Too big to exercise?



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 5'6 so i guess my body fat would've been lower, but I started off at 220. That was 8 weeks after my 2nd baby had been born.

    I did a bit of exercise in pregnancy, and I was going for walks right up until my daughter was born, and she was 12 days overdue, so I guess I never lost my fitness properly, although I did put on a LOT of weight. Maybe i'm lucky but I never hurt from exercise even then.

    So I went right back to working with a personal trainer doing strength and weight training as well as lots of cardio. Obviously I started off gently but it didn't take me long to build up fitness.

    You are young (I was 33 then) so you should be fine. Just build up to it slowly. Maybe try swimming and aqua aerobics and lots of walking. You could also try aerobics. My instructor always shows low impact alternatives for people with knee problems or whatever.

    As for people judging you....seriously, no-one cares. I mean that in a nice way. I went to the gym a lot on my first pregnancy and I don't think anyone looked at me! To begin with I probably just looked bigger rather than pregnant!
  • bobbyunangst
    I would highly recommend to start with Leslie Sansone Walk At Home dvds. They are absolutely wonderful for those who are larger and just starting out. They are not intense with the moves, and it is not hard to do at all. Leslie is very good at motivating and reminding you that if the miles are getting to intense to just "go back to walking". :)

    I have done these dvds to lose my first 40lbs (I started at 250lbs). I am going to be starting turbo jam here soon to step it up a bit, but yeah - Leslie Sansone...very good place to start! (You could probably find some of the miles on youtube) and the dvds are really cheap. They are usually sold at Walmart for like 10 bucks a dvd.

    Good luck!

    I also started with these Videos, so did my mom and we are both bigger women. Although I do have a few extra inches in height on some of you at 5'8" and 260 I have been using Leslie's videos and lost my first 10 lbs during my first month. I just don't seem to have the cordination or "moves" to do the kettleworx videos or the kick boxing styles that I see. I've never been able to do push ups or situps like your traditional work outs seem to push you to do.

    Best of luck to you all. I'm sticking with leslie for at least another 30-40 lbs
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Here is a post I wrote about lifting while heavy:

    And squatting:

    I started at 276lbs (125kg).

    In the photos in the squat thread 220lbs/100kg.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I want to give my size so you know I am 5 foot 8 inches and weigh 259, when I started MFP on 1/20/13 I was same height and 285 pounds. Oh and I am 20 years old.

    So two months ago I felt like you I was like I can't really get up the stairs that good I don't belong in a gym. I could do about 5 crunches. But I just start I said the sooner I start the better it is. So I am not sure if you have a gym member or not, I go to the YMCA and love it. But just set goals for yourself like 20 minutes of cardio like walking outside, riding a bike or if you are at a gym maybe try the some cardio machines. It is do able, you just have to get started because once you do it will get so much easier. After about 2 and 1/2 months I can now do 15 minutes warm up on the treadmill, 60 minutes of strength training, 10-15 minutes of the bike, about 60 crunches then 30 minutes of elliptical. I do this about 3 days a week. I just push myself hard everyday and remember it will all be worth it at the end.

    Feel free to add me anyone really, everything of my is open. :)
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Thank you to EVERYBODY for all your encouragement and support. I will definitely be looking up Leslie Sansones when I get home!! I purchased a 30 Day Shred DVD a while back ( Actually now that I think about it... it was a year ago ) And I never even took it out of the plastic because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it, and didn't want to feel like crap because I wouldn't be able to keep up. But after all your posts and positive reinforcement I will slip it in to my DVD player and give it a try after a couple of weeks. c: Thank you all again, I will remember you when I'm making MY Success thread. <3

    Just keep it in your mind that maybe the first time you won't be able to do it all and maybe not even the second or third time but eventually, with enough persistance, you'll get there! There is also nothing wrong with taking a break inbetween if you really feel you can't continue on during the video. Walk in place to keep your heart rate elevated until you find that you have enough breath and energy to continue. Just don't give up! Push yourself to work hard but also be kind to youself. It's a delicate balance you have to find.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    I purchased a 30 Day Shred DVD a while back ( Actually now that I think about it... it was a year ago ) And I never even took it out of the plastic because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it, and didn't want to feel like crap because I wouldn't be able to keep up. But after all your posts and positive reinforcement I will slip it in to my DVD player and give it a try after a couple of weeks. c:

    If you're having trouble with doing some squats and things then the 30 day shred is not for you just yet. Of course, try it out if you want, but remember that it will be Very Very heavy for you. I strongly suggest looking into the walking program other people recommended, or try swimming. Yes swimming is scary, but it has great benefits too. It'll help with your stamina, it's low impact on your joints, it engages your whole body, it trains strength as well as stamina. And by being out in your bathing suit often you'll get more confident about your body as well, just being in your bathing suit twice a week will help you feel less awkward.

