Thank you Wendy's...

...for reminding me of what I haven't been missing the last month. One burger and frosty led to a terrible feeling weekend. I felt sick Sat night after eating it. Sunday when I played softball I almost fell out. This morning has been better, but my stomache hurt till late last night. I've felt bloated and sick for a day and a half from one fast food meal. I remember this feeling.
I worked all Saturday re-roofing a house and didn't want to mess with making dinner and I thought "I've been good for a month and want a break and something easy". So I finished most of the burger and fries then some of the Frosty. I haven't eaten that much in a long time. I actually felt like purging I was so full and sluggish.
Here's the possitive out of the situation--I'll pass next time on the fast food. Don't want to feel like that again any time soon and I don't know how I delt with it before, but I don't want it to continue. I didn't even put it in my food diary cause I don't want to know how high my calories were.
If any of you are thinking about fast food for lunch--Put the burger down and find something better!
Thought I'd let that out since I know I'm not the only one that has done it and regreted it. Hope you guys will avoid it next time like I'm going to!!


  • MykaB
    MykaB Posts: 1
    I love wendy's and have found there are healthier alternatives you can choose when eating there. I usually get a spicy chicken sandwich w/ lettuce and ketchup and a side salad-no fries! Not as many calories as you would think. If u want, take the top bun off of the sandwich. Also, try the grilled chicken sandwiches as well. From my research the frostys/shakes of the fast food world are the DEVIL!! Did u know that one medium shake from McDonald's has about 1200 calories in it?? Not good at all... So next time, let the frosty stay in the machine :-) Hope this tip helped!!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    One burger and frosty led to a terrible feeling weekend.

    We must have been on the same wavelength this weekend! I did the same thing and literally laid in my bed last night praying that if I was going to get sick to get it over with. Don't you wish you could bottle that feeling and take about 10 seconds of it when 3 months down the road you forget what it felt like again? But now we know better!! Glad we're back on track today!! :happy:
  • lalonzo
    lalonzo Posts: 557
    i last had Wendy's last year on July 3rd. Spent my whole July 4th in the ER with Food poisioning. I've refused to eat it since! & OMG!!! did not know that about McDonald's shakes!!! 1200 Cals!!!! thats enough 4 all day!!! definitely will pass on that!!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Even before I started this healthier lifestyle, Wendy's made me sick. Tried multiple location at different times. I won't even get a coke from there. I think sometimes it is good to be reminded of how great we are doing and how nasty that stuff that used to be "so good" actually is.

    Sorry you felt bad, but glad that you have broken yourself from it all. Good for you!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I'm with you Landon!
    I found out the hard way too....stay away from fast food unless you plan on eating a salad with light dressing. Even some of those lovely looking grilled chicken sandwiches can be a dieters nightmare. (It''s usually the bun that's so bad...)
    In short, unless you are going to have a small salad...steer away from the fast food...especially Culver's, it's a nightmare...LOL
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I blame the fries! I had some Thurs night and I felt bloated the rest of the evening.
  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    Burger King does this for me! It doesn't matter what I have there (burgers, so-called chicken, etc.) I'm down for the count. It really is a nasty, gross feeling!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I blame the fries! I had some Thurs night and I felt bloated the rest of the evening.

    Ohh yeah, I agree. The last time I had (fast food) fries was at a Wendy's down south on business. I was sick as a dog that evening.

    Not cool!