Bummed Out

I know what I am about to post is probably something you have all seen and probably tired of hearing. I can't wrap my head around all these diets/cleanses/drinks/supplements that help in not only weight loss but a different way of life. I have been struggling for the past two months. I thought I had lost 8 lbs (according to my gym scale) to only be disappointed that I went to TWO doctors and was weighed on both scales to only contradict the gym scale; I never lost a pound since starting this whole damn journey!

I am tempted to try some of this crap I keep hearing/reading about to see if it will help jump start everything. I just have a hard time defending the cost of some of this stuff. Like Ultimate Reset, $199?? And does this stuff really work?

I'm getting bloodwork done tomorrow, focusing on my T counts for thryoid to rule that out.

Any advice appreciated.


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Just curious...had you gone to those doctors and been weighed before losing the 8 lbs. (according to the gym scale)? Maybe you were 8 lbs. heavier on the dr. scales and really have lost the 8. It seems that weighing on various scales just drives you nuts as they rarely seem to agree! Anyway, you most likely did lose those 8 lbs.

    By the way, I'd save the money for the new clothes you'll need if you stick with healthy foods and exercise! :flowerforyou:
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Stick to it Girl!!!! you can do it... Don't waste your money on them hype diets n shtt. Fcck all that !!

    Glad your checking shtt out with your physician, if you're all clear: I'd say eat clean, lift heavy, train dirty and Don't Give Up !!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Just curious...had you gone to those doctors and been weighed before losing the 8 lbs. (according to the gym scale)? Maybe you were 8 lbs. heavier on the dr. scales and really have lost the 8. It seems that weighing on various scales just drives you nuts as they rarely seem to agree! Anyway, you most likely did lose those 8 lbs.

    By the way, I'd save the money for the new clothes you'll need if you stick with healthy foods and exercise! :flowerforyou:

    My thoughts exactly! You DID lose the 8 lbs...it's just that your scale didn't have you at the correct weight to begin with! You should be proud, you're doing great!
  • Sallyharp
    We ALL get discouraged after putting in such profound effort. I don't always do this, but when I do, it works. If you are healthy you might want to try this. I have 2 TBS of peanut butter (that I just "lick on," making it last the WHOLE DAY. Have a big glass of water with EACH time you go for a lick. This can be done at home or work or anywhere. Once I was traveling, and put the spoons in a baggie in my purse. The only mess was the baggie! The peanut butter satisfies both a protein need and a salty/sweet taste. The water fills you up and gives you energy. I always have 1 very light meal only, on my peanut butter days.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I go by my scale at home and that is the one I live by. I'm sure if you started 8lbs heavier on your scale and are 8lbs lighter on your scale now, you in fact did lose 8lbs! I am personally avoiding any diet shakes, pills, diet fads. Good eating and exercise will get you to your goals. Stick with it, make good choices and be consistent. You've got this. Save your money =)
  • HardyMichelle
    HardyMichelle Posts: 32 Member
    I posted something similar not too long ago. I then read today that people like me (with more than 50 pounds to lose) probably won't see much for results until 6 months to a year.
    I also got discourage by the lack of responses to my post. Not one as of today and it's been a week. I saw yours and decided I will NOT let that happen to other people! Stick with it and believe in yourself. Even if you aren't losing pounds, you're more than likely losing inches. Measure yourself and keep your head up!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Hang in there and stick with the gym scale or get one at home. Use that as your guideline. My doc scale always weighs heavier than mine. Don't go with all the hype that is out there because that is all it is...HYPE. Stick with healthy eating and exercise. Also go with how your clothes feel. Hang in there and it will all work out for the better
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I thought I had lost 8 lbs (according to my gym scale) to only be disappointed that I went to TWO doctors and was weighed on both scales to only contradict the gym scale; I never lost a pound since starting this whole damn journey!

    That's not correct. It really doesn't matter what scale you use or if it's a pound or two or five off. Just use the same one every time and if it's moving you're doing the right thing.
  • zuzu
    zuzu Posts: 7
    My doctor's scale is always different than mine. I only weigh on one scale. When I go to the doctor I cover my eyes and ask them not to tell me. I explain, " I am on a diet and am weighing myself on one scale. So please don't tell me what your scale says." They always understand and it keeps me from going crazy.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    You weigh at the doctor's with your clothes and shoes on. You weigh at home naked. There will be a difference!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I go by my scale at home and that is the one I live by. I'm sure if you started 8lbs heavier on your scale and are 8lbs lighter on your scale now, you in fact did lose 8lbs! I am personally avoiding any diet shakes, pills, diet fads. Good eating and exercise will get you to your goals. Stick with it, make good choices and be consistent. You've got this. Save your money =)

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Every scale you step on is going to give you a different weight...differences in calibration. If you lost 8 Lbs on the other scale, then you lost 8 Lbs, plain and simple. My doctors scale is different than mine as well.

    Also, there is no magic fairy dust. Save your money and steer clear of the bull****.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If there was a magic weight loss potion then there would be no obesity, it is all about cals in and cals out with some exercise thrown in to help along the way.

