Weight Loss Questionnaire

I'm doing graphic design at university and my current project is titled "A journey of 1cm" so naturally I'm doing weight loss. I need to gather some first hand research so I've put together a questionnaire I would like as many people to answer as possible.

All questions are optional but please try to answer as many as possible. If you do not want to give an answer, or a question is irrelevant, please put N/A as the answer instead of leaving the question blank.

Note: Some questions are quite personal, however all questionnaires will be kept anonymous. If you do not want other people to see your answers feel free to message them to me instead of replying on here.

• Gender:
• Age:

• Starting weight:
• Current weight:
• Goal weight:

• What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)

• Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)

• Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

• Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

• Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)

• Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?

• Why do you want to look that way?

• What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)

• Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?

• How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)

• Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)

• Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

• What motivates you?

• If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)

• How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)

• How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?

• What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?

• What is your biggest worry?

• What have you learnt on your journey so far?

• What is your favourite (relevant) quote?


  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    bump for later
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 30

    • Starting weight: 212
    • Current weight: 179
    • Goal weight: 165

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) To look and feel my best.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Only of wanting to eat too much.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? No, I think I'm pretty sexy just need the body to follow the mind.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Dita Von Teese

    • Why do you want to look that way? She has curves and isn't ultra skinny, but looks healthy.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Work more, eat less.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My hips don't lie.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Very motivated

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My lovely FL

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Yes, I don't get quite so many stares when I eat.

    • What motivates you? Before and after pictures of extreme weightloss. If they can do it, I can too.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Like eating a cookie. I do, then go workout.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It's so close I can taste it.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Excellent smithers.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Get back on the wagon.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Food is energy, not the devil.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? I tell myself when reluctant to go to the gym "Suck it up so you no longer have to suck it in"
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member

    Age 38 years old

    Starting weight 250 pounds
    Current weight: 176 pounds
    Goal weight: 136 pounds

    My reasons for losing weight is to be healthy and become the athletic girl I used to be.

    I didn't always struggle with my weight. my weight began at age 14 when my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. my free time was spent taking care of him. many trips to the hospital and fast food on the go. it was come home from school and take care of my dad so my mom could have a break. he died a year later when I was 15 years old. so that was a difficult period to adjust to being without a father, coming to a single parent home. moving back to Indiana it was a stressful time. I didn't notice at first by bye age 21 years old I weighed 250 pounds and wore a size 26.

    I am really not sure I undereat a lot since I was depressed and then would make up for the missing food and binge eat. I covered up my eating with excessive workouts. but I didn't purge or anything. in all honesty I am not sure what I would classify that as.

    I don't feel pressured by the media to look a certain way but I do tend to pressure myself to look a certain way. I put to high of expectations on myself

    as far as who has my ideal body inspiration I would say Jessica Biel. she has that atheletic build that I want to have
    as to why I want to look that way? that was how I started to look before I gained all the weight

    First to change things: I know it sounds simple but I eat more. I was eating way under my calories . I would eat between 1,000-1,100 but was lucky to even net that with the work outs. I also eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. I ditched my sedentary style and began stepping up my work outs. my main work out is 30 day shred day two level 1. I also use the Elliptical / stationary bike.

    my problem areas: thighs that is where I carry most of my weight. I am not trying to hide them I just try to target my thigh areas
    and work out.

    yes my friend Jason is one of my biggest supporters, most of my family and my fitness pal friends
    how do you feel about my weight loss? I feel confident that I can cross the finish and lose those last 36 pounds
    has dieting changed how people see you or treat you? sometimes yes especially my step grandma she makes fun of my eating healthier and trying to make a positive lifestyle change. but for the most part the people support me.
    as for what motivates me : I have the picture of me at my heaviest on the fridge and my determination never to go back to that girl is my biggest motivation.

    When I fall off the wagon? I don't get upset but I just get back up and try again and press through it.

    my goal is really close so I see it already and see each pound lost as one step closer
    If I didn't feel this way? I would say don't look at how far you have to go but look how far you have come
    my biggest worry is being someone who doesn't lead by example. I know people are watching me and they are looking to me as a role model. I want to teach them they don't have to take the easy way out to lose the weight. if they want it bad enough they are going to have to work for it. eat right ,exercise that is really the only way. that quick fixes don't work most of those you end up gaining weight with you haven't learned how to properly manage your food/ calorie intake.
    my favorite quote" Don't look at how far you have to go, but look how far you have come."
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age:39

    • Starting weight:228
    • Current weight:166
    • Goal weight: 110-115

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? I want to lose weight to be healthy and fit!

