SBF2 Reboot boogaloo...May 3rd!

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
It's already May. Summer is fast upon us. We had a great Spring, so I don't have too much to complain about.

After three days of hard yoga, my body is feeling it. I mistakenly got on the scale this morning - I had gain! :grumble: I'll get back on the scale later this week. I've been joining V in the no distractions while eating. I'm getting to where I like it. Not that I still don't want to read, but I like how much I'm eating (thus the getting on the scale and being surprised). I will also measure later this week.

Ran three errands on the bike yesterday. I have two planned today as well as yoga. Hard teacher is gone until May 15th, so I have a reprieve.

Summer, boogaloo!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    It's amazing, isn't it Mary? It's become habit, and it's an interesting exercise in a "well, it's time to shut down the computer/TV/magazine" so that I can eat now. Focusing on it makes a big difference. I weigh myself on Wednesday morning. I'm curious to see what that says...I feel smaller, but I've also been hitting the weight training/yoga pretty hard, so I may not have lost scale weight (I have to keep reminding myself that isn't my current goal...but it's a very weird and difficult shift).

    Had an absolutely brutal (in a wonderful way) training session yesterday...switching from hitting pads/boxing combos to weights/TRX and back again. I made the beautiful mistake of saying "I hate crunches" last time so we did an ab workout that was all swiss ball, balance, cirque de soleil looking stuff, much of which looked impossible when she demo'ed it, but was challenging but possible when I tried it. I laughed at one point because the thought "Oh, it's just plank on the ball....I can rest!" went through my head.

    Today it's a strength/dance conditioning class with one of my fav. teachers (she subbed in at the gym a few times, and the positive feedback was so high that they hired her) followed by boxing. Also on the "must do" list today: translating a page of difficult spanish. Si, se puede!

    Si, se puede, boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I agree. I am very thankful for the spring we've had! It's going to get in the 90's this week here and DH doesn't have A/C in the car yet. Poor guy. And my scale number jumped back up 3 pounds to the heaviest I've been in awhile, but I have three rolls on my tummy instead of one big one so I know I'm getting smaller. :laugh: One of them is getting quite a bit smaller too!
    V, sounds like you had a great work out yesterday. I should see if the local rec center offers kickboxing. I'd like to do it but I've never taken a class like that before so I don't know that I want to go alone.
    Today is more house cleaning (been working for about 30 minutes already) and hopefully a work out, either taebo or Shred. That depend on when the guys are coming out to work on the house today. If I don't get anything in before DH comes home, maybe I'll go for a walk/run tonight. I also have yard work to do.
    Oh and I planted snapdragons and pumpkins several weeks ago and yesterday I found that my cat (or maybe the rats) ate all my pumpkin plants. :sad: So I guess I will try to get some more seeds and start again. Sigh. My snapdragons are doing well though.
    Counting down the days till we hear news about M. Will probably be early to mid next week some time. DH said it will be a long ten days but maybe not. I have a lot going on this week so I hope it won't seem too long.
    Time to get back to cleaning.
    Busy week boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member

    Husband feel ill yesterday. Weird illness - just a fever and chills, no other symptoms. He is leaving to visit a friend in Nebraska on Thursday, so I hope he gets better soon.
    It's going to be hot today. I need to get a little gardening in this morning, get some errands in (maybe by bike?), teach yoga, then help over a the parents house. I also need to work on the trip to Vancouver soon. I plan everything.

    I'm going to take it pretty easy today to hopefully let my body fend off whatever husband has. I might to a walk later today.

    Planning away, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Just got back from a sweaty (Oh good, the humidity has arrived) zumba class. I'll re-evaluate if I want to go to yoga later...I may just do a new DVD that I just bought, and report back.

    Other than that, it's an hour of translating practice( :bigsmile: <
    positive thinking) and an hour of comps reading. It occurred to me yesterday that if I have two hours a day to work out, I have two hours to do school work. It's amazing how productive just an hour can be (especially compared to, well, zero hours.) Also, I have to remind myself that I do actually love to learn stuff, even though the system at school has me beaten down. I just remind myself that I'm in charge of my education, not "the man." And, to quote Scarlett O'Hara, "as god is my witness, they're not going to lick me."

