Brand New to the Site but VERY Excited!!

Hi All! I just got on here to day! Been on a weight roller coaster my entire adult life. Long term goal 75 lbs. Have battled through some illness and 3 knee surgeries, tired of sitting on my butt and getting comfortable! I have an amazing supportive husband who is a string bean and 2 amazing little girls. Very excited to be here!!


  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi All! I just got on here to day! Been on a weight roller coaster my entire adult life. Long term goal 75 lbs. Have battled through some illness and 3 knee surgeries, tired of sitting on my butt and getting comfortable! I have an amazing supportive husband who is a string bean and 2 amazing little girls. Very excited to be here!!

    Welcome! Good luck, were all here to support you. Start off easy-especially with the knees. It may be advisable for you to ask your doctor or a physio for exercises rather than doing it yourself. (Just being cautious) . Im sure the help of your husband will aid you alot. :)
  • EazyEray
    EazyEray Posts: 10
    Welcome Rose! It's awesome that you have a goal in mind..that's always a good 1st step! What kind of knee surgeries have u had? What are some things you've tried in the past to lose wt?
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Hi and welcome! I've been here for a year and I love it! I'm on here everyday! You can add me if you'd like! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    welcome, feel free to send a friend request over here:)
  • sohmui
    sohmui Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome! It's a great website that will help you along your journey. I've never dieted before so I was a real newbie. But I've now surpassed my goal and gone from 147 lbs to 116 lbs in 4-5 months. Stick with it!
  • Thanks everyone! Figuring out all the great things and people on this site! With love and support it can only get better!! <3
  • cash6675
    cash6675 Posts: 7
    Hello! new as well! Feel free to add me!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Welcome, beware of trolls.
  • Hello, i'm brand new also to the site today. I'm 41 and have battled with my weight since having my children who are now 9 & 7. I have reached Goal/Gold at Weight Watchers THREE times in 6 years but as soon as i stop counting WW points the weight creeps back on. Hopefully using this App will help me understand calories/portion control so i can lose the weight and it will saty off. Good luck on your weight loss journey, Emma x
  • Gwendolynk
    Gwendolynk Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to this site, although I checked it out some time last year, but never did anything about it. Well the time has come and I am so ready for this. I reached my goal once with Body for Life, but this seems like it will work. I also signed up for DietBet. So I am hoping this site will help me succeed with the other. I have always said, Life happens by design or default and it is time I started designing me. I had a great first day, both with tracking my food, water and exercise. Yeah!! I am looking forward to getting to know people, and enjoying your successes with you.:drinker:
  • LannaLifestyle
    LannaLifestyle Posts: 21 Member
    welcome :)

    feel free to add me, I log everyday ;)