When will I finally Lose the Weight After Depo Provera?

Ugh! Started taking Depo Provera last May. Within months, I had already gained 15 pounds, but I didn't put it together that the Depo is what was causing my weight gain. I ended up having two more shots and gained a total of 50 pounds. I was about 3 pounds underweight before and now I'm 13 pounds overweight. I stopped getting the shots and hoped the weight would just come off, but it didn't. I exercise like crazy and eat a mostly vegan diet. I thought there must be something else wrong with me and had every blood test known to man done on me. All the labwork came back as 'normal' and I'm back to questioning if this could be because of depo. I finally am getting a normal cycle as of this month and have lost about 4 pounds in the past month or so. I have never had an issue with my weight. Am I finally turning a corner with my weight loss journey? Will the weight come off easily now? Advise from other would be very helpful!


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    One of the side effects of Depo is weight gain - but many people have found once the hormones settle out (about 2-4 months of getting off it) they are able to lose weight easier.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I went through this when I was seventeen. Started the shot, was on it for like 6 months the first time gained 20 lbs, stopped the shot and lost the weight in a few months, then went back on it when things got serious with me and my now husband and in 8 months I gained 40 lbs, missed one shot by 2 weeks and got pregnant. I will NEVER be put back on that shot. Good luck hun, I know it sucks.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I stopped having Depo after I fell pregnant on it with my son. I never gained weight but it took ages for my cycle to return to normal, not sure if that was because of the Depo or because of my pregnancy. Weight gain is a common side effect for most forms of contraception, when your cycle regulates itself you'll probably start shedding lbs easier, good luck!
  • tnpxx94
    tnpxx94 Posts: 39 Member
    You should consider yourself lucky to be only 13 pounds overweight. I was in a normal range before depo and gained 60-70 pounds in the year and a half I was on it. It's very common to gain that much weight. From what my doctor told me it can get your hormones off balance and it could take anywhere from a few weeks to 9+ months for your body to go back to normal. I'm finally noticing a change with me after about 2 months of being off the shot. I feel a lot better than I did, a lot more energy but still finding it tough to lose any of the weight. Just be careful, I was advised to try a high protein diet so maybe discuss that with your doctor. Don't overdo the exercise and cardio as it causes your body to produce cortisol which will cause your body to store up all your carbs and you won't lose any weight that way! Just stick to about 30-45 mins of cardio per day max and stick to a balanced healthy diet and once your body adjusts, you will begin to see changes. Be patient! The depo shot is HORRIBLE wouldn't recommend it to anyone!
  • sghcab051411
    sghcab051411 Posts: 21 Member
    Good luck! I went on the depo shot when I was 16. Gained 60lb in the first 3 months. Thought maybe it was just my body getting used to it, not so much. The depo is an ugly thing! After gaining weight like crazy I went off of it and still have that weight and then some. But i'm trying to lose it. The depo shot is what got the doctors wondering what was going on and is when I got diagnosed with pcos. Losing the weight you gained while on the shot isn't going to be easy but you can do it. It can take over a year for the depo shot to completely get out of your system. Its a nasty thing.
  • jdleslie18
    jdleslie18 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks, ladies! I'm getting so discouraged. I just want to make sure that nothing else is wrong with me. I think I'm convinced this is all Depo related. BTW, I was supposed to have my last shot November of 2012, so its been about 5 months. Does anyone who has lost weight after Depo remember the timing of when it became easier?
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I have been on Depo since August of 2011 and have lost 50+ lbs. It isn't the Depo that makes you gain weight, unless you already had a weight issue to begin with. Your doctor should have explained that to you. I still get the shot and am still losing weight.
  • jdleslie18
    jdleslie18 Posts: 46 Member
    No, I've NEVER had a weight problem. Within 3 shots, I gained 50 lbs. I have had ALL sorts of bloodwork done and this is the only explanation. I wasn't successful with weight loss until about a month ago. Even following a very strict diet/exercise regiment, I would still gain weight. I think it effects everyone differently. I interested in those that have had similar experiences.
  • rfazzio
    rfazzio Posts: 1
    Hey, I understand the frustration as I am currently off the shot as of today (meaning the shot "should" no longer be in affect) I gained about 20lbs over the 2 1/2 years I have been on it and recently decided to stay away from all hormonal birth control. I am going to rely on spermicide, pulling out, and the fertility awareness method. I'm sick of working my *kitten* off and the weight not coming off like it should. Hopefully we can lose this weight! Also, I have never had a weight problem, I had always been in the goal weight range for my height, and it does affect people differently. I am sick of people telling me it's my fault I gained the weight. No it is not. Thank you very much.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I have been on Depo since August of 2011 and have lost 50+ lbs. It isn't the Depo that makes you gain weight, unless you already had a weight issue to begin with. Your doctor should have explained that to you. I still get the shot and am still losing weight.

