Need to lose 20 lbs in 5 weeks before my wedding

Ok. I have been trying for the past 6 months to lose weight. I've tried everything!!! I've cut out milk and substituted almond milk, I've cut out white carbs and sugar. I do Zumba 3 times a week, a body Pump class once a week, I play volleyball twice a week. I drink at least 3 liters of water a day! I just need to fit into my wedding dress on May 18th and need a quick weight loss. Obviously, I know how to eat and maintain and will continue to do so after we get married but I need something quick. I've lost inches but no weight. It's frustrating knowing I do everything right. ...or at least think I do. I need suggestions. I'm 37, 5'3 and 185lbs. and have an hourglass figure. Which I think I look fantastic, I just need to get into my dress that is too tight up top. Please help me with some other ideas.
I guess I should also let you know that my daily routine of eating. Brkfst, - First half hour after i get up, cereal/almond milk decaf tea with 2 splenda hard boiled egg 10:am snack is 1 apple with walnuts Lunch 1Pm 3 0z chick/broc (usually last night's dinner) 4pm snack - greek yogurt/strawberries/blueberries granola Dinner 8:30pm chicken and vegetable or ground turkey Red meat once a week. Everything is portioned. Lately, I've been trying Isopure protein shakes instead of my snacks.


  • neretete
    neretete Posts: 30
    I've had great luck with South Beach. Follow Phase 1 for at least two weeks to get yourself kickstarted. If you don't cheat you could lose 10-12 right there. Then it stays 1-2 lbs a week if you stay diligent and don't start adding Phase 2 carbs in too quickly. Good luck! It is discouraging when you need to fit into something and can't, especially when you know you already look smokin; and will look even hotter on that happy day!