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) No I have not always been unhappy with my weight, but have been for most of my adult life. The only thing that I can say triggers unhealthy eating habits is just the lack of willpower when it comes to food. And my overall love for food.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? I believe I have an addiction to food, and I guess that would fall into the category of a disorder.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? NO

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? NO

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Jilian Michaels

    • Why do you want to look that way? I feel that she looks healthy and fit, but still feminine. I don't want to lose the quote, unquote "female softness" but still want the toned look.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) First of all I am trying to eat clean as possible, when it is possible and it is not always convenient. I eat within my calorie and macros everyday or try. I workout five to six days a week, with three strength training sessions included.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I do have problem areas, one being my stomach. Gain weight there first, and it is the last to go! But yes, I am trying to change all over for the most part.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I am very motivated to lose, but more motivated to get into a specific size.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My biggest support is here on mfp.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) I would say yes! The public is the main one where I see a difference. They talk to me more, as if they were afraid to when I was bigger, like being fat is contagious.

    • What motivates you? The thought of being healthy and living longer.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) When I fell off the wagon due to a surgery it made me feel terrible. I didn't feel like punishing myself because what good is that going to do? All you can do is pick yourself up and get back on, and that is what I did. I guess I could say that I was disappointed in myself.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I am a little more than halfway to my goal. I feel pretty good about it And yes, it is very possible.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I will feel accomplished.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I will find the root cause.

    • What is your biggest worry? That I will never attain the body type that I so desire.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? This is a lifetime commitment, it is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer
  • ej_glen
    ej_glen Posts: 34 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 29

    • Starting weight: 309
    • Current weight: 295.6
    • Goal weight: 180

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    Health, appearance, wanting to participate in sports again.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I was always a skinny, sporty kid who played football, and I gained wait after PCOS diagnosisand some family upheaval in my mid-teens. Between the hormonal imbalance, home life imbalance and quitting sports my weight ballooned. Been unhappy about my body for as long as I can remember, and have a history of binge eating to cope with emotional stress.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?
    Undiagnosed, yes. I consider myself to be managing this now however.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)
    See above. I think once you've had it you always have it, recovery is a lot about management.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Personally, no. I'm glad I don't meet certain societal norms and am actually quite nervous about the day I do meet them.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Jennifer Lawrence (Although I know I'll never look like her)

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    Because she looks healthy, strong and real.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    Strict calorie counting and logging food. Working with a 500 calorie defecit per day. Watching my fat/sodium levels using my fitness pal. Aiming for 50% carbs, 30% protein per day. Eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, Preparing food from scratch at home instead of eating out. Avoiding (where possible) chocolate, crisps and sweets. No soda (even diet). Lots of water.
    Exercise a minimum of 5-6 times per week (incorporating strength training, classes like body combat and pump, cardio machines at the gym and hillwalking)
    No supplements. No surgery.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    Every area is a problem area right now.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    Motivated. Positive about my progress. Satisfied that I've earned it.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Yes. My partner and family are hugely supportive. I also blog and tweet with other people about my journey.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    Not yet.

    • What motivates you?
    Feeling fit and active.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I've done it once, and I didn't have a negative emotional response, I just became very aware of how my body felt the following day. I feel better when I eat well and exercise.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It's far away, but I'll get there when I get there.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    I don't know. I'm a bit scared of it. I don't know how people will treat me or what my body will look like.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    It doesn't matter. I'm not putting the weight on again because then I'd have to give up on being active.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Loose skin (like everyone else really)

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    That what I eat has a massive impact on how well I feel and how I sleep. That exercise is vital.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    "It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.” ~Vince Lombardi
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 49

    • Starting weight: 201
    • Current weight: 166
    • Goal weight: 145

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) - Mainly for my health. I have high blood pressure, strokes, and heart problems in the family and carrying extra weight makes the risk even worse. I also like looking nice in clothes and being able to buy cute clothes. Staying active is also important.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) : Of course, I've always thought I was "fat" but if I look at pictures of myself from my 20s and 30s, I really wasn't. Didn't start gaining weight until kids. Focussed on them and didn't take care of myself. Ballooned to 201 in the course of three or four years.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) No - too old for that crap!

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Can't think of a specific person but whenever I look at an Athleta catalog, I wish I could look like one of their models! Healthy, muscular.

    • Why do you want to look that way? I think muscular bodies look heathier than thin bodies. Strength is important as I grow older to help reduce injuries!

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) - I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Minimize meat. Exercise (cardio, strength). No special diet.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My belly. I think I just have to lose the weight for it to go away!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) - I feel great (35 pounds). It has gone VERY slowly since the holidays, but I'm OK with that because I have been enjoying life.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) - Yes, my husband and kids (ages 9 and 11). We all eat the same food and my girls see me exercise and counting calories and have taken an interest in both. So I think it has had a positive affect on my family.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) - Probably. I think people (especially men) are friendlier.

    • What motivates you? To live longer and stay active

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) - I feel like that is just life. I get back on the next day.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) - Sometimes I question whether I will meet my goal. I am probably a little too content where I am now!. If I don't reach my goal, I'll still be happy.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I will feel great but be nervous about gaining it all back!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?

