Barefoot running.

Just watched a video on the injuries of runners who run in "expensive" running shoes, compared to barefoot runners.

What do you think, what do you run in (expensive or inexpensive running shoes), have you had injuries, if so what were/are they?


  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I get the barefoot running thing because where I grew up, we never wore shoes in the summer. So I understand first-hand (or first-foot) how feet toughen up, and that it can be a perfectly healthy thing to do. That said, where I live I just see too much glass on the roads to attempt it full time. I do occasional short runs barefoot on grass just for the fun of it, and might try to incorporate more of that.

    My usual shoes, which are Saucony Kinvara, have a fairly low drop (4 mm), and I just bought a pair of more minimal, zero-drop shoes (Merrell Dash Glove) but I haven't tested them out yet. I can't wear the five-finger shoes because they only make them for people with stubby toes, not for those of us with long, gracefu--okay, seriously mutant toes.

    In the past, I've worn heavy, built-up shoes as well. Never had a serious injury in any shoe, but I prefer the lighter, lower-drop ones. I can feel that they work my calves more.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    looks interresting but I cannot run barefoot or even with the barefoot 5 toe shoe thingy. I can't even tolerate complete flat shoes with little arch support for long periods of time. I have wonky feet/arches. :/

    The closest I've gotten is the Nike Free but I can't run in those regularly.
  • rayvaughn76
    rayvaughn76 Posts: 4 Member
    I tried running in minimalist shoes on and off for a year (New Balance Minimus Trail). I find it puts too much strain on my calves, and I would occasionally suffer muscle strains that would take a couple of weeks to heal. I recently went back to a more padded shoe for running, and my calves feel much better. I still wear the minimalist shoes for walking/hiking, as I do believe there are clear benefits to using them.
  • catrunsintowindow
    catrunsintowindow Posts: 77 Member
    I run in Vibram 5 fingers. It definitely took me a while to sort out proper technique so I wasn't killing my calves (the people who say 'just barefoot and your feet will figure it out' are BIG FAT LIARS :p). But once I did, I like it SO MUCH MORE.

    - My feet feel stronger and happier. I used to come home begging my boyfriend for foot rubs, now I only feel that way when I'm wearing normal people shoes at work.
    - I feel more stable running, like I'm getting more output for the energy I'm putting in.
    - Shinsplints are GONE! I used to get pain in my shins after as little as 1K running, and now... NOTHING. It's glorious.
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    Great feedback! I guess it's a matter of personal choice that one has to try and figure out what works.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I run in five fingers. I find it much easier. I have no idea if my form is proper but it sure feels better.

    I'm not sure what to do now, though, as I have a badly injured pinky toe and running in the five fingers would be extremely painful compared to buddy tape + normal shoe. Guess I'll have to investigate minimalist shoes without individualized toes.