Looking for friends to keep me going hard core!

Hey All,

I've been a member of this site for some time and I'm down about 70 lbs from my absolute highest weight a few years ago, some of you might even remember my epic debates with Vegans on the pros and cons of meat eating (always respectful and informed debates, I have great respect for my Vegan and Veggie friends) but the last 7 weeks or so I've become hard core again, really eating lean and hitting the gym. I'm super motivated after many attempts to restart my efforts over the last year or so but this time it's different, I'm in the zone and I'm really seeing results. I'm back down a couple of pant sizes and I think I'm not far off my lowest weight. I've set aside the scale for now because I'm doing great without it and I'm just focusing on other results like increased muscle definition and my clothes fitting differently. I will weigh myself at some point, but for now, I don't need to.

My goal is to get ripped for the first time in my life. I'm going to take it all the way!

So if you are interested in coming along for the ride or need a little extra support yourself, friend me.
