Hello everone :

:smile: Hello everyone. I actually joined about 2 weeks ago. I have been slowly finding my way around the site. I have been having trouble downloading the app, but I am sure that I will get it. I am glad to have found MFP and I look forward to meeting new people. More than anything, I am excited that I will lose this excess weight and keep it off!


  • cash6675
    cash6675 Posts: 7
    Welcome! New as well. Feel free to add me!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome to mfp. I have been on here for about 15 mos. and absolutely love it. I have lost a lot of wt. while on here and know that you can, too. Please feel free to add me. My name is Kimberlee, 49.
  • MsPhine
    MsPhine Posts: 5
    Wow 97 lbs...totally awesome!! Very inspiring too!1