Walks in Paris...


So I set myself the goal that I would hit the Parisian streets 3 times a week and get some calories burnt. by walking 5 miles or more in the quickest time possible...

Last week I trekked from chatalet up to the arc du triomph, down to the tracadero and along the seine back to Chatelet.

Then I walked from Chatelet down the Seine to the Natural History Museum, then back along the Seine the way I came to Invalide, then back to Chatelet.

And finally I walked from Chatelet down to the natural history museum, through the city to the cemetery at Montparnasse and finally along to the musee d'armee at Invalide.

In total this was probably close to 20 miles......THIS WEEK

Tomorrow I am walking from Chatelet to the Pantheon, then through the Jardin du Luxemburg to the cemetery at Montparnasse then from there along the Avenue Raspall to the musee d'Orsay and back to Chatelet a distance of 5.1 miles.

Weds I am going to walk from Chatelet to the catacombs, from the catacombs to the museum bourdelle and then back to Chatelet

and Friday....well Friday I'm going to walk from home to the sacre cour and back....After this week I have no routes planned ANY HELP YOU COULD GIVE I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE???