Been putting off weight lifting

Today I am finally going to start, and to be honest I'm still pretty intimidated by the whole thing. I'm not giving myself a choice this time, I signed up for a class this term so I have to be somewhat committed and can't chicken out. I'm just not sure what to expect, except that it's going to be hard and embarrassing.

Any encouragement is more than welcome. I'm more nervous about this class than any other class I'm starting this term.


  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    I just started an Olympic weight lifting class this month. Three times a week for four weeks. Last night was my first night and I learned how to do a deadlift. Today I am sore, but I love it! I know this will help my core strength and will really help me with my fitness goals!!

    You can do this! Just take the first step and enjoy the class!!!
  • Bigal5565
    Bigal5565 Posts: 12
    your gonna be really sore the first week. but thats good! you've shocked your body and broken up all that acid build-up on your muscles. after the first week it will get easier. dont be intimidated. everybody is in there for the same reason. they're trying to improve themselves in one way or another. and the more muscle you have, the more calories your gonna burn durring exercise! so if your doing any kind of exercise regiment, lifting just a few days a week is gonna help in so many ways.