What does healthy look like?

I have been over weight my entire life. Now that I have committed to living a healthy lifestyle, all I can think about is what I will look like once I've hit my goal weight. I know, I know, it's pretty vain but I hope I'm extremely hot.


  • alexpl91
    alexpl91 Posts: 36 Member
    to me, healthy looks like you are able to and are living a full, rich life of happiness. my goal is to get to an ideal healthy weight - i'd be lying if i said it had nothing to do with appearance, but really mostly I just want to be able to run, jump, lift... take full advantage of my youthful body while i've got it and not waste my youth being overweight and unhealthy. that being said, I never want to be skinny. I still want to drink beer, eat pizza with friends, and enjoy the good things in life. I think it's a balance that every person needs to find.
  • neelers00
    I was sort of thinking about this today even before reading your post actually. I have always been over weight also. For me it almost doesn't mean anything for me to say "I want to be 100 lbs" or "I want to be a size 6". I know I am big boned and the last time I was 100 lbs or a size 6 I was too young to remember now what that looked or felt like (or at the time care about it---I miss those days). So I honestly don't know what it will look like when I lose weight to my "goal weight". As of right now I have no clue what size or weight that will be. My current goal is to make some of my body parts that I'm not fond of smaller to be a shape and size I'm pleased with. When I get there, I will know what healthy looks like - FINALLY! : )
  • soundasleepx
    Do you guys think it's any worse to have actually seen yourself at a low weight and then put it back on? I bet it's nicer when you've never seen it before cause you can see everything as you lose the weight and you don't actually have anything in mind as you're losing it ^__^ I used to be 112lbs and I took a lot of photos when I was confident and skinnier so I have manythings to compare myself to now and it get tedious! So I wish I was in your position so that I could appreciate my weight loss more ^_^
  • lambchoplewis
    It means confident when I go into closet to get dressed. No fear of "will it fit", "what do I wear", "oh no, not again". I want to go out and NOT think that I am in tight clothes and just want to go home to bed.