    Hope your husband is better soon. Hydrate and rest (but you know that already.) Sorry about your pumpkins, MM.

    Sticking it to the man, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning!
    Mary, sorry your hubby is sick! I hope you don't get it! What part of Nebraska is he going to? I lived in the very southwest corner for the first 12 years of my life. Farm girl out in the sticks...literally.
    V, you can come work out at my house! When the dryer is running it gets very hot and humid in here. Feel like I am having my own bikram-ish taebo. :wink:
    CP, how are you doing on the push ups? Can't wait till your back from your trip. Miss hearing from you!:smooched:
    Bobbie, how are you doing? Getting in some good work outs this week?

    I managed to get all my cleaning done (except for some straightening up) and got Shred in before taking Alex to tumbling class at 11. That's progress for me! :happy: Did not feel like working out but I didn't know if I was going to be able to get any exercise in today since the guys are coming back to look at the dryer again. He called the property management and he said the OWNER is meeting him here today at 1:30. I've never met the owner (owners intimidate me lol) and I think he lives in Louisiana, so maybe he meant the property manager is coming over today. That's who I am hoping comes.
    I may try to do some yard work this afternoon depending on the dryer job. Other than that I plan to chill out. :glasses:
    Forward rolls boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, gang! Starting to get a little more exercise back in. Did a pilates DVD yesterday and some abs and arms today. Eating is so so. Not horrible, and the portions are ok, but I could do better. I've been keeping iced green tea in the frig and drinking it a lot. It is really good.

    Goals for the rest of the week: exercise, portion control, good food choices.

    Green tea, Boogaloo!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I weighed in. Total loss last month: 8 oz. Ack. I guess down is good, right? The measuring tape brought no joy, either. (waist at narrowest: up .5 inches, waist at bellybutton down .5 inches and thigh down .5 that's good. I think the waist "growth" is due to the fact that my lower back muscles are kicking.) But, it seems that while trying to lose, I've turned into the magical maintaining machine. I really, really, just wanted that additional half pound to get back to the 140s. I'm trying to let the mirror be my guide. I look better, my muscles are more defined, I may not be smaller, but I am harder. End of story.

    Another busy day. I keep waiting to see if the phone rings and if I'm teaching or not. I hate this...I'm trying to use it as an exercise in letting go, but it still sucks. Boo to it.

    Other than hoping I don't have to teach (that's a not bad financial state to be in...) it's an appointment downtown, translating (current project...Aesop's Fables...difficulty: some of them don't make a lot of sense in English, so in my broken translations from Spanish they make even less sense. It's amazing to remember that language is not's phrases) reading, and a weights class followed by spynga. I've decided to shift and have a bit of a workout schedule (this relieves me from guilt a bit and helps prevent too much working out). I'm making Mon, Wed and Fri my "double days". Every other day is one workout per. (I find it a little slice of crazy/wonderful that I need to prevent myself from overtraining.) Also, I found out that in June, I'll be able to take a Thursday a.m. Zumba if I want to, so that's cool.

    I've started "Savor". It's interesting, but I've just gotten started. It's very Buddhist (which should come as no surprise, since it's written by a Buddhist monk and a R.D.) I just keep pondering where "mindfullness" ends and "conscious deprivation" begins. Where is the line between "not stuffed full" and "still hungry". Hungry all the time = not happy V.

    Pondering, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Our dryer is fixed! Yay! Finally don't have to sweat all day long in the house! They had to reroute it through th garage and out through the front. Not the prettiest thing, but it's not my house and it's more efficient! The maintenance guy will be out on Monday, hopefully to replace the kitchen window and plug holes and caulk things etc. Looking forward to having all this done.
    V, I am also waiting for a phone call/email but mine will not come till next week. Hope yours comes quickly so you don't have to wait too long!
    Good to see you again Bobbi! :flowerforyou:
    Horse therapy today, visiting with a friend, watch BL, try to get a work out in, and go to church.
    I was surprised last night when hubby said, "You must be working out. You look more toned." Really? Thanks hubby! :smooched: The scale is stuck at 155-158 and will not go down but I'm trying not to focus on that as much as focusing on how I am feeling. I have noticed things aren't jiggling as much when I run up the stairs so that shows me that it's working! And I just feel better. I'm going to try to get some B vitamins this morning and look for iron as well. I am sure I am low in both.
    That's it for now. Have a great day!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Wishing phone calls y'all's way.