    • What is your biggest worry? Gaining the weight back

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? To be flexible and not view one day and as a complete failure.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
  • pollyineedtobeskinny
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 19 (20 next week)

    • Starting weight: 152lb
    • Current weight: 142lb
    • Goal weight: 125lb

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    To be happy and to feel confident

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    Can't say i've ever been happy with my weight. It's just i've always been young and my weight wasn't really a part of my life, I never got skitted on by anyone about my weight, I just knew I was bigger for my age.
    I've never been skinny, always "normal" or "a bit chubby", ever since I went on holiday in 2011 with my present boyfriend, I knew.. It was time to make a change. I was walking around, holding my tummy all the time... So unhappy :cry:

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?
    Definitely not. I think I obsess a little but I enjoy my food.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)
    No, never.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes, who doesn't feel pressured by what celebrities look like? Then I remember, if we all had lots of money I'm sure we would look just as good. If we had the money to pay for top named stuff, a make up artist etc.... I remember that I'm real and most of what we see in the media aren't.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    No one. I don't look at anyone elses body and have it as my inspiration. I imagine my body the way I'd like it when I look in the mirror. That's my inspiration. :smile:

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    To feel happy and confident in clothes and without clothes. To be proud of what I achieved.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    Less sugary foods
    Watch what I eat a little more
    Healthier options
    Calorie deficit
    But don't stop enjoying foods I crave.... :smile: happiest way of weight loss.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    I'm trying to change all over but my problem areas are the very top of my thighs and my stomach. That's what I try working on most.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    Positive because I'm aware I can do it. Everyone can. Seeing very large people who have got down to such a smaller weight is very motivating. I'm happy i'm not gaining weight and I'm less than what I was a year ago.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Everyone supports me. Online support is the best support I get through my weight loss. But I do get support at home too.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    No, definitely not. My sisters are also dieting so we are in it together. Sometimes, they mess around with certain foods but just jokes :laugh:

    • What motivates you?
    Everyone, literally. Seeing people and their bodies. Seeing people and their stories.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    Unhappy and fat. I never feel like giving up.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It definitely seems possible but not in a small space of time. I've gave myself a good goal. (17lb to go) and to me, it's a lot less than a lot of people here.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I will feel that way cos I achieved it. (SUCCESS) but if I am not 100% happy, I will keep going until I am.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Not losing the weight, but I shouldn't worry too much as all I need is determination and will power.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    To be patient, very patient. Nothing happens over night and I wont always eat perfect.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    The difference between NEED and WANT is SELF CONTROL
  • bnicklaus
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 27

    • Starting weight: 140
    • Current weight: 137
    • Goal weight: 120

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to feel good in my own skin (lose weight)

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I was always really thin growing up and once I hit about 20 I started to gain weight easily if I didn't watch what I ate, which was really new to me. I have to be more conscience of what I eat and have to make sure I exercise regularly to maintain my weight.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Of course. I think that's natural. It's shoved down our throats constantly and to the point where men don't even know what a real woman looks like anymore. Not only do other women set a standard for themselves, but now men set a standard for women too.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Jenna Marbles. She has an amazing body, not just thin, but is toned.

    • Why do you want to look that way? She looks awesome!

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I am watching what I eat, less fat content, more whole grains, etc. I am also exercising 4 days a week with the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, treadmill, and Just Dance on Wii.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I am just trying to change all over

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Some days I am not motivated and feel bad about myself, but some days I'm all gung ho about it.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) I do but I don't. My husband supports my decisions, but he's a person who can eat what they want and how much they want and not gain a lb. It's hard not to eat what he eats.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) I don't think so.

    • What motivates you? Usually the fact that I have to fit in last years shorts soon LOL

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I feel super angry at myself, and I hate myself for it.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I hope it's possible.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I think I'll feel awesome.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I'll just remind myself that I am awesome anyway!

    • What is your biggest worry? That my body will be ruined after children.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Losing weight is hard.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the ability to change the things I can, and the knowledge to know the difference.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 24

    • Starting weight: 143
    • Current weight: 139
    • Goal weight: 122

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) To feel better about myself and more confident

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I haven’t been happy with my weight since I was 15. I think that social media triggered my unnatural eating habits. I started doing crazy fad diets my freshman year of college and never lost any weight. Now I am trying to do it the healthy way.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Possibly – binge eating disorder. Although its much better now.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Yes, pictures of celebrities and friends online that are smaller than me make me jealous and want to have their body

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? I get my body inspiration from friends and celebrities that have lost weight on their own – before and after pictures of people I know inspire me most.

