June Starters - May 3

thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well this is how tired I am I just went and copied the link from the old board to post here. Wow.

My weight is the same this week. I am really proud of my exercise though I met and passed my goal and I had a crazy busy week. My goal was 2.5 hours and I did 3 hours 40 minutes. I am going to bump my exercise goal this week to 3.5 hours.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Happy Monday!


  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    checking in really quick
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    here's hoping this week is better than last. :drinker:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Whoops! I never published the website fri after I updated it. lol it's published now!

    This week WILL be better than last!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I am glad Monday is coming to a close. Looking forward to a stress free Tuesday!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey guys! It was a crazy busy day--had finals from 8-4 today. Think they went well! One was for 19% of my grade and I could make like a 40 and still get a B in the class and know I did that, and the other was a standardized exam to make our school look good. Did that one without trying :glasses: so I probably got a terrible score, but it doesn't go toward my grade so yippee!!

    I didn't get to exercise much this week :( Too busy studying seriously 8 hours a day at least :grumble: Friday is the last final! On a positive note, I FINALLY made it to my original goal weight! Probably from the tremendous amount of coffee I drank this week if ya know what I mean haha

    I thought I lost my Polar hrm today. I took it to the pool while I was laying out and thought I left it there. Then I thought someone stole it so I was all mad about that...then I just found it in the gutter. Whew! I was super sad thinking it was gone and that someone had stolen it and didn't even have the chest strap. I am dumb :)

    30 mins exercise, 315 cals burned :huh:

    CW: 140!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    bumping for later
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hi all! I'm feeling awesome today! I hope everyones doing well!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    SSO I am a dope. I reported no weight loss this week but I just checked the spreadsheet and I did have 1 pound loss. I thought my weight was the same!

    LW 149.2
    CW 148.2

    Still not back down to the 147 I was but at least I am heading back in the right direction.

    So I had a thought. Seems like we have a lot of members who are struggling to get back on track and I have noticed that the board is getting really quiet. Are weekly weigh ins too much pressure if we have some members struggling? Should we think about doing monthly weigh ins? We could do a monthly board where we continue to check in daily if we like for inspiration, motivation or just some chit chat, but just do weigh ins either the beginning or end of the month. Of course if people would like to weigh in weekly they still could do so.

    If this doesn't sound good anyone have other ideas on how we can get our June Starters in the groove again?
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hmmm, I know I personally like the weekly weigh ins. I feel motivated this week, I just haven't been able to log in much since I've been so much more active.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hi all! I'm extremly chipper today. I'm SORE but happy! lol
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I don't know about the weigh-ins...I'm so close to goal that I don't care to weigh-in anymore. But I'm sure that several people would still benefit from it! I think because the weather is so nice we are just getting outside more and not sitting in front of the cpu :D I know that's definitely me! Going to lay out very soon, actually...
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    You are probably right. I am out all morning and late afternoon, but I am stuck inside during nap times so I do some light house keeping and sit in front of the computer because I am at a loss for anything else to do.

    I like the weekly weigh ins. It keeps me working, even though it hasn't been doing much good. I love the exercise check in for sure. Last night I was wishing I didn't have to work out because I was exhausted but I am trying to beat last week so I did it anyways.
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Well, my placenta previa didn't move so c-section here I come :cry: Oh well, I guess it's not the worst that could have happened. Why is it still so cold outside? It's 11am and only 43 degrees here!
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Hello Ladies! So it's snowing here... again... so I have delayed my running... again. I'm getting so down about it, and then I thought that I would just run in the snow, but there is a lot of ice and so I'm worried about slipping... I will eventually get running again... excuses excuses, I know. Oh well, hoping for sun soon.

  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I hurt!!!! I HURT!!! lol A friend of mine convinced me to check out other gyms with her so she can pick the best one. The one we're at now has a personal trainer kick our butts for the trial period. It hurts to move! lol It hurts so good though!

    Yolie- I'm sorry. I know you didn't want a C-section but like you said- there are worse things. ((hugs)) I hate this insane weather!! Is it Spring??

    Meags- SNOW>??? No way!! Keep it by you, ok?

    I won't be logging a real weigh in until Friday but so far on my workouts I've done amazing!

    Mon- 72
    Tues- 190
    Wed- 125

    Total so far this week- 387 minutes! wow! My goal was 120 minutes. Guess I'm gonna have to up that. lol
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Yollie - Sorry to hear that it did not fix itself. I know it is not ideal but you and the baby are better off and that's the most important thing. Look on the bright side, at least you will absolutely know when you are delivering and what to expect!!

    Meags - Yuck to the snow. That is so depressing. I hope your weather gets better soon. Definitely makes a huge difference in out look and motivation.

    Busymom- I wish I had your stamina. I have upped my workouts 20 minutes a day (by adding the shred) and feel like I deserve a medal. You are amazing!

    Last night we went out with friends and I did absolutely no workout and have felt guilty all day so even though I got 5 hours sleep last night I am making sure I get in a kick butt workout tonight after the kids go to bed.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Momto- I'm excited because I found a new motivation. A new gym and a trainer has motivated me 10 times more than I could motivate myself!

    You can def work in a kickboxing workout! Go for it!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I did get in a double workout last night but we also went out for pizza for dinner so I am pretty sure I am no further ahead.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms this weekend. Enjoy!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm so excited!!

    2 weeks ago- 151.9
    CW- 151.9!!

    WHoo! Not a "loss" but I'm gettting there! This is the lowest I've been since I started here. I keep hitting it and then gaining. Not this time!!! I'm gonna see 150 if it kills me!!!!! lol
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Alright people!! I need weigh ins!! I need exercise check ins!! Come come guys!! Don't give up on me now!!!! I NEED you!!!
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