    Try and pick something you can keep up for a longer period. Starting the 30 day shred just to give up after 2 days it's horrible for your motivation. After a month or two, or six or even a year you will be ready for it. As long you don't quit you will reach the point where you want to be.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I am 5'3" and started at 248. Lost some and then found MFP. and lost some more. You absolutely can exercise. I've done Cage Fitness (look up on youtube), boot camp style workouts (videos and classes), yoga, lifted weights, elliptical, assisted pull ups, walking and I tried running-not a fan. Just find something you like and keep trying it. Make it a habit. Have fun. Yes, you'll get sore. Yes you'll need stock in ibuprofen and Ben Gay but it GETS BETTER. Not easier, just better.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I am 220lbs, 5'4" and 50 years old. I do cardio (C25K) 3x/wk and today start SL5x5 3x/wk. You are not "too big" for exercise. Friend me if you like. I am here daily with an open food and exercise diary.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    You can do it! Start with walking and swimming and just being generally more active (walk to places you would have previously driven, always take the steps etc). These kind of things burn off loads of calories and the weight will be moving before you know it!

    Just a point about 30 day shred. It does have quite a lot of jumping and squats in there that can be harsh on joints not used to it. So even if you can't do those bits, just keep moving and do what you can. March on the spot or anything just to keep the heart pumping. You got this!!!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    You are not to big to exercise. Start slow with walking or swimming.
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    I started at 6'0" and 372 pounds - I started cycling, walking and some light lifting. 3 months later and I've lost 42 pounds and still losing. I'd check with your doctor before you start and take things slowly by doing as much light exercise as you can manage - and don't forget to take care of your calorie intake too.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your difficulties probably come more from not being cardio or physically fit than they do from your weight. It doesn't matter what your size is if you're out of shape exercise will hurt. My daughter in law is 5'4" and can run a 5K. I decided to try it at 5'2" and 115 lbs and nearly died. It's not always weight that holds you back. Just get out there and do something, it may hurt, it may hurt a lot but pain is just weakness leaving the body!
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    I was heavy when I started. I was sedentary for about 2 years I had no muscles left really from it. I started at 212 pounds.. When I first started I used a medicine ball an an roller thing (it has you with crunches) and I did an exercise bike.. Helped me build some muscle and start moving. I moved on to power 90 which is a beginners program through beachbody and I could barely even do te workouts, but I stuck to it. If you want it bad enough you will start somewhere. For you may be just walking for a few minutes everyday as you continue you will lose weight and inches. I would suggest walking maybe with the 2 lb walking weights (it helped me a ton in my arms) and now I can lift weights.

    Just start somewhere and you will be able to progress from there
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I mean, honestly, you can do whatever exercise you feel comfortable doing. When I started I was 300+ lbs, but I'm nearly 6 ft tall. I started out just walking. I also did some Wii boxing. Eventually, I incorporated lifting. Do whatever you enjoy and feel comfortable doing. I really don't believe you are ever 'too big to exercise' unless you are bed-ridden, and it doesn't really sound like you have reached that point. Water aerobics is easy on your joints if you can find a class somewhere.
  • lisaturrittin5
    My problem is I jus t had hammerhead surgery. I just started doing pilates and short walks. ( surgery was Dec 7, 2012) anyway. i was healing good started exercieng. Lost 7 ilbs now my foot decided to get a stress fracture. No weight bearing again and the boot is back on. Just had my s-joint injected and will be getting my knee injected with synvics. I was preparing my body for walking. Everything back fired because of my foot again. So fustrated. Of course 5lbs came back on. I guess I really need to watch what I put in my mouth. Now I'm getting bigger and in more pain from laying around. I need some help to get off the chair and at least back to doing floor exercies or someting. Depressed.

  • MariU2anne
    MariU2anne Posts: 2 Member
    I am heavier than you and much older. Walking is all you need to do right now. Try to slowly work up to 45 minutes a day 5x a week and you will see tremendous results in weight loss, inches, and an amazing change in your energy level.
  • lisaturrittin5
    Help me get motavated again. Just really getting fustrated. I want my body back. I'm always in pain. How do you start your day off?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I started with the elliptical because running was too hard on the body, very little impact but you get one hell of a burn. You will learn to enjoy the pain you get from working out so just give it time!
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 250 lbs and I love Zumba. It's really fun and doesn't really feel like a workout but it burns a lot of calories.
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    Start with daily walks - go for at least 30mins, at a pace where you know you're getting your heart rate up a bit. Consistency is key - that with a good diet. Then go look at what other things you can do, there's a lot you can still do as a bigger person. If you over do it though it will put you off doing any more exercise. Consistency is key and then it becomes habit and keep moving up from there.