    • Why do you want to look that way? If they were able to lose weight and they started out bigger than me, it gives me motivation that I can do it too.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Training for a half marathon, consistent working out and consistent healthy eating. Limit sweets. Taking supplements (enzymnes, 7 Keto, probiotics, vitamin B and D)

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My legs are much bigger than I would like

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Weight loss makes me feel motivated, subsequent weight gain makes me feel depressed

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Online: (My Fitness Pal), Real life: My sister and boyfriend

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) No

    • What motivates you? My own weight loss, ‘pins’ from pinterest, pictures of my friends weight loss

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) depressed, like I need to work harder, if I really binged I feel like weight loss is impossible for me and as if I’m not worth it

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I feel as if I am consistent with healthy eating, it is nearby.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I got to my goal weight once before and I felt as if I didn’t see many changes in my body and that I needed to lose more. This time, I hope that I find happiness.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Try to lose a few more pounds or really try to focus on other parts of my life.

    • What is your biggest worry? I will never lose this weight b/c I keep binging.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? That fad diets don’t work – consistency is key.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? “Running makes me love my body. Not because it’s perfect – it’s far from it. But because with every mile, I prove to myself that I can do something I didn’t know I was capable of”.
  • acdcwells09
    acdcwells09 Posts: 4 Member
    • Gender: FEMALE
    • Age: 24

    • Starting weight: 144 LBS
    • Current weight: 141 LBS
    • Goal weight: 130 LBS



    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? NO NOT REALLY, JUST UNHEALTHY CHOICES.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) NO

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) I DID FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME, THEN I STARTED TO REALIZE I NEEDED TO BE HEALTHY NOT A TOOTH PICK.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? JENNIFER ANISTON

    • Why do you want to look that way? SHE ISN'T TOO SKINNY BUT FIT.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I AM ON A 2 HOUR FEEDING, THANKS TO MY TRAINER. EATING SMALL MEALS THROUGHOUT THE DAY STAYING UNDER 1300 CALORIES AND 152 CARBS. AS FOR WORKING OUT, MY TRAINER HAS ME SWIMMING AND DOING WATER AEROBICS TO HELP STREGTHEN MY HIP.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? MY THIGHS ARE MY MAIN PROBLEM AREA, AND THEN OF COURSE THE STOMACH AREA.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I'M LOVING HOW I'M FEELING NOT JUST PHYCIALLY BUT I HAVE SO MUCH MORE ENERGY WHICH KEEPS ME MOTIVED.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) MY HUSBAND IS MY MAIN SUPPORT SYSTEM AND ALSO MY FRIENDS ON MYFITNESSPAL!

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) MY DIET CHANGE HAS INSPIRED MY OBESE NEIGHBOR TO START EATING BETTER AND ALSO JOIN MY GYM!!! SHE HAS SEEN ME AS AN INSPIRATION!


    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I HAVE FALLIN OFF THE BAND WAGON SEVERAL TIMES AND I ALWAYS FEEL DEFEATED BUT EACH TIME I GET BACK UP THAT MUCH STRONGER.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I FEEL CLOSER TO MY GOAL NOW THAT I HAVE A TRAINER THAT IS FOCUSING ON MY HIP AND GETTING ME STRONG.





  • naschulze
    naschulze Posts: 98
    • Gender: F
    • Age: 25

    • Starting weight: 198
    • Current weight: 175
    • Goal weight: 140

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to lose weight so I can be what I believe I once was - fit, healthy, confident. I also believe fitness and eating right are important to live a healthy life and I want to do my best in that. No excuses.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have always been satisified with my weight. I was average, not overweight but not as skinny as some girls I knew. Roughly a size 7 a majority of high school. When I graduated and went to college I got a job at kohls constantly walking/standing and then I got a job at the same time loading trucks for fedex. I only worked the fedex job for a couple months, but in that time I became really fit, the fittest I've ever been. After I quit I believed I was invincible and started to eat whatever I wanted. I started some very unhealthy eating habits and gradually quit exercising. Eventually I graduated and got a good job and my weight started creeping up all the more since I quit kohls and was sitting at a desk the majority of the day. It went up so slow it was almost unnoticeable, I just gradually started to wear bigger pants and looser shirts knowing I was gaining weight but not really noticing enough to do anything about it.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) It's hard to say. I feel like the media defines beauty in it's own way and does mostly present celebrities/models etc as being perfect, but I think even without them telling us what is what, we all have our own definition of beautiful. What the media does do is constantly give us options to look more beautiful, with 'non invasive surgery' and 'sculpting creams' etc. There is always some new beauty scheme out there that is telling us we could be better than we are because there will always be companies trying to make money off people's insecurities.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? My past self. I don't believe in trying to make myself become like someone else, because everyone's body is different. I will become the fittest I can be, tone what I can tone, work on areas that need working on until I become what I am meant to be. I remember how I used to be and use that as my inspiration and I have a size goal. That's all I need.

