No More Excuses -- Week 26



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Evening all...I had a busy day today. After I finished work, I went for a jog, got a haircut and style, looked at a swimming pool, fixed a very good dinner (beef and broccoli with rice), jumped in the shower, rushed to Josh's ceremony, stopped at parents to have ice cream and finally made it home. I am pooped! I had a delicious little (well maybe not so little) strawberry shortcake with sugar free strawberry glaze and fat free cool whip. Yummy! It put me just a little over cals but it was sooo worth it. I am going to do my 20 push-ups now. Sleep well MFP friends:yawn:

    I love strawberry shortcake. Will have to try this one. Did you use the regular little cakes or angelfood cake?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening all...I had a busy day today. After I finished work, I went for a jog, got a haircut and style, looked at a swimming pool, fixed a very good dinner (beef and broccoli with rice), jumped in the shower, rushed to Josh's ceremony, stopped at parents to have ice cream and finally made it home. I am pooped! I had a delicious little (well maybe not so little) strawberry shortcake with sugar free strawberry glaze and fat free cool whip. Yummy! It put me just a little over cals but it was sooo worth it. I am going to do my 20 push-ups now. Sleep well MFP friends:yawn:

    I love strawberry shortcake. Will have to try this one. Did you use the regular little cakes or angelfood cake?

    I used the regular small round cakes. I think they are 140 cals and 1.5 grams of fat for 2 of them. They had everything except the Cool Whip on a display together at my Ingle's grocery store.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Where did everybody go??
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    A little late getting on tonight! Just went for a great "fast paced" walk with my hubby. Burned about 270 calories!!! YIPEE! Also made it to Curves so that was another 350. I feel great. Ate too much dinner so the walk hit the spot!!! ;)

    I keep forgetting to do my push ups. I usually do them in the shower since I do them against the wall. I think I will do a few crunches before I hit the bed.

    Night All!!!! See you in the morning!

    Tammy.....I agree with you....WHERE DID EVERYONE GO!!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm stll here, been naughty lately, need to start eating better again.

    Still exercising, but my normal routine is not as easy as it used to be. My golf game is definately improved this year, I had a pretty good feeling that if I lost the weight, it would make a difference, and it has.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    I'm stll here, been naughty lately, need to start eating better again.

    Still exercising, but my normal routine is not as easy as it used to be. My golf game is definately improved this year, I had a pretty good feeling that if I lost the weight, it would make a difference, and it has.

    Good for you on your Golf Game. That is something I have never been able to get into. I have a lot of family that play but I think I will stick to Putt Putt!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning Beautiful teammates!!!!! It is a Beautiful morning in Colorado (the wind hasn't started yet). It is suppose to get cooler the next couple of days but then perk back up for the week-end! That is always a good thing!

    Yeah for me....I actually remembered to do my push ups this morning (20 of them).

    We have a board meeting today. Dang those things come around way too often!!!! We are serving chips and dips and taquitos so not "real" fatening stuff!

    End of the school year....YIKES!!!!! So many activities these next few weeks. Tonight we have a choir concert and tomorrow is Athletic Awards. It is always so fun, but exhausting!

    My eating lately hasn't been the best, but I am working in more excercise to try and compensate. My activity level during the day is nill because I have a desk job and sit quite a bit. So.....that is why I am trying to do more at night!

    I have to say son had some Whoopers candy sitting on the counter at home and I snitched one! GOSH it was sweet. One was all I wanted!!! ;) That is quite an improvement as before I probably would have "snitched" the whole box!!!

    I hope my youngest does well on a test this morning in reading because if he does, he will have received Straight A's for all 12 quarters in Middle school. (All 3 years)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!!!! One more day till Friday!!!!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    The only exercise I did this week was a half hour walk on Tuesday. It has been so busy at work I haven't taken a lunch break and worked until 6 pm instead of my usual 4:30 pm. So I am sooooo tired. I do have the 17.4 k bike-athon on Saturday though. That should make up for some exercise
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good evening team...I've had a busy day today getting ready for my yard sale on Friday and Saturday. We are going to Carowind's on Sunday for Mother's Day. We started going in 2001 when my mom died just to get out of town for the day and it kinda became a tradition. I will be busy for the weekend so I probably won't be on much. I hope all of you moms have a wonderful day on Sunday.

    Ann...Congrats to your son for such great grades!

    Susan...Good luck Saturday!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Was naughty last night, gonna have to get my act together today.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Weigh in is today, send me your weigh ins, and I will post them on Monday.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all, was a crazy weekend. Had our garage sale this weekend. In total we made $1095, and my share was $460. So I went and bought myself a nice Ipod docking station.

    Going to get back on track here, the weather is finally nice, so I will get back on board on Monday (after Mother's day). Going to be busy today so hopefully will check back in tonight.

    To all the Mom's Happy Mother's Day.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Happy Mothers Day Everyone.......

    We are going fishing later in the morning and then coming home for a barbeque!!! Should be a great long as the blasted wind stays away! It has blown every day for quite a while. It is really old!!!! Our 19 year old actually suggested that we go fishing......he is the one that usually bochs about having to go!!! WOW!!!!!

    Sitting here listening to ABBA......Love them!!!!! Okay yes, I am showing my age!! ;)

    Not really sure how, but lost another 1/2 lb. Won't complain that is for sure. I love weighing on the wii I just wish it was a little easier than having to turn everything on and such....Oh well.

    I think my "goal" this week is to get in a few extra days of walking I have been averaging about 2 miles 2-3 times a week. With the weather warming up, I would like to shoot for at least 5 times a week. Along with Curves 5 times a week. My eating is being cautious, but have been cheating as well. ICE CREAM......SHOOT!!!!! I am going to continue the push ups as well.

    We are getting down to the last couple of weeks of school so of course the activities are numerous!!!!! Seems like there is something everynight, which becomes an easy excuse not to excercise. I just need to manage my time better at night and plan ahead this next week so that all will work out.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning Team!!! What a beautiful Monday morning in Colorado. I just wish it would stay that way, but can you believe this......they are calling for 12-20 inches of snow in Colorado Springs for Wednesday!!! EGADS!!! That is about 1 1/2 hours away from where I live so I hope it stays up there, and doesn't make it to the valley. We are suppose to get colder though. Freeze warning for tomorrow night! Has someone forgotten to tell the weatherman that it is SPRING???? Oh is Spring in Colorado, where anything is possible!!

    Last night I was able to pull myself out of the house and do my 2 mile walk. I needed it, because after the bar b que, I was stuffed!!! I am hoping to get my walk in tonight as well, but it might be later because we have an 8th grade/HS band concert tonight. They have a potluck for the 8th graders advancing into high school so they can re-aquant with the kids and the parents can meet those that they don't know...and the kids all play the music together that they will be performing in their competition show for next year! Always kind of fun, and it will especially be this year since they have gotten rid of the HS band director, and the MS director is going to have both. Should be a great move for the kids!!!!

    Well...everyone have a super Monday and look forward to seeing the successes of everyone for the past week!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Monday evening team...We had a busy weekend. I had a garage sale on Friday and Saturday. Then on Saturday I went to lunch and went thrifting with my step-mom. I went straight from there to my mother-in-laws for dinner. On Sunday morning we went to Carowind's and spent the entire day. We got home at 10:30 last night and I was pooped! I didn't do so well on my eating plan but I will get back on track this week. I want to exercise 6 days this week and continue my push-ups. See y'all tomorrow.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hey Tammy.....We moved over to the week 27 link. I don't think Jack did a link on this thread that I can find, so I will post it!!! ;)

    Talk soon!
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