Strong Lifts ??'s

I am still fairly new to the entire fitness world. I have been doing a boot camp style class for the last 18 months and in the last couple of months have started doing more cardio each night - (mainly fast paced walking, slow jogging). I have seen a lot of posts with people talking about they did StrongLifts 5x5 etc. What exactly is that? I haven't really had time to research it so if I could get some information from people on here who do it, it would be wonderful.

I have lost 65 lbs and have another 65 to go. I eat relatively clean - I do have slip ups - I do eat some processed foods, but no where at the levels I used to. I try to food prep each weekend and make up chicken, sweet potatoes, eggs etc to be sure I stay on track.

I like the boot camp classes but am really wanting to improve my strength, stamina and appearance and don't want to take another 18 months to do it.

I have a weight bench with an olympic bar and limited plates at home that we bought for my son to start using but I have never delved much into the free weights - other than dumb bell usage at the boot camp classes.

Any advice and suggestions would be apprerciated.



  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 ( is a strength training program for beginners to weight lifting. It focuses on four basic compound lifts (Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Pendlay Rows). Compound lifts work multiple muscle groups as opposed to isolation lifts which focus on specific muscles. It allows you to start with only the bar, and gradually progress in your strength gains. The program is available for free (Ebook, videos, tracking spreadsheet).

    Other options, if you are a reader, consider getting a copy of either Starting Strength, or The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Both are excellent guides that teach you a lot about proper form, which is important to prevent injury, and also for your progression. A good muscular progression routine can help you look toned, and also builds muscle which is important for your metabolism. Before you start though, make sure that you are eating enough, as fuel is important, and also, go slowly through your progression, being sure to rest. If there's anything else you'd like to know, message me. Otherwise, good luck!
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    Oh wow if you have a bar that is great place to start!! I dream of one day having a bar at home. *misty eyes*

    Depending on the bench set up you might still struggle with squats, you need a rack high enough so you can get underneath. But I would suggest starting anyway, using just as much as you can press above your head and onto your shoulders. Most people take a while to get the squat movement right, so even just the bar is good to start practicing with.

    You might also need a spotter for bench press once you start to increase the weight.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    Yes to StrongLifts! Get the smart phone app and join the group :D YAY!!!
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    didn't know there was a smart phone app - will have to look into that - getting excited to see what I can really accomplish. If I tell my son I need a spotter it will get him down there as well and he won't want his mama to show him up :)