    • Why do you want to look that way? I don't want fat hanging over my pants, I don't want pudgy arms, legs and face. I want to know what I look like without all this extra padding, I want to be fit, strong and confident

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I tried several things for years - flat belly diet, weight watchers, calorie counting...I tried a variety of different workouts as well - zumba, bootcamp, gym memberships, running/5ks, biking, home videos, p90x. I lost weight in small increments but most of what I did wasn't sustainable long term. I found myself hating to go the monotonous gym and the really intense boot camps, running was hard on my joints, home videos were losing out to netflix etc. Eventually I started a combination of yoga/pilates and that is a gentle stress relieving workout that I LOVE. I was doing that for a while and losing weight, but eventually I evened out and couldn't lose any more which I figure was because of my eating habits since I found it hard to consistently eat healthy (not eat out). Through different events I finally found myself deciding to go vegan, and that has been the best health/weight loss decision of my life. I have been eating that way for about 2 months while going to yoga and have lost 10 pounds so far.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? All over needs work, but i specifically need some tonage in my core.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I'm feeling great right now because I believe I have FINALLY found something that works and is sustainable.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My boyfriend of 6 years has supported me throughout this whole ordeal. He has seen my ups and downs and has been very encouraging. He's vegan as well and even comes to all my strange classes.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) My family thinks the 'vegan thing' is a phase so that has changed their views somewhat. For some reason they don't see what I eat as 'real food' even though they have no idea what I eat or how delicious it really is. I might have thought the same thing a while ago, but now that I've done research and not been afraid to look up new recipes and try new foods I found that the food I eat now not only tastes good but it's actually much better than anything I had eaten before, I absolutely love it. My mother is just happy I'm getting healthy however it is that I need to do it. She has seen her kids gradually gain weight over the years and I know it frustrates her.

    • What motivates you? Mostly myself. I have looked for motivation in others but really in the end it's yourself that will push you through, nothing else. Sure I want to look good for my boyfriend and family etc, but in the end its me that I'm doing this for.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I've definitely fell off the wagon a couple times and it is frustrating. I would 'give up' for a month or so but one day I would look in the mirror and firmly remind myself of why I was doing this in the first place and I would end up getting back on again. Sometimes I would just need to try something new so I would wait for an exercise groupon to pop up then snag it just to try something different for cheap. Looking back I feel that giving up actually helped me become better. I figured out through trial and error what worked for me and what didn't and through research and doing different things i finally found something I can do that works.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I just want it to happen! I know it will take a while since I'm losing about a pound a week, but I know I'll get there eventually. It's like I see the present under the christmas tree, but I have to wait to open it. I'm anxious and excited, but trying to be patient.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I'll feel like all my hard work FINALLY paid off.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? If I'm fit as a fiddle, worked all my problem areas and I still don't feel that way, then its a problem with me and not my body. It's hard for people not to find something wrong with themselves, but I will do my best to feel confident.

    • What is your biggest worry? That something will be super hard to tone or that eventually I'll plateau and nothing I do can fix it. I don't think that will happen but it's a possibility.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? To not give up and to not be afraid of stepping outside of your safe zone and trying something new/different. It's easy to get comfortable in life and not have enough motivation to step out of it, but I decided to do it and I'm so happy that I did. Also to do plenty of research about everything, nutrition, food, exercise. Know what is in the food your eating and don't ignore it just because it's an uncomfortable subject, know what it does to your body, know what type of nutrition you need in a day, know the dos and don'ts of exercise. It's easy to pass by great foods in the grocery store just because you don't know about them.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? I don't do quotes
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 53

    • Starting weight: 165
    • Current weight: 152
    • Goal weight: 145

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)Needed to lose to get healthier, feel better and not have 4 wardrobes <lol>

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) Never had a problem with my weight until menopause. I realized the "couple extra" turned into 20 extra that didn't just drop off like before.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Nope

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) Nope

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Nope

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? No one but Kate Upton come to mind for a normal, real sized woman to inspire the young girls.

    • Why do you want to look that way? N/A

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Eating properly and exercising

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? Over all, I guess

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I miss my boobs <lol> but I am happy about how I feel physically & mentally.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes, IRL my family.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Nope

    • What motivates you?The way I feel and look.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Meh. It happens. Dust off and start again.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) Excited... I can see it coming.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Happy

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I know I will be happy but I'd keep at it if not

    • What is your biggest worry? Maintaining

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? If I have the right tools, I can do anything :)

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? Make a plan, execute the plan, adjust as needed.
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 27

    • Starting weight: 157
    • Current weight:152.5
    • Goal weight: 140

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight? (Please state which) Be slimmer. Look and feel better and healthier.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I was a really slim child, and used to be called a 'sparrow' cause I ate small amounts all the time and was quite picky. When I went to uni though I gained weight from eating too much fast food and beer! Ever since then its been a battle to get back to the way I was before! Although I was never a twig, I was really slim and toned.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) A bit, but I am not obsessed, I feel the images are more encouraging that pressurising.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? No one inparticular.

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Using MFP daily. Averaging 1200cals, and excersing 3-4 times a week & lifting weights and eating my exercise cals. Not having takeaways, eating more fresh fruit and veg, upping my protein intake naturally with more meat, changing to brown rice and no bread most of the time. I do have weekends off occationally though!