    ^This^ The depo injection itself doesn't make you gain weight.

    What it does do though is increase your appetite, more food makes you gain weight, not the drug.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I have been on Depo since August of 2011 and have lost 50+ lbs. It isn't the Depo that makes you gain weight, unless you already had a weight issue to begin with. Your doctor should have explained that to you. I still get the shot and am still losing weight.

    ^This^ The depo injection itself doesn't make you gain weight.

    What it does do though is increase your appetite, more food makes you gain weight, not the drug.

    Exactly. I've been on Depo for years. No weight gain, and no trouble losing. I am hungrier at certain points, especially the week before my shot, but I know its just the Depo and I adjust accordingly. If it makes you so hungry that you can't control your food intake, then it probably isn't the right BC for you.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I have been on depo since april of 2011.yea i did gain weight on it but i dont blame it just on the shot it makes u feel hungry so u eat.i started my weight loss journey this year in feb and lost 17 pounds and im still on depo
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I have been on Depo ten years with no weight gain from the shot. I have gained and lost the same amount of weight due to over eating though.
  • ctine27
    ctine27 Posts: 1
    I have actually had the opposite problem - I lost 30
    Pounds while on the Depo shot for a year, but got off it in January and have gained 20 pounds since then. I haven't been living too much different than before, but the weight just has packed on. My doctor told me that most people gain weight once of the Depo shot, but once it's out of your system, that you should be able to lose weight like normal. But, I'm feeling very discouraged at this point as well. ????
  • shorty50138
    shorty50138 Posts: 1 Member
    I was about 115 lbs before I started the depo and gained 50 lbs in 5 months! Never had a problem before going on Depo with my weight.. and had 2 kids prior to going on it. It did not increase my appetite, it messed up my hormones, therefore resulting in weight gain. I went to an Endocronologist and had a lot of testing done. I also experienced hair loss, dizzines to the point of being unable to walk, migraines, fatigue...I could go on!!!! I have been off of the thing for about 10 years... and still have troubles with trying to lose weight.. which I never had before depo.
  • denisecmcdonald
    denisecmcdonald Posts: 1 Member
    What some people need to understand is that not everyone will have the same symptoms from the shot. It is frustrating when you see someone post that it is not the shot, it is you. The shot has side effects and it takes on to each of us differently. I have never had a problem with weight gain while on birth control until I took the shot. I have been off the shot for 4 months now and the weight will not leave,. So I will have to continue my plan of dieting and exercising and wait for the side effects to completely leave my body. The goal right now is to maintain my plan and keep the weight from increasing. As with everything, you have to decide carefully as to what method is best for you. Some birth control methods work differently than others, unfortunately, this is one of them. Good luck ladies.
  • nshafranski84
    I have been on depo twice now. The first time i gained 20lbs. I was so upset i got off of it right away and lost the weight in a matter of months. This time i gained 30lbs. I am so pissed. It it 100% the shot. I have been off it for a month now and have not lost anything. The first time it just fell off. DEPO IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I call depo my "happy shot." I've gained and lost weight during the years I was on it depending on my food & fitness habits, not based on the shot. The first year I was on the shot I lost weight. The one time I tried going off it (because it was expensive) I immediately started gaining weight.

    From what I understand if your cycle is naturally regular then you will probably have bad results with the depo shot. If your cycle is all over the place (like mine is) it will probably work well for you.
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been on the Depo for over 2 years and I have lost 32lbs although I was worried about weight gain but this hasn't been an issue
  • echelonokie
    I took the shot for over a year and gained nearly 80lbs. I was off of it for a year before I got pregnant with my son and the weight NEVER went away, even counting that I worked at a job where I was on my feet and active for 11 hrs a day, 4 days a week.