Replacing sugar in coffee with sweetener?



  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I went from 2 to 0. It's easy, now I don't even miss the fact that was the start of me not having sugar in anything.

    Yep, same here. It's actually really easy and enjoyable. Now I appreciate the actual taste of coffee much more then I did before when I put milk and sugar in it.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Some people are genetically more sensitive to bitter tastes than others though, (if you've ever tried those paper test strips, you'll know what I mean.) I can't stand bitter tastes, so I really don't think I'd acclimate to the flavor. I could maybe see tolerating it, but never liking it. Some people also say they lose a taste for sugar. I can't see that happening either. Even though I drink mostly water and have for a while, if I drank a soda I'd still enjoy the taste.

    Taste isn't something you have no control over. Your taste preferences are largely dependent on your environment. If you started eating or drinking bitter things, you'd slowly start to be able to stand them, and then you might slowly start to appreciate other flavors in drinks like coffee that were previously masked by the sugar.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    No. Great job reducing the sugar already. Keep working on it.

    Edit: have you had coffee from a French press? So good I don't use sugar in it even though I always do in any other coffee.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    I used to think I could never replace sugar with anything in my coffee, but now a packet of stevia instead tastes just right to me. It might take a few days to get used to the difference but once you do, it's zero calories and you won't miss the sugar. ;-)
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Some people are genetically more sensitive to bitter tastes than others though, (if you've ever tried those paper test strips, you'll know what I mean.) I can't stand bitter tastes, so I really don't think I'd acclimate to the flavor. I could maybe see tolerating it, but never liking it. Some people also say they lose a taste for sugar. I can't see that happening either. Even though I drink mostly water and have for a while, if I drank a soda I'd still enjoy the taste.

    Taste isn't something you have no control over. Your taste preferences are largely dependent on your environment. If you started eating or drinking bitter things, you'd slowly start to be able to stand them, and then you might slowly start to appreciate other flavors in drinks like coffee that were previously masked by the sugar.

    Hm, I dunno. I even flavor my chicken breast with a teaspoon of brown sugar in addition to the salt and herbs I use. I just like the presence of sugar, lol. When sugar contrasts with salt especially, it's like heaven. That's also a trend in Asian cooking, and we all know how thin they are, so it can't be too bad, ha ha. I could never go without using sugar at all. I'd frankly rather just use the sugar and take in the calories. When you're only doing small amounts at a time, it doesn't seem to add up to that much. I've tried the fake sugar, but it seems like I have to use a lot more to get the same effect, which kinda diminishes the point.

    I've actually always been a picky eater too and I definitely didn't like all the stuff my family ate at all. I grew up hating traditional American hamburgers, and plenty of things gross me out, especially condiments. So I don't know how big the role of environment actually plays.

    And drinking black coffee is kinda like licking crushed pill dust, blech! XD
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    I use Truvia... it's like Stevia, but I noticed that the Truvia, for ME, is more palatable than other brands/comparisons. It also does the trick instead of tons of packets of sugar, like I used to. When I go out and get a coffee, I use Splenda.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hm, I dunno. I even flavor my chicken breast with a teaspoon of brown sugar in addition to the salt and herbs I use. I just like the presence of sugar, lol. When sugar contrasts with salt especially, it's like heaven. That's also a trend in Asian cooking, and we all know how thin they are, so it can't be too bad, ha ha. I could never go without using sugar at all. I'd frankly rather just use the sugar and take in the calories.

    Well if you always eat and drink sweet items, that's what you're going to crave! And sugar definitely taste good! But it is possible to get used to eating non-sweetened foods. My concern would be what happens when your motivation wanes for one reason or another? If you're used to eating sugary foods, it's really easy to start going over on calories when you're not counting them. I know that I can easily pig out on sugary foods whether I'm hungry or not. Whereas, if you're used to non-sweet foods, it's a lot easier to just ad lib your diet when necessary.

    Don't get me wrong, I eat sweet foods too. I generally have an ice-cream sandwich or something similar every single night. But I've found it's a lot easier to maintain my caloric goals when I'm not constantly craving sugar. I honestly think the main cause of obesity (aside from lack of activity) is simply that most food in this day and age tastes way too good, and prompts people to eat even though they're not that hungry.