some reasons people sabotage their new lifestyles



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    yep - just posted on FB that I was feeling self destructive. Just one of those days - extra tired, kids are whiney, haven't had the chance to workout yet, the house is a mess....
    Know what? I have Some Dorito's Sweet Chili Heat in the basement, I was gonna go plow through them, but I think I'll crank the music instead and clean the house and go outside, skip with the girls and use their body weight as my medicine balls for some core action. Will put smiles on their faces and turn their whines to squeals of delight.

    thanks for the perspective.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Good points!! Thanks.

    I am almost to my goal, and I think I can maintain this time, because I am never going to stop keeping my food-exercise diary/counting calories. I will just have to find the right numbers to maintain. But I know that I will always have to be aware of what and how much I am eating, so that I will not fall back into bad habits. I take 100% of the responsibility for the bad habits that put the weight on me before. Yes, my life gives me some particular challenges (schedule, kids, family responsibilities. . .), but I still am the one who makes the choices, either good or bad!!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Oh man, talk about typo's!! lol....i'm glad that this post has made a few people think! It's all about decisions to change our lives.
    i know for me, for many years, my outside physical appearance didn't resemble my inner fit queen...I wanted it, but had no clue how to go about it, where to begin, it was all so intimidating. Then I started focusing on things I could change in the what I put into my body. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't always get it quite right, but I was working on it. When I noticed a bit of weight coming off, and feeling much more energetic I started to walk, I walked pushing my kids in a stroller, I walked to the mall, to the dentist, where ever it was a possibility to walk I did. After three weeks of watching what I was eating, and walking I had dropped 10lbs. Whooppeee! Motivation city! I then went to a seminar that was featuring Richard corny as it is, it was life changing. I actually started to THINK about the food I put into my body. If I was going to eat 300 calories, my body will use those calories much more efficiently if it came from a grilled chicken dressing! then from a twix bar..same amount of calories but boy does the body respond differently. When I figured out how much food I could actually eat,( cause don't kid yourslef, i'm not a salad and water girl, I got fat cause I like my chow! ) i was amazed, I hought there's no way I can lose weight i'm stuffed all the time! But then I saw changes in my body, I had more energy, my bloodsugar levels evened out, I know longer became ravenous between meals like Idid when I would have a sugary snack to hold me over. I put two and two together and thought about my eating decisions affected my moods, and what do you know, a calorie isn't just a calorie, you can eat 1200 calories of mostly junk..yeah you'll probably lose weight, but i'll eat the same amount in healthy carbs, protein and fats, and I can guarantee you that I could run circles around you,....three times, my skin will be healthier, i'll have energy to spare, my moods will be better, my metabolism body building muscle...the weight lifting started around the same time, and totally by accident, my diet , the foods I choose to put into my mouth each and every day is responsible for nearly all my progress that I have made to my body..the weights as well...but if it wasn't for me thinking about it, the shape i'm now wouldn't be possible with a "1200 cal garbage diet" there's just no way...anyhoo...this was supposed to be an apology for my very poor editing and grammar skills!! Damn spell check doesn't really get every mistake now does it!!
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    This has been very supportive and eye opening. Thank you very much for posting your "Two Cents" it really made me think about the reason I feel so crappy about myself today. This is just the sort of thing that people need to read every once in a while when they get off track.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    bumping to read later
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    bumping to read later
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    Great post. It is all true and I needed to hear it. I have been a little stuck on the weight not coming off as fast as I would like. This is a reminder to stay focused on how far I have come and if I don't quit the weight will come off. Thank you.:flowerforyou:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    bumpety bump! Thanks so much! All so VERY true!:wink:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Great post! Thanks for sharing. :)
  • mom2mykiddos
    mom2mykiddos Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for posting this, it's just what I needed to read!
  • amberchristi
    Amazing post - and it's all true. I can't tell you how many times I convince myself that I'm "thin enough" to eat a chocolate bar or have a bowl of ice cream. Our goals can't be the end of a healthy lifestyle - they need to be the beginning of a better, more responsible lifestyle. Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a motivation post :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Thanks imagymrat for sharing, I'll read this Tues! :)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I've sabotaged my own efforts 2 or 3 times now in a major way. I was at goal weight for a good year right after college and through stupid behavior, let the weight creep back slowly.

    I'm the same way that I know damn well what I should be doing in terms of eating, working out, but I end up sabotaging myself by eating poor food choices at family gatherings and allowing too many treats and sweets when out with friends. I always want to blame the person serving the junk food, but really it's my own fault for plowing into it. There's always that guilt trip from a relative when I don't eat their [sugar coma] cake and ice cream and I think I just need to be more assertive and say NO THANK YOU and simply enjoy my serving of fruit or coffee instead. The "pressure" to eat this stuff is still somewhat foreign to me. My own family isn't big on having much unhealthy food at family dinners. My fiance's family seems to always have a lot of sugary stuff. :( I just gotta learn to say NO to keep on with progress...Because seriously, I know better!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • tgaul
    tgaul Posts: 123
    this is a great post. Thank you:happy:
  • SquidInTraining
    Fantastic, positive post! I love that this is so uplifting while providing the kick to the backside I needed this week - thanks for posting :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member