hi from Las Vegas

Hi my name is Darren. I am 44 years old and have battled weight all my life. I have been on MFP since January and have lost about 21 pounds so far. I am super motivated to lose this weight. I have a trip to Hawaii in June and then my youngest daughter turns 18 the next month. Not to sound cold but after 11 years of paying child support it will come to an end and then the traveling will really kick in. I am done with being self conscience and embarrassed by how I look in a swim suit.
I also am going to run my first 5 k in about three weeks for two of my nephews who have autism. Kind of nervous about that but looking forward to the challenge, I am up to about 2 1/2 miles in a half hour now and am shooting for a sub 35 min 5 k by race day.