    Husband is going to Omaha, NE. He has a friend there that is a big Iron Man fan - so he's flying up to Omaha to see "Iron Man 2" with him opening weekend. He's at the doctor now even though he feels better.

    I applied to join my husband's commuter challenge team. The team is in 2nd place, and I would be second place on the team. The admin has to ok me though.

    So, today: bike 2 errands than yoga tonight.

    Bike challenge, boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, Girls! Home for the afternoon. Had my snack, doing a little work and watching Oprah. So far so good on my eatig today. Did my crunches this morning. Drinking lots of iced green tea.

    V: Down .8 is definitely in the right direction. Way to go! I haven't lost much this month, either. I am now satisfied with down.

    MM: Yay for the drier being fixed!!

    Mary: Glad your hubby is feeling better.

    Have a great evening!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    update: ended up doing yoga at home. I think my body is trying to tell me that Wednesday needs to be a recovery day, as this is the second week in a row I've been really dragging on Wednesday. I think Hard workouts Thurs-Mon, and semi-hard on Tuesday might earn a day off, right? Or at least a light day.

    The only bummer is Wednesday is the best/only weight training class offered at the gym. But, with challenging yoga on Fridays and stretch/strength on Mondays, as well as a session with my trainer sometime, that's probably enough. Anyway, today I took it easy.

  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    V: I think taking it easy one day a week is allowed. You know your body needs time to recover.

    I called Jenny Craig and told them I need a break for a while. I've been going since December and have been doing well. However, I've been kind of hanging around the same numbers on the scale for a few weeks because I've only been doing partly Jenny Craig. My clothes fit again, which was my first goal. So, I guess I am a bit complacent right now. Certainly don't want to gain (again), but not overly motivated to get that last ten pounds (or so :) ) off.

    Going to eat healthy and eat right and use portion control. Get some exercise in. Look forward to summer!

    I figured out that hiring a babysitter a few hours each week this summer will be a lot cheaper than doing weekly summer camps for the boys. I hope the young lady I have asked will want to participate in my plan. She is awesome and lives across the street from us. If she isn't available, there is another young lady two doors down who might want to do it.

    Babysitter, Boogaloo!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm getting a little crazy with this commuter challenge. I was looking up a route to go teach yoga downtown today (thank you Google!). I still am considering it. I'm worried about falling behind the next few days. I'm going to Dallas on Sunday (returning Monday) and Friday is yoga in a place I would never bike and then meeting a friend. You get a point for every trip you make. There's a neighborhood garage sale in my area this Saturday - so I could get a trip for each house I stopped at :laugh:

    I think I might just bike to the pet store for cat food today. I'm considering going to a hard yoga tonight. Hmmm. Husband is better so he's leaving today. We will pass like ships in the night on Sunday. But Monday isn't that far away.

    Commuter Crazy, boogaloo.

    Oh, I was also invited to a yoga class where they will be filming. I'm not sure about that. There is that part of you that wants to see yourself on tv, then I might push myself too hard to look cool. I want to help the new studio, but feel a little weird about it. Oh, it will be on the CW (some broadcast channel that I never watch) in Austin, Dallas and Houston.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post here, as I have a lot to get done today!
    Bobbi, it's probably good to take a break from Jenny Craig. It may just be what your body needs to shake things up a little. :smile:
    V, I would say a day off would be a good thing. :wink:
    Mary, you could be a TV star just like me! :wink: :laugh: Let us know what you decide to do.

    I am tired of all the emotions. We've been anxious about next week. We'll find out if M's grandmother has custody or not. I can't even explain the emotions I am feeling about that. Also some dear friends of ours lost a brother last night. He was a quadriplegic. He had been shot in the head accidentally by his brother when he was 18 or so. His sister has been caring for him for the last 25+ years. He's had a really hard year, and they sent him to rehab thinking it would be the best thing for him, and he passed yesterday. His sister cared for him like a son. It's just really sad. But we know this man is in a better place now and is able to run, dance, eat, and do all the things he couldn't do before. :happy:

    Okay this post isn't as quick as I need it to be. lol. Grocery store today, cleaning, and making hard icing sugar cookies for a luncheon tomorrow. Never done it before. I hope they turn out okay. They are for kids and I am going to limit myself to two. Hopefully there's no leftovers. :tongue:And I will get a work out in today. MIL is coming this weekend and we will do the tour of houses thing in FW. Never done that before either. Okay now I am going.

