breast-cancer link to keeping cell phone in bra

Doctors warn of breast-cancer link to keeping cell phone in bra

Could where you carry your cell phone make you sick? Some doctors say they're seeing evidence of breast cancer that could be linked to where some women keep their mobile phones.

Tiffany Frantz and other young women tell KTVU it's convenient way to hold on to their cell phone. "I put my cellphone right in my bra," said Frantz.

However, her mother Traci Frantz expressed misgivings. "We never took it seriously until after she was diagnosed," said Traci Frantz.

At the age of 21 years old, Tiffany got breast cancer.

"Her tumors were exactly where her cellphone had been against her skin her bare skin for about six years," said Traci Frantz. Their family has no genetic or other risk factors. Surgeons ended up removing Tiffany's left breast.

"It's kinda coincidental that it's right where I kept my cellphone," said Tiffany.

Coincidence? Donna Jaynes got breast cancer at 39. Her family also no had risk factors for cancer. Her doctor showed KTVU the dots where her tumors developed just a half an inch beneath her skin.

"All in this area right here, which is where I tucked my cellphone," said Jaynes. She said she did just that for ten years. She had a mastectomy.

"I thought cellphones were safe. I was under the impression that they were," said Jaynes.

Breast surgeon Lisa Bailey believes cellphone-related breast cancer may be common. But doctors rarely ask about phones.

"I would never wear a cellphone immediately next to my body and I would advise all women not to do that," said Bailey.

Nevertheless, new bras are now on the market with pockets for cellphones. This may be convenient, but doctors said they are risky, especially for younger women.

"These young breast in the early evolution are more sensitive to changes that might lead to cancer," said Dr. John West, a breast cancer surgeon.

West, his colleague Dr. Lisa Bailey and others are now sounding an alarm. They say men are also getting breast cancer by putting their cellphones in their shirt pockets. The wireless industry denies any problem citing a lack of scientific evidence that cellphones cause breast cancer.

"Until further data either supports it or disproves it, I would keep cellphones away from the body, in particular the breasts," said Dr. June Chen.

Doctors recommend cell phone users read manufacturers fine print. For instance, iPhone manuals suggest users keep their phone at least 5/8 of an inch away from any body part.

"It's as simple as that and it might save a life. It might avoid a mastectomy, chemotherapy. It's easy enough to do. Why take a chance?" asked West.

Tiffany's mom says she wishes she'd spoken up.

"I am convinced her cellphone has caused her breast cancer," said Traci Frantz.

"If there is a risk and we don't find out about it for five or ten years from now, we're going to see a whole cluster of young people with breast cancer," said Dr. John West.


  • If this is an April Fool's Joke, it's f*cking sick.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    It's being found that cell phones are causing brain tumors. Not an April fools joke. It's 100% true. I predict that there is going to be a lot of teens that are going to be getting diagnosed with brain tumors from all the cell phone usage. When I use mine I use speaker as much as I possibly can.
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    It's being found that cell phones are causing brain tumors. Not an April fools joke. It's 100% true. I predict that there is going to be a lot of teens that are going to be getting diagnosed with brain tumors from all the cell phone usage. When I use mine I use speaker as much as I possibly can.

    I use speaker alllll the time, i hate holding a cell phone up to my ear. However, I have been putting mine in my bra while i workout since i don't have pockets or one of those arm band things. I do double bag the girls so the phone is not touching my skin. I wonder if that's what really caused her cancer...
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    No sorry it isnt, its just one article of many on the subject
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    Here is information from the Be Aware Foundation
  • Ugh, as a physicist I hate this crap.

    Let me just say that I have been through enough radiation safety courses to know to minimize my exposure to harmful radiation. Thus, I try to avoid unnecessary medical X-rays and am very leery of the back-scatter X-ray machines they installed in airports. However, I have no fear of sticking my cell phone in my bra.

    Cell phones use radio/microwave wavelengths to transmit data. Radio waves are a form of light that our eyes cannot see. It is also a non-ionizing form of radiation. This means that it does not have enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms, and thus cannot damage our DNA.

    The only way microwaves or radio waves can hurt you is if you get a dose powerful enough to cook your vulnerable bits (like eyes and testicles). This is unlikely to happen unless you stand in front of a radar dish or stick yourself in a microwave oven. Your cell phone does not have enough transmitting power to cause any damage.

    There is no physical mechanism for cell phone to give you any kind of cancer, be it brain or breast cancer. There is a lot of speculation and some blips from epidemiological studies, but nothing that passes the "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" test.

    You are much more likely to get cancer from not putting on enough sun screen to block the ionizing radiation in the UV light that comes from the sun.
  • nikb1983
    nikb1983 Posts: 44 Member
    I wouldn't keep my phone in my bra...but not for this reason... my aunt used to tuck her phone in her bra if she didn't have pockets, one time the phone overheated and her bra caught on fire! She was ok, but yeah....phones don't belong in your bra.
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  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Who puts their phone in their bra anyway? Sorry but putting a touchphone there is going to start dialing emergency as well as millions of others. Plus.... I prefer to keep mine in a little 'pocket' reserved just for my phone when I walk or workout.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    It's being found that cell phones are causing brain tumors. Not an April fools joke. It's 100% true. I predict that there is going to be a lot of teens that are going to be getting diagnosed with brain tumors from all the cell phone usage. When I use mine I use speaker as much as I possibly can.

    I use speaker alllll the time, i hate holding a cell phone up to my ear. However, I have been putting mine in my bra while i workout since i don't have pockets or one of those arm band things. I do double bag the girls so the phone is not touching my skin. I wonder if that's what really caused her cancer...

    one word...... BUMBAG. Simple solution for your phone while working out & yeah running with it on is simple as well.