looking for more friends.

BryATC Posts: 7 Member
Today was my 30th login in a row!!! I'm just looking to expand my support group. Feel free to add me!


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats on the logging and getting fit for your family! That is exactly why I am doing this too. Need to be here and healthy as long as possible for my kids!

    Add me if you'd like!

  • Your profile pictures is one of my favorite sayings! :smile:

    I'm also looking to expand my support group... thanks for the post!
  • Sent you a FR, the more the merrier! :bigsmile:
  • syk3e
    syk3e Posts: 3
    Hope you don't mind if I add a couple of you guys? I just joined :)
  • leahd150
    leahd150 Posts: 17
    Congrats..I'm new too..anyone else can add me also:)
  • val1mike2
    val1mike2 Posts: 12
    75 yr of age ...Good Health Active...Can't believe my chronological age.....Love My Fitness Pal and Leslie Sonsini 1 mile exercise on You Tube.....Hav 2 active great supportive "friends" so far......Would love more.....