    Emotional roller coaster boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    I have finished my translation (which is my new thing I want to do before I check in here.) I graduated myself today to an actual musicology article in Spanish. I was doing Aesop's fables, but decided that there most likely won't be eagles and foxes and grapes on the exam. Bummer.

    Today, my trainer is coming over. I have an appointment at the Doc's later this afternoon to sort of say "what gives?" Apparently, my last round of bloodwork came back completely normal. Wha? How can I be deficient one week and fine the next? Sort of kind of makes no sense to me. I'm going to see if he'll prescribe some vit injections for me...just to see if there's a malabsorption issue. I'm sick of the doc saying "you're wait, you're wait, you're sick." Just kind of makes you wonder how much of it is operator error, you know...with all respect to lab techs, you just never know what goes on after they take the blood out of your arm...I think I may just look for a good naturopath. I would like to feel a bit better. Blergh.

    So, on for this afternoon: meet with the trainer, go to the doctor, go to the farmer's market (goal: more vegetables than cheese) and come home and read for my comps.

    Also, since the summer term started Monday, I'm 99% sure I'm not teaching. (but there's still a chance I could get a weird, last minute, semester already started, call. My department is not exactly on the ball with scheduling.) Also, I could get a call that I'm someone's RA for the summer. I hope I don't. I have made big-time peace with the idea of a break (actually just time to do my own work) and now it would be a bummer if I had to work.

    Busy break boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Hi everyone! Bobbie told me how awesome you all were so I am stopping by to join in. Hope that is okay. I am a mother of 2 boys. They are 8 and 5. I am new to Jenny Craig. This is the start of my 3rd week. Down 13.6 and the plan is really great for me. I have been walking 6 days a week and am feeling great. I am looking forward to getting to know you all! C
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Update: I did bad. I had more than two cookies. But they were probably the best I've ever had. Not low cal either. I spent five hours baking and decorating them so that burns cals right? Then DH dragged me out for a brisk walk. I certainly didn't feel like it but I am glad I went. I needed to. Darn cookies. They are super good though if I do say so myself. We put some in the freezer, half are going with me to the Bible Study lunch tomorrow, and half are going to DH's work. I posted pics on FB.
    I will try to check in tomorrow but I don't know what exercise I will be getting in. I need to do something, but I don't know if there will be time.
    Working off my cookies boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Welcome Mumsy :flowerforyou: We are pretty awesome.

    Schedule for today: teach yoga, eat lunch, do volunteer work, swing by store to get stuff to make veggie pot pies, walk. Ended up skipping the 2 hour practice yesterday. Husband had to delay his flight by a day, so I didn't have as much time as I thought I would. Did get some extra bike rides in though. My triceps were sore, so it was probably a good idea to skip.

    I took measurements. Pretty much the same as last year. Which is both good and bad. I'm going to focus on the good.

    I could have an incredible exercise day tomorrow. Depends a lot on what my friend is up to doing: bike to garage sales, kayak, possible 2.5 hour practice in the afternoon (if she calls it a day) or 1 hour free practice at the park.

    So many choices, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Welcome Mummsy! Congrats on your 13 pounds down! :happy:

    Mary, sounds like a busy day. Maybe one of these days I'll have as much energy as you!

    I did 30 Day Shred level 2 this morning. I hate that level. lol. But it's done and I feel better.
    Cookies will be the end of me today if I do not get rid of them. I can honestly say they are probably the best sugar cookies I've ever had.
    Busy day and my heart feels a little heavy this morning about next week's news (mummsy, it's a long story but we're trying to adopt a girl from Russia. Things have been rough lately.). Trying not to dwell on the possibility of bad news.
    Hope your day is blessed! :heart:
    Practicing self control boogaloo!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Mary. Thanks! Have a great day! :)
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