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? stomach, upper arms and legs (thats almost all of me I guess!)

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I know I am not doing enough, as I have not had much of a result yet. I need to exercise more! So negative I guess! Lack motivation sometimes.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) MFP friends, and my boyfriend is also trying to be healthy so he helps, although not always! People at my work are negative most of the time!

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) I try not to talk about it with many people, so no not really. People at my work always seem negative when I mention gym/diet so I keep it to myself.

    • What motivates you? My holiday booked for the summer, and I am following lots of motivational groups on Instagram!!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Normally quite motivated because I feel worse after eating rubbish (like now after Easter, I feel sooo bloated!) so reminds me why its good to eat healthy! I do also feel guilty.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) Sometimes it seems impossible because I seem to get so little result, but I know I can try harder and do a lot more, so almost possible for my goal which is months away. PMA as I always say to other!! (Possitive Mental Attitude!)

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Probably feel like I need to loose more! But I will be happy to be back down at 10stone!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Try and loose some more weight, I guess it's how I look more than how much I weigh, so if I don't like the way I look still, I will try harder to get how I want to look!!

    • What is your biggest worry? That I will quit and become content with how I look now.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? It's hard work, and it's about exercise as well as diet!! I've learnt a lot about eating clean too, although I struggle to do it 100% myself I do cook all my meals from scratch no processed meals!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? A moment on the lips, a lifetime on te hips!!!
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Everyone so far - THANK YOU!!!

  • julieharrell1
    julieharrell1 Posts: 29 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 42

    • Starting weight: 165
    • Current weight: 151
    • Goal weight: 125

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    I want to lose weight to feel and look good.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have always been overweight. I have celiac disease. I cannot absorb nutrition like everyone else. I didn’t find out until I was 40. I spent my whole life being uncontrollably hungry. My mom hated to cook, so she bought us snack food to eat whenever we wanted. Because of my illness I had a large bloated belly. I continued eat junk food, which only made it worse

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No. I eat healthier now than anyone else I know.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No, I ate when I was hungry.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Yes, I have also had an ideal image in my head of how I wanted to look. It came for movies, TV and magazines.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? There is no one particular person. It’s just a vision in my head.

    • Why do you want to look that way? It is a look that I find attractive. It has nothing to do with want anyone else thinks of me. I want the look I have never been able to have.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Paleo diet (doctor said to) workout at the Y. Starting to run gradually. Strength training. Subliminal message MP3.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? Belly has always been huge, the rest of me is skeletal.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I’m very happy.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes my husband and kids.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Yes, I started dieting at age 12. My parents and sister often made fun of me. They said things like “you’re always on a diet and you still look like THAT”. My husband understand and tries to eat healthy too. My kids and my co-workers all encourage me.

    • What motivates you? I think about looking good in a bikini for the first time. I think about living long enough to see my grandchildren and being able to still play with them.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I feel bad, but I get right back on.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I know I will do it.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Satisfied, empowered, safer

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Find a hobby, help my kids with their goals.

    • What is your biggest worry? I worry that my disease will lead to cancer. It does for some people. I worry about getting diabetes, because if you have one autoimmune disease you’re likely to get others.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? No one really knows why some people are overweight and some are not. Doctors especially don’t know. Everybody seems to think that it’s calories in vs calories out. If it’s so simple, why are so many people overweight.? Many doctors looked at my bloated belly when I was a child and told me I was just fat. None of them tested me for anything. Everyone is responsible for his or her own health. We can never assume that any business or agency has our best interests at heart. They will sell us what tastes good , they will tell what they want us to think, and they will buy scientific studies to back up what they say.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? More die in the United States of too much food than of too little. ~John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I'm doing graphic design at university and my current project is titled "A journey of 1cm" so naturally I'm doing weight loss. I need to gather some first hand research so I've put together a questionnaire I would like as many people to answer as possible.

    All questions are optional but please try to answer as many as possible. If you do not want to give an answer, or a question is irrelevant, please put N/A as the answer instead of leaving the question blank.

    Note: Some questions are quite personal, however all questionnaires will be kept anonymous. If you do not want other people to see your answers feel free to message them to me instead of replying on here.

    • Gender: female
    • Age: 22

    • Starting weight: 86lbs
    • Current weight: 122lbs
    • Goal weight: 125lbs

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    Gain, because i was anorexic for ten years. Also because i have learned how much i enjoy powerlifting.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) i remember my mom calling herself "fat". At that age, my mom was just mom. but it dawned on me that "fat" was bad. i also come from a family that gets offended if you dont get seconds, but will make snide comments about how much you eat.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?
    Not anymore :)

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)
    10 years of anorexia.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)

    Of course-you cant turn on the TV or radio without some new magic weight loss program.
    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Larissa Reis. She just LOOKS like she could kick your teeth in. She looks strong.

