of it. :(
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    My OH is 6ft 4, his cousin who is a woman is over 6ft although I've never asked how tall she is!. I'm only 5ft 4 and when me and his cousin go out together she wears heels, putting her taller than my OH and I swear to god the guys trip over themselves just to talk to her. If you learn to rock it, tall is amazing, longest legs in the world, slim, beautiful, how can that NOT be sexy!? I tell you now I'd kill to have your body, you best learn to love it because it's AWESOME!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks y'all. I'm trying. :heart:
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    6'4" women are not generally called "cute", more often they're called "sexy" and "a bombshell". You have to learn to embrace yourself, because your bone structure isn't going to change. Petit girls often wish they were tall and slim. Change what you can and embrace the rest. : )

    ^^^ This. I'm 5'5", a most average height, and I've always wanted to be taller. Tall people are noticed, carry a certain amount of respect, and are stunning (besides being able to eat more!). Cute is for young girls. Beautiful is for women.

    I think we both have got a case of the "food looks better on the other plate." Whatever the case, please keep plugging along to be healthy!
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i dread to think what you curl compared to me :noway:

    ETA: at 4 months i have to ask are you still breast feeding? that's got to count for a bit of that weight if you are, also i consider myself skinny so add a few womanly bits and i'm saying 200 ish is about right anyway isn't it?

    Ha! I used to curl a lot. Complications in my 2nd pregnacy prevented me from exercising, then she was born by 6 weeks early by c-section. She wasn't able to breastfeed because of her size and how early she was. They say breastfeeding helps get the weight off, wish I could have done it. It didn't help things any that I wasn't able to workout for 8 weeks after the c-section and I ate like crap everyday while she was in NICU just because it was quick and convenient. I had gotten back into awesome shape after my son and I'm literally back to square one...wasn't able to maintain any of it. :(

    you can do it again, like i say at 205 you're by no means overweight don't sweat it, at 4 months the hormones from pregnancy haven't even left your body yet, they say it takes a year for your body to return to it's normal state (hormone wise) which is probably why it took so long the last time too

    you have the fantastic benefit of being really tall and slender at the same time which imo and alot of others is very attractive, you'll get back to your goal weight in no time but stressing over this will make things worse, set yourself a goal right for your height and you'll get there the same as anyone else AND if that wasn't enough a few lbs extra on a taller person is barely noticable anyway, i've put on 3/4 of a stone (10lbs) this year and no one has even noticed! lol
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I know this is coming from the other side, but at 5 foot, I'd love to be as tall as you. Amazonian women are so gorgeous. You can convey a sense of confidence and presence that us short girls really have to work at!

    You also get away with higher weights looking much slimmer on you than shorter girls. I'd kill for that!
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Ok, so I'm going to wallow in self pity for just a second...you've been warned. I just had my 2nd child 4 months ago and I have about 20 lbs to lose. After my 1st, I had 15 to lose and ended up losing 20, which was awesome. I did this by eating very well and excercising 4-5 days a week. The crappy part is that it took about 8 months for me to lose 20 lbs. 8 MONTHS and it was really difficult!

    It took you longer to grow a baby inside you - give your body a chance to recover. 8 months isn't that long. It may feel remembering it that the work to lose weight was hard, but being not as fit as you want to be is hard work too.

    You want to be shorter - that's not going to happen. Some wish to be taller, that's not going to happen. Some people wish to be younger, that has passed and not going to happen. The question is, what are you going to make happen? Are you going to stay unhappy at your height and fitness level, or are you going to accept that's who you are and get to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be?

    You can be any height and choose to be awesome. It's your choice.

    P.S. if you aren't getting much sleep and feeling emotionally fragile, ask for help. You may have post-natal depression and you can get help with that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Glad to know I'm not the only one that wishes to be small. I've had plenty of compliments on my height, but unfortunately I've encountered a lot of really mean, cruel people in my life as well. The mean stuff is what sticks. I'm trying to make peace with myself and sometimes I just hit some bumps. Thank you all for the encouragement and kind words.

    Something to always remember about the mean people, they have way more issues than you and are mean because they're unhappy and jealous and want to bring you down to their level. You HAVE to fight back by ignoring and forgetting their sick twisted comments and KNOW they're you're much better than them and you just can't let yourself care about what they say.

    And because that's easier said than done, maybe you should consider counseling. A professional will be able to help you deal with the negative thoughts long term much better than a bunch of strangers on the internet. You already know that just losing the weight isn't going to bring you the joy you need to find, something much deeper must occur. If nothing else, do it for your family so that you can be a strong healthy role model for your kids.

    My best friend is 6 feet tall and she is the most gorgeous woman I know. When I went to Florida with her and another friend who's about the same height, they got ALL the attention everywhere we went. My petite friends didn't stand a chance! :)

    P.S. With 20 pounds to lose, about 1/2 pound per week is a healthy rate of weight loss, so yeah, it's going to take a little while to come off Focus on your healthy eating and activity goals and don't worry so much about the weight, it will come off in time.
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    There are a lot of wise words here and I hope that you can take some support from them. I'm in the "wish I was taller" camp but have come to accept that whatever I do I will always be 5'5", pear-shaped and with curly hair. I would so love to be tall with long legs and silky straight hair but short of some rather major surgery it just isn't going to happen! What I can do is make the most of what I've got and enjoy life. What you should be worrying about at this stage in your life is being healthy and enjoying your family - they grow up so fast and my boys are now both taller than me so at least that might not happen to you quite so quickly as it did for me!

    One benefit of being taller that you might not appreciate is that people are more likely to take you seriously in life. Somehow people seem to think that 'cute little women' have 'cute little minds' and that can be very frustrating!!!