New and would love some friends for support

LHnH4L Posts: 29 Member

I was wondering if anyone might want to friend me. This might sound strange, but ladies only, please. I feel weird sharing food stuff with guys. I would really like to be friends with people who have a positive outlook on food and health. Just in case you're curious about matching up interests: I like running (but can't right now because of where I live currently), yoga, fruits and veggies, jump-rope, I have a huge sweet tooth (but it and I are trying to come to a compromise), I am 25, from the U.S. (PA) but currently living in Mexico City. Aaand, I think that's about it :)


  • ThreeKeys_
    ThreeKeys_ Posts: 93 Member
    Aww, but my favourite thing is looking at the food women eat and judging them.

    Seriously though, huh?