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    I've been scrawny my whole life, but now that my diet and exercise have changed, my legs are like tree trunks and my butt is HUGE for my height. I would rather look like a rhino than a hippo ;)

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    I'm taking better care of myself. No more late nights/early mornings. Going out to eat is rare. I eat tons of raw veggies, and i supplement with protein shakes since im a vegetarian. I take BCAAs and glutamine. I'm taking calcium, d, glucosamine, and chondroitin to minimize the issues with a genetic defect in my knees; so i can stay mobile. I take cinnamon to regulate my blood sugar so my hypoglycemia wont make me crash. Magnesium for my arrhythmia. I walk my dogs multiple times a day, i exercise heavily for up to four hours a day-bit mostly i do what i enjoy. the limited stress is really the big difference.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    I'm trying to change all over-but we all have problem areas. mine are my hips. i have wide set hips anyway, and the layer of goo makes them wider!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    At this very moment: unenthused. I go through phases of unwavering dedication/ 24/7 beast mode and totally lax/devil may care. I havent quite got the "go hard but dont hit a wall" down yet.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    My fiance and my mom. They keep me sane :)

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    Absolutely. Everyone thought i was naturally small framed, but now they see im not. most people cant grasp why i turn down junk.

    • What motivates you?
    I do. If you seek external motivation, youll fail.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I just stay off the wagon! No falling that way! I dont consider cheesecake a slip up. it ddoesnt make a bad day. i just eat it, enjoy it, and keep going.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    I never reach them! By the time i get close, ive already set new ones . i never reach a goal (ex. I had a deadlift goal of 200#. I did it, put 10# more on the bar and did that. i didnt celebrate, i just kept going.)

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    See above ;)

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    Set a new goal

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That being 4'8" and wearing bigger jeans will mean a lot of alterations to jeans.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Im stronger than i thought, but people will always underestimate me.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    If deadlifts were supposed to be easy, they would be called "ellipticals"
  • SisterSinBin
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 44+4....okay, 48

    • Starting weight: 308
    • Current weight: 251
    • Goal weight: 190

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight?
    I am losing weight for ME! I am just tired of being stuck in a fat/unhealthy body!

    • Tell me a bit about your past…
    I used to be very much in shape. Was bedrest for ALLmy pregnancies...even the ones that never completed. I had some unfortunate medical 'challenges' that I have overcome; but the recovery caused a lot of weight gain.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?
    Nope! I have no problem getting food into my mouth! :)

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past?
    In high school I was OVERLY concerned with my weight. Mostly for sports. But not really an eating disorder.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way?
    Oh yes. Have you ever seen an "unattractive" person in ANYTHING? Heavy, unattractive people are not accepted in society. Being in a "people-oriented" business, I have to maintain an exterior appearance...or show that I am attempting to improve the current appearance. It sucks!!! I should be accepted for who I am, and the character I bring with me.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    I have many inspirations; however, my ideal body is MY BODY! I just have to get to a point that I am accepting of it. I don't look at other's bodies or 'wish' I could have their bodies.

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    I want to feel better about myself. Stop being so defensive on my current appearance. I want to be able to walk into any shop and be able to purchase (not be glared at) anything in that store.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible
    I have been working out 5-6 times a day for 5 years; not a lot of change. I went to the doctor and found that I am not just resistant to Carbohydrates; however, pretty close to ALLERGIC to them! I have cut my carb intake to 40-50 a day. I change up my workouts (still 6 times a week); added weight training, core training, and different cardio activities.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ or are you trying to change all over?
    Carb changing.
    Bettering my personal outlook. If I can't accept myself, I will not be successful!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain?
    I feel good about myself. I am a more positive person. More energetic and active.
    I also keep in mind that losing weight is not the COMPLETE answer. Diets fail!!!! Healthly life changes last forever. Those changes have to include the psychological change of who a person is, accepting the person, and changing what you don't accept of the person. If change inside isn't done....then the change outside is going to be just temporary.

    • Have you got people who support you?
    My younger sister is a big support! She even joined MFP just to keep me motivated. No, she doesn't need to change her weight, diet or exercise routine!
    MFP has given me the best support. So many people, who are now my friends online, are my inspiration. I see how wonderfully everyone is doing, and it keeps me going day to day also.
    I also have God! He keeps me on track daily!

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now?
    I have had positive responses from some friends/co-workers/family by remarking how good I am looking and how I am happier and more out-going now.
    I have also had negative from friends/co-workers and family. People who looked to me to be the 'fattest', now I am smaller than they are. Family members who like to sabbatoge my food changes. Always saying "you aren't eating enough", "try this..it's rude to say NO"....Now instead of taking it as Negative behavior; I consider it challenging behavior for me to conquer.

    • What motivates you?
    My sister. God. I motivate myself....daily!!!!!!!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel?
    Guilty...then I get over it and just start over. No one is perfect.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal?
    Oh, I will reach my goal......I may be dead, but I WILL reach it! It took me 23 years to put on this weight. It is going to take some time for it to leave it's "happy home"!

