Need advise on exercise..

I need to lose weight but have a disability and exercise for me is limited. Neither one of my knees bend I have no range of motion in them due to surgery a few years ago. I really need to lose weight!!!! I really don't think just counting calories is going to do it. Any advise would be appreciated.


  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I really don't think just counting calories is going to do it. Any advise would be appreciated.
    I can't recommend exercise strongly enough, but weight loss is about reducing calorie intake so that it's less than you burn. The less you can exercise, and you are obviously limited, the more important it is that you reduce calorie intake. "Counting calories" is just a way to do that, not an end in and of itself.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    one of my knees is really in bad shape, i do chair dancing and man I sweat like i'm on the dance floor. each dance dvd i have I do it in the chair, even leslie sanson walking tapes. i do jari love weight training sitting on my bum. i'm able to do more standing now, more walks, gazelle, and easy going weights, but I totally enjoye my chair exercises.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Swim! It is one of the best in calorie burning, and easiest on the body. Great for endurance, and you can get a Knee Float ( it slips between your legs to help support weight, and so you do not have to kick)
  • A knee float? Now this sounds like something I could do...If I don't have to kick I really think it will work for me. Where would I get a knee float? I go to the YMCA but haven't seen anything like that there....thank you so much I am looking into this one
  • Thank you for your imput I will try this I know it is going to be hard for me because I eat in the morning & go all day without anything until dinner! I know I shouldn't do this & I think my body is in starvation mode but I have started to work on this one....thank you for you imput. wish me luck
  • both my knees are bad -- chronic probs since a child. I started with eliptical and built up endurance, then I started low impact classes. If the knows you have limitations they will show you alternatives so that you can still make progress -- that is what they are paid to do. Good luck to you. Hugs
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Food is about 70% of the fat loss equation. So get that under control first. Don't starve yourself, it's awful being hungry and there is no need to be.

    Eat well. Eat good whole foods, natural foods, limit eating food products that come in a packet. Fresh veggies do not have a bar code. Eat well and eat enough that you are full, but around your calorie goal.

    Find something that you CAN do for exercise - even if it is walking. Include a bit of resistance training. See a physiotherapist or someone in the fitness industry at the YMCA who can help you with your physical limitations, where there is a will, there is always a way. Swimming would be terrific, and you can even do some weights in the water.

    Best wishes,
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    My mom has had knee surgery and a broken hip and she works out an hour a day, five days a week, in the pool. I don't know if that is possible for you....the pool at her gym is heated and then she sits awhile in the hot tub after.

    I do agree if its a matter of weight loss food is going to be 80% of it, though I also believe the more active you are the better you feel about yourself.

    Also, look up EdDavenport on here - he's got bad knees, has lost over 200 lbs, and lifts weights and exercises daily. He has a blog too.
  • txs78746
    txs78746 Posts: 24
    Eat well, slightly less calories then your TDEE every day and nutritious, balanced food and do what exercise you can. A friend of a friend shattered his hip in a car accident and was in a hip-cast for a few months. Mostly because he was bored sitting in bed, he grabbed some dumbbells and would spend an hour or more a day watching TV and exercising with them. Curls, overhead press, even circles like he was peddling a bike with his hand while holding the weights. After the three months he was using 50 pound dumbbells in each hand and had an amazing amount of upper body muscle. He was heavier at the end, but lost body fat, all while while basically being stuck in bed.
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    Do what I did in the beginning, still do sometimes along with my vigorous gym exercise. Put some really fast, hot, sexy music on and lay down flat on your bed, on your back. Now, do a hip/tummy belly dance, that might just kind of sort of resemble a sex act, keeping up with the beat of music. Contract your tummy and buns while you bump and grind to the music. Start with 20 minutes, work your way up to 60 minutes. I do not do any standing, jumping, running, walking exercises. Lost 8 inches on waist, 6 on hips and 50 pounds since 1/1/2013 using MFP and mostly no impact exercise. I also do these exercises while sitting at my desk in my home office all day. Put the music on and bump and grind in the chair. Contract those muscles. Werrrrrk it!