
Hello everyone! I am a kind of newbie to the site. I used to have an account, and did some lurking, but forget my username.

I am a 27yo mamma to one precious, most amazing 5 year old girl, and have been married to my best friend for the past 6 years.

I hit my highest weight ever this weekend, 215lbs. I am 5"6. Yesterday I joined the gym, and have decided to make positive life changes. In the past, I was successful in losing weight, but gained most of it back over the last 5 or 6 years, sadly.

I am a moderation kind of gal, even in my most fitness oriented days I have never let my weight define me. I am never going to spend my days obsessing over weight, although I plan on making a solid effort to get healthier for myself.

If you are in a similar place, I would LOVE some new friends :)


  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi there. I'm new as well and just started my weight loss journey. I'm also at my highest weight after having a baby back in August. I am about 220 at only 5'4. I have a long way to go but I am determined.
    I'd love some buddies to help keep me motivated :)
  • welladapted
    Hi, I am new at this as well. I am 43 somewhat active but love to eat. My sister introduced me to this app and I love it. I have been counting my calories for about a week now and I already lost 3lbs. If I have learned anything by counting calories it works better than any fad diet. I tried them all, Good luck. :smile:
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Hi! You're more than welcome to add me, I'd love some new friends! I'm 41and have 70 or so pounds to lose. I'm 5'4 and being short really shows every pound! I started at another site and found this one fit me better and I didn't have to pay to get all the features, so switching over happened days after discovering MFP! I started here at 3/6, and started modifying my diet via calories and healthy eating mid-Feb. have to be careful with exercise due to back problems and nerve damage. I managed to get a great deal on a recumbent bike and am hoping starting slow on it and starting with my home exercises from physical therapy will help for now. My main focus until I get the last 12 pounds off to get under 200 is on my food, but we'll see how it goes.

    OK, that was longer than yours or the others that commented! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