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    Just continue to live. Be happy and active. I am NOT DIETING.....I have made a health change!! I like what and how I eat and what and how I keep active.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Not liking the end result.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Eating all these carbs are not good...and I feel better without all the carbs I thought I needed on a daily basis. I have learned the difference between good and bad carbs and the right and wrong way for exercising.

    • What is your favourite quote?
    From Shawshank Redemption: "You need to get busy living, or get busy dying".
    I have chosen to get busy living! It is so much better, and more rewarding!!!!!
  • grandmastime
    grandmastime Posts: 57 Member
    • Gender:
    • Age:
    • Starting weight:
    • Current weight:
    • Goal weight:
    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    To feel healthy again.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    As a child and my 20's I was always Under weight

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Myself at 30

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    I felt the healthiest then.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    I have cut out presevitives and processed food. I am taking Vitamin supplements and increasing my water intake and counting calories.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    My abdomen or baby pooch

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    just starting we will see how it goes but have a great support in my fiance

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Yes my Fiance. He is the best. Also two co workers.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

    • What motivates you?
    The idea of being arround for my grandchildren

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    Like its time to get back on the horse. Slips are ok. quitting is not.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It is doable but will take time. I didnt gain it over night so it will not come off over night

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    get with the dr,. and figure out what is next

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Getting Diabetes

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    nothing comes easy

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    any job worth doing is a job worth doing right.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 45

    • Starting weight: 250
    • Current weight: 162-165
    • Goal weight: 170

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) Tired of being FAT

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) 165 pounds until I got married. Slowly gained weight until I was pissed at myself.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) No

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Pamela Anderson LOL

    • Why do you want to look that way? NA

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Eat all the same foods. Weigh and measure EVERYTHING.
    Started with ONLY cardio until I hit 190. Slowly introduced weights. Now, I alternate days of weights and Cardio

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? No area in specific. All areas look pretty damn good now.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I feel fantastic.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes, my beautiful bride.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Not sure.

    • What motivates you? Tired of being a fat *kitten*.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I don't fall of the wagon. I deliberately JUMP off the wagon when ever I deem it.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) Fantastic.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Fantastic. I am there now.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I am there and feel fantastic.

    • What is your biggest worry? Gaining it back.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Nothing is easy. Nothing is fast. I wanted it, I did it.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? There are many. I will go with the KISS Method. Keep It Simple Stupid.
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 139 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 28

    • Starting weight: 215
    • Current weight: 198.8
    • Goal weight: ~155

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy and be able to do fun things. I always said I would lose weight when my doctor told me to. I recently (in November) changed doctors, and while she didn't talk to me about my weight, at the end of the appointment, she gave me a list of things we talked about and follow up care and all that, but at the top of the list was that I had pushed myself into the obese category. I thought it was odd that here I was, an obese person, and my doctor didn't say anything to me about losing weight. I decided that I couldn't wait for the doctor to tell me I was unhealthy, because that would probably not happen until I had some major health issues, and I didn't want to let it get that far. I decided to make a change.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) - I was always very healthy in school, then when I graduated college and got a desk job, I started to plump out. I had/have terrible eating habits when on my own and that is what caused my gain.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Nope

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) Nope

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) No - and I live in LA

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Never really thought about it - probably my junior college self, I was very fit!

    • Why do you want to look that way? It's not about how I look, it's about how I feel, I want to feel good, get sick less often, be active.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) - eating better and exercising more. No special plan, just, lower calorie intake, up exercise.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? - all the women in my family have large tummies, so I guess that would be my problem area.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) - so far so good, been serious about it for 3 months now and have lost over 16 lbs - slow and steady will get you to where you are going.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) - yes, both online (joined a group on here that is extremely encouraging) and I have my sister and cousin who are also supportive.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) - not really, or if they have, I have not noticed.

    • What motivates you? - mostly my upcoming trip to Italy. I went 10 years ago in college and would like to be around the same size when I go back. Also, I just want to be healthy.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) - I feel like I've disappointed the people who are cheering me on and it makes be want to do better. To prove to myself and to them that I can do it.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) - I feel that I have a way to go, but that if I don't try to do a quick fix, I will get there and I will be able to stay there.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? - when I get there I will let you know. I'm sure I will be ...... confused, since it takes up a lot of my time now. I might have a "what now" moment. But I hope that I will become more of a runner and that will take up my time.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? - I hope to find a new (active) hobby that will take my mind off losing weight and will be able to adjust to maintaining.

    • What is your biggest worry? - that I will get lazy and give up

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? - it's really not that hard. I think it helps that in the beginning the weight comes off faster, because that is a motivation to keep going. Don't expect to see the kind of results they show on the biggest loser, a 1-2 lb loss every week is amazing!!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? - If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do. The US is an obese country, it needs to change, and if I can do it, I think anyone can, and perhaps I can help motivate others to change.