How many calories did I REALLY burn?!

Ah! I'm having the hardest time with this. For example, when I do 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer at the gym, MFP says I've burned over 800 calories. The elliptical itself says I've burned a little over 500 calories. I know it's always an estimate, but those are pretty far apart.

I have no idea how to figure this out or calculate it myself! Any tips/suggestions?


  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    500 calories seems closer to reality. Even that might be high depending on your resistence level, cadence, etc.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    The only way to get a better accurate count would be to get a heart rate monitor. Otherwise, looking though my workouts on my HRM, I usually average about 8 calories a minute, but obviously that would be different for you depending on your stats.
  • NutellaHorom
    I'd take the elliptical's recorded calories. Thats because the machine knows what your paces were, therefore your calories burned. MFP on the other hand, only uses an average. (ex. You may have been going 8km/h on the elliptical, but MFP might assume you are actually going 11km/h)
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    Second getting a HRM, I love mine, plus it syncs up to the cross trainer at home (though the calorie read out is different from my HRM). I usually do 40 minutes on the elliptical and burn 300-330.
  • jenhanke
    jenhanke Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks guys, I will definitely get a HRM!! I would think it also depends on my height & weight, which the elliptical doesn't know, but MFP does... although MFP doesn't specify how hard I worked on the machine. Haha.

    Great suggestions, thank you!!
  • mhiggi02
    mhiggi02 Posts: 5,988 Member
    Thread hijack, my polar HRM always says I've burned more than MFP does. I've typically gone with the lower of the two. Should I not?
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Thread hijack, my polar HRM always says I've burned more than MFP does. I've typically gone with the lower of the two. Should I not?

    If your information is set correctly on your HRM, than that would be most accurate in my opinion.
  • jenhanke
    jenhanke Posts: 24 Member
    Hey thread hijacker! =) This is just my non-professional, extremely humble opinion... but I would go with the lower amount! Honestly, it might just make you exercise more & harder... and if you are starving, just eat more healthy snacks! Right? I don't know. Haha. Let me know how it works out!!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    When in doubt, go with the lower number.

    And when you can, get an HRM and you'll get more accurate readings :)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Would go with the lower number, especially if you're eating back your exercise calories.
  • bonjalandoni
    bonjalandoni Posts: 136 Member
    Body Media Fit helps keep accurate track of my daily calorie burn. It records your actual calorie burn for the whole day so no more approximation with regards to activity.