Muscle soreness

How do you guys deal with muscle soreness after you've done your workout? When I'm really sore I always feel like it would be really difficult to do my exercise but at the same time I want to exercise. However, I don't want to exercise when my muscles are really sore and hurt them further. I find that my muscle soreness can last for almost a week sometimes!

Do you guys still do your exercises or do you take a day or two to rest?


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    You didn't mention what kinds of exercises you are doing, or what your program is currently like. If you're weight training, then you typically want to give the areas that you've trained at least 2-3 days of rest (3 days for beginners who are lifting heavy, I think).

    I can only speak on behalf of someone who mainly does weight training/strength training. And I split up the muscle groups into their own days, so that if I'm sore from working out a particular part of the body, it likely won't impact the next day's workout on a separate part of the body.

    And incidentially, I find that during a workout, the soreness in a particular area tends to go away (likely due to the blood flow and whatnot).

    A week for soreness seems quite a lot. Typically, soreness starts to dissipate after 2-3 days.

    One way to eventually diminish or eliminate the soreness is to keep doing the same exercises over a period of time. Your body will learn to recover more quickly. In the meanwhile, a day of rest after a sore day wouldn't hurt. And maybe a re-configuration of your workout schedule might help you to "rest" certain areas for several days, while still working out non-sore areas?

    Hope this is of some help. Good luck on getting through the soreness.