    Are you keeping your diary and logging everything you eat?

    Plan the night before and stick to it if you think it will help?

    Most people think they have a medical problem when they are overweight (I used to think that way too) I didn`t and the chances are you won`t either.

    All I can suggest is be really true to what you are eating and exercising.

    DO NOT waste your money on `diet/weight loss` rubbish.
  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    I hear the same talk at my gym. Some ladies even know the difference from their doctor's scale and that of the gym. If you are going to invest on something, I would suggest a plan like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or even Nutri System which I believe is available at Wal mart. Weight wathers is more of a group thing and you get to hear everyone complain and not lose any weight, so I switched to Jenny Craig. It is expensive...around $120 per week for food alone, but even if you just stuck with it for a month, you will realize how bad we really ate before, and what a true portion should be. They also give you a list of 'free foods" that you can add to fill full. The big trick is to get professional help that fits your body type, and a good meal plan. It certainly got me off my plateau and they help you so much that you can make good choices on your own. Because of the cost of food, even if you simply buy lunch and dinner, they will give you food plan to follow. Instead of buying your breakfasts there, you can buy cereal/skim milk/fruit and eat your own breakfast to save some money. Weight watchers is cheaper and you get your own food, but the ambient is kinda weak in their meetings. Play it right! :)
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I had an MRI at a hospital in November, I weighed 150. I took my daughter to the doctor at the beginning of March and his scale said 159 really I have lost more than fifteen pounds and my scale, my clothes, and pictures prove it!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Sounds like you did lose the 8 lbs. My scale at home is slightly off, but it consistently goes down 1-2 lbs every week. If I weigh myself somewhere else, it'll probably say that I'm heavier, simply because the number is a little off on the scale I use at home. But it doesn't change the fact that I've lost weight. Dont be discouraged, the number might be wrong but the weight loss still happen. The scale proved it by the fact the numbers went down.

    Pleaaaassseee stay away from those expensive, waste of your time supplements. Nothing can produce weight loss better than eating a healthy lower caloric amount of food everyday that is (high in protein, veggies & fruit) along with burning what you ate off in the gym.

    Solution= Diet & Exercise

    No short cuts. Save your money and by yourself a nice dress for when you lose more weight! 8lbs is a huge victory :wink:
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I know what I am about to post is probably something you have all seen and probably tired of hearing. I can't wrap my head around all these diets/cleanses/drinks/supplements that help in not only weight loss but a different way of life. I have been struggling for the past two months. I thought I had lost 8 lbs (according to my gym scale) to only be disappointed that I went to TWO doctors and was weighed on both scales to only contradict the gym scale; I never lost a pound since starting this whole damn journey!

    I am tempted to try some of this crap I keep hearing/reading about to see if it will help jump start everything. I just have a hard time defending the cost of some of this stuff. Like Ultimate Reset, $199?? And does this stuff really work?

    I'm getting bloodwork done tomorrow, focusing on my T counts for thryoid to rule that out.

    Any advice appreciated.

    You don't need any special diets/drinks/cleanses, and definitely not ones that cost you $199. If it was really that simple, everyone would do it and be done with weight loss. Just eat real food, create a moderate calorie deficit, and exercise if you can. Unless you have an underlying medical issue, that is what will work. Hopefully your tests will rule out any underlying medical issue.

    Are you meticulous in accurately weighing/measuring all your food and logging everything? If so, your calorie intake may need to be adjusted.

    Measure your progress on one scale. If you can weigh on the gym scale regularly, stick with that one. Otherwise, you might consider buying your own. Bear in mind also that the scale does not tell the whole story. It doesn't just tell you how much fat you have on your body; it weighs all your muscles, organs etc as well as the water that makes up most of your weight. That water weight is fluctuating all the time. Honestly all the time. Sodium intake, carb intake, changes in exercise and hormonal changes can all have an effect. Not to mention differing amounts of food/waste in your system. Not to mention different clothes you wear when you are being weighed. Use the scale as a tool, but don't let it have too much power. It might help to also take tape measurements and progress photos, and to judge how well your clothes are fitting.
  • effcla
    effcla Posts: 33 Member
    I find my weight is different depending on the doctor office I am going to. One scale weighs me 4 lbs heavier and the other 2 lbs heavier. I have to admit it got me down the first time it happened but when I still weighed the same on my home scale I felt better. I base how much I lost on my home scale that I have been weighing on since I started my journey. Might I actually weigh 162 instead of 160? Could be. But that means I started at 189 instead of 187. I still lost the 27/28 lbs.

    Be proud of the 8 lbs you lost and keep moving forward. :-) My own personal opinion; I would only invest in the diets/cleanses/drinks/supplements if you actually believe in what they are trying to accomplish. I found changing my diet to healthier choices but nothing odd that I can't find in my normal travels helped me to stay on track.

    Good luck!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Well, you could always try and fail a fad diet.

    I know that experience is what drove a lot of us here to seek more long-term solutions. I mean, if you feel like wasting your money and your time and being really hungry and grumpy and feel like you're in a food prison.