
Starting at 180, I went down to 158 in a matter of a few months. Following the Atkins plan + calorie conscious and joining a gym - all terriffic things. Then I compeltely fall off the wagon and am back up to 163. I almost feel as though I'm back to 180! It's just so hard to do this. As much as I want to be healthy and happy and heck, I must day I want to be thin... it's such a struggle. Watching other people have ice cream cake at work or ignoring the potato chips. While the Atkins plan truly does wonders for me physically, mentally and eliminates my GERD, it does cause an almost jealous feeling watching people eat what I cannot have. I'm frustrated to the point of wanting to just cry over it. I'm losing motivation because it's just hard, darn it. It just is. I'm not much of a junk food person really, but because I KNOW I can't have i, I want it. And that's hard. I want to be 30 pounds lighter so much it hurts. This hill is really hard to climb.

Thanks for listening.


  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Give up the Atkins plan. Its those types of plans that restrict people from certain foods that makes it hard for people to follow through with it in the long run.

    Keep going to the gym, keep being calorie concious and you will still be successful.

    If I was able to manage a piece of cake, cookies, or ice cream when I was eating 1200 calories a day that proves it is possible to still eat the treats you love. In the beginning it is a little restrictive but as your calorie levels increase the closer you get to maintenance level you will be able to eat more.

    Im on 1430 calories and can easily fit in a bowl of ice cream, a piece of cake, or whatever other treat I want. I just measure what i am eating and all is good. The only thing I am restricted from is the giant portion sizes and I can easily live without that. Instead of cutting a piece of cake however big I want I measure/ weigh it. Same with ice cream--dont over flow a huge bowl. I either use the measuring cup or put the bowl on the scale and weigh it in grams.
  • meljane28
    meljane28 Posts: 17
    I understand your frustration! And believe me you are not alone....we all have days when we just want to cry or give up.

    You only gained back 5 pounds though and you have already accomplished a lot! Think of it, you have still lost a net of 17 pounds. That is excellent work! Also remember that some days you will feel heavier than others- whether from bloat or hormones or whatever is going on. But if you keep working hard you WILL succeed!
  • juliekins64
    juliekins64 Posts: 125 Member
    100% agree with Kelley528
    One piece of cake didn't make you fat and denying yourself a piece once in a while won't make you skinny.
    Everything